

Mr. Colbourne bet Mrs. Wheatley that Charlotte wouldn’t last the week. Is that just because he didn’t have faith in Charlotte or does that speak to his own insecurities?

Nobody stays. Nobody thinks the Colbourne family worth putting up with. The pretty, forthright Miss Heywood will be gone just like the rest…

Random Heyborne Thought: Subtext

Listen Ben Lloyd-Hughes is an actor that gets Austen. He understands that subtext is king in these kinds of stories. Love hearing him talk about how acting a scene is about saying one thing with words but another with the eyes or body language. And boy does this understanding shine through in his scenes.

Take the argument about the spinet. Alexander enters and gets upset about Charlotte playing it. This could have been a simple one note emotional scene. AC is angry. But instead we get this really rich nuanced series of emotions.

He comes to the door and looks surprised and confused. He doesn’t immediately stop her. Then he seems to remember himself and takes a hesitant step forward. He says “Stop” but not in a commanding shout. It’s this half-strangled thing. As if he is choked with emotion and he needs her to stop because he doesn’t want to keep feeling that emotion.

Then he is in the room, the music stops, he is still talking in that lowered tone. Until he turns to Augusta, then it grows stronger and stronger still when Leo comes racing in (goodness I love those girls!). Now we get the grumpy, angry guardian but not for long.

Then we jump to the library and there is more bickering but Charlotte is more upset than he is (and this isn’t about Rose Williams but she also does amazing!). Indeed it’s like he can feel her slipping away, he has had this conversation with many other governesses before.

But this time he wants her to stay. He doesn’t want her to leave and it’s so clear in the way he asks her if she wishes to leave. Like there were so many ways to say that line and he picked the one that makes him sound just a little bit scared at the thought.

And THEN we get three syllables that probably weren’t meant to become some kind of fandom call but GUYS. “Tomorrow then” is gonna be on shirts and stickers because it’s ICONIC. And that is a 100% down to the way he says it. Just. YEah.

Listen I am obsessed with Heybourne. I am gonna maybe need to write a thousand words or more on my feelings. Cause there are a lot of them.

sanditon renewed for season 2 and 3! we won

cloak and dagger, marvel’s runaways, awae and now sanditon. i’m TIRED of all my shows getting cancelled

fandom: Sanditon

pairing: sidney x charlotte

rating: explicit

words: 2953

chapters: 1/1


Charlotte Parker has some news to share.

additional tags: smut + fluff, childhood feels, honeymoon phase


My very first Sanditon fanfic!!! It’s also the first story I write that it’s set in the 19th century so I’m very excited to share this with you. 

 A very special thanks to my lovely beta @breefraser 


Sidney Parker: “It was hardly fair of you to ambush me like that.”

Charlotte Heywood: “I could assure you it was not deliberate on my part.”

Sidney Parker: “Nor mine.”

Charlotte Heywood: “Well then.”

Sidney Parker:  
