#smoke and smile


“The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.”

I have the worst migraine today I got sick in a customers bathroom and kept right on working. Smoked a little at lunch and it helped the nausea, but didn’t touch the pain. I’d really love to just go home and lay down. Only 2 more hours

Soooooooo on my last day of vacation, my wallet with my last $500 was stolen out of my bag. AND to put the cherry on top the transmission went out on our truck on the way home. We made it home safe, but I have $3 and no food.

If each of my followers sent me $1 I’d be just fine, anything would help. I could really use the help.


Taking some Phantom Cookies to the beach w/me

Delicious cross between Cherry Pie and Grandaddy Purp, I’m in love
