






#wannafuckher #nicetits


Also also— here’s even more adorable fanart of these two Artist on Twitter @p_picaro


They’ve been running for so long…



Scorbunny is the fandom xD

It’s like…….

“Hahaha you’re so gay my boy but you don’t know it yet.” xD





Ash and Gou || ep12


I love this two dorks so!! :3


Koharu is such a mood like-


Rest In Peace, king


Sebastian Kisses….. yes please!


So, Doll, wanna hang out today? I don’t feel very well today. *Bucky whines, getting out of bed*


He looks so soft I cannot


Dirty little secret


Warnings; Angst, Cheating, flashbacks. 18+

A/n; Thank you for the feedback on part one There will be a part 3 just to clear things up. I hope you all enjoy this one.

She is at Nats for a few days and she feels so broken.

Nat gently coaxes to eat and she does shaking, she misses Bucky, he has been texting every day.

It doesn’t matter he will move on, she knows he will…

She still feels guilty and like shit.

“Sweetheart”. Nat says softly. “You can’t help who you fall in love with”.

She sniffs wiping her eyes.

“I love him so much Nat, ever since we met”..


Three months previous.

She settles at the back of her favourite bookstore, she is so lost in her book that she doesn’t hear someone settle in the seat next to her until an umbrella is soaking her in the face.

She hears a swear and giggles as this cute guy with longish dark brown hair, blue eyes and the sweetest smile looks apologetically at her.

“Sorry doll”. She smiles.

“It’s fine, I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you, even if you made me all wet”. He chuckles.

“I’m Bucky, real name is James, Bucky for short”. She notices his wedding ring and sighs, of course, he is married.

“Let me buy you, a coffee, or tea as an apology?”. She bites her lip.

“I don’t think that is a good idea”. She gestures to his ring and he smiles warmly.

“Hey, I can’t promise you won’t fall in love with me but it’s just tea” she smiles then nods

They ended up talking all afternoon.

They didn’t actually sleep together until about two weeks of chatting, he told her about his marriage, it was cold and unloving purely a business marriage, set up by his father who had passed away, he wanted a guenine marriage, a loving and faithful marriage not a sham like the one he has.

She explained that she didn’t have that much experience, she was still waiting for that great love.

One night he came to her house after an argument with Dana, he was fuming and she was just fresh out a shower in her night shirt and tiny shorts.

“I’ll go put something else on”. She murmurs as the air had turned dangerous, she flushes at his intense gaze.


“Sorry, you’re beautiful, warm, kind. You’re nothing like Dana”. He moves closer and she swallows. This has been simmering between them for weeks.

“We can’t”. His lips are closer and closer and then they are kissing up against the wall.

“Bucky we can’t”. She moans, but god she is so fucking aroused.

He nods and pulls away.

“You’re right”. They stare at each other again and they kiss again, this time they don’t stop as her shirt is torn away and he swears as she is naked bar her little shorts.

“Fuck, you’re breathtaking”. He hitches her up carrying her to her room and god the pleasure is unreal as they have the most incredible sex. Her nails dig into his back and shes sure she has left marks, while he leaves lovebites all over her breasts.

It’s raw and borderline animalistic and she loves it and fuck Bucky has amazing stamina.

As the night ticks on, she can’t get enough of him. She loves watching him fall apart as she pleasures him, his hands fisted in her hair and the guttural moans that leave him, turn her on more.

He soon returns the favour as he stares up at her and he has her legs spread wide and she is shaking with pleasure as he kisses along her abdomen then move lower.

“You like that gorgeous?”. She nods and grips his hair as he fucks her with his tongue relentlessly until she’s screaming his name, he only lets her come when he is buried inside her once more finding his own orgasm.

Bucky lays beside her after kissing her neck

“Doll, I swear that was the best sex I’ve ever had, you’re a little minx”.

She giggles and kisses him

After ten minutes she watches as he gets up.

“Don’t you cuddle?”. He looks at her amused.

“Cuddle?”. She grins.

“Yeah, it is really nice, come here”. He obeys and looks so awkward and it makes her giggle, she snuggles into his chest, hooking her leg over his and he tentatively strokes her hair.

He finally relaxes.

“Yeah, this is nice”.

*End of flashback*

She rubs her stomach feeling low at least she has this sweet baby, a part of James. The tears come again and Nat holds her as she sobs.

“I hate myself, I’m a horrible person”. Nat rests her head against hers as she cries into Nat’s shoulder, she got lost in a fairy tale and now it has ended and she’s heartbroken.

Bucky slaps the divorce papers down in front of Dana who smirks at him.

“That’s not happening”. Bucky growls losing patience, he isn’t in the mood for this. He’s lost his girl and he still doesn’t know why. He wants out of this marriage

“I thought you would say that, but you don’t have anything over me”.

Dana smirks.

“No, not you but I will make that y/n woman’s life hell”. Ice freezes in his chest and he swears.

“What the fuck did you do?”. She smirks

“Made the dirty whore see her place, of course, I mean really James? Her? Riff raff”. He vibrates with rage.

“Don’t, don’t you dare, speak about her like that, she is amazing, you are just a fucking bitch”.

“Son, enough, Dana, a word”. Dana freezes.

“Mrs Barnes”. He smiles as his mother glares at her, coming in.

“Exactly who do you think you are manipulating my son? Bullying my daughter? You will sign these papers and you will disappear from his life, you will leave the woman he loves alone, Your name is nothing in the business world without my son so why you think you are some big shot I don’t know”.

Dana pales.

“Mrs Barnes”.

“I also know about your affairs, stealing our money and flaunting it on drugs and shit, Oh and Mrs Daniels knows about your affair with her husband so I would kiss your society credit goodbye”.

Dana’s face drains of colour and Bucky steps in.

“Sign it, I’ve given you two hundred grand and an NDA order is on it if you or anyone else you know come anywhere near my girl you will regret it”. She signs and swears.

“God, Barnes you are pussy whipped by a little writer whore, who would have thought it”. His smirk drops.

“Oops did I say two hundred thousand? I meant fifty thousand, still, you’ve signed it now and remember one word and I’m suing your ass”.

He kisses his mothers cheek and she smiles

“Follow your heart darling”.

He does. He has to find y/n.



⚠️⚠️THIS IS JUST TOO MUCH!!!! ⚠️⚠️


quiero encontrarte sin buscarte
