#stranger things



Thinking about Max’s braids this season. Did she do them herself? Was she quietly unable to sleep thinking about her dead brother and her ex boyfriend and her friends and how she’s been targeted by one of their most powerful enemies yet and just . Softly braiding her own hair? Wishing things were easier? To have some sense of control and normalcy while she’s cursed? Did someone else do it for her? Did Robin or Nancy stay up trying to comfort her and braid her hair to try and make her feel better? Did one of the boys do it? They wouldn’t have had time to do in the day while on the move so much so it had to have been late at night. Was she up, alone, scared, thinking about her own death and trying to tune it out by doing her hair?

Robin’s (Probably) Canon Natal Chart

I got the date from the Stranger Things wikia, which got it from a tie-in novel, so… take it with a grain of salt.

She has Sun in Pisces. Her Moon could be either Cancer or Leo depending on the time. I do love the Pisces Sun + Aqua Mercury/Venus combo for her.

I can totally believe she’d have a good mind for music and languages with those aspects, plus difficulty focusing. That’s why I emphasized the 2nd and 3rd houses. The Sun/Pluto opposition is someone who feels they have to hide part of themselves.

Aries Saturn/Mars could speak to her being constantly cockblocked lol. It shows a level of ferociousness and energy that has a hard time gauging when to unleash that effort and when to hold back.

Looking back, I probably should have given her a late Sag rising instead.

I’m easing my worries about Steve dying by reminding myself he’s probably just going to turn into a vampire or develop Upside Down cancer from the bat bites

Thank you Suzie for confirming that Dustin is a Gemini with a Leo Moon!

I did his chart really quickly above. I guessed Libra Rising, but I might change it.

I do like the 3rd house Jupiter/Neptune + 9th house Gemini Sun. “Why are you closing this curiosity door on us?!”

I don’t like how negatively aspected and dramatic the Leo Moon is, but I do think the sign and 11th house is fitting.

More interested in Steve’s career aspirations than his romantic life tbh.

I want him to become a coach for Hawkins High who genuinely cares about his athletes becoming well rounded, kind individuals, and then maybe falls in love with the new guidance counselor. I’d watch 5 seasons of that. Or he joins the Hawkins police force because someone with supernatural knowledge should be on the inside.

This is all assuming he doesn’t die of demon bat rabies, of course…


If you were to write a Stranger Things spin-off, who or what would it be about?

Suzie’s family.

No supernatural shit, even. Just Cheaper By The Dozen/ Mormon/ amateur filmmakers shenanigans.
