#the elder scolls online


What if Darien is a piece of Meridia the way Barbas is a piece of Clavicus and they have a fight and he takes over and Darein liberates all the purified and starts doing actual good?

Maybe others already did this, but here’s how Tamriel’s leaders woyld respond to a Cobid pandemic:

Abnur Tharn: Enforces a lockdown in the Imperial City, lots of guards patrolling. Protests errupt in the poorer neighborhoods, city guards make a lot of arrests. Peryite worshippers are hunted down and executed. Most of the city survives.

The Tribunal: they ask Fyr to research the virus and he develops a vaccine. It works. Occasionally it has severe side effects. Those people vanish.

Khamira: Rimmen opens the floodgates on the Aqueducts, ensuring the whole region has water to keep clean. Temple monks walk the desert spreadig awareness and safety tips.

Ayrenn: Altmer get really into mask wearing, exceptionally well crafted, and aesthetically pleasing. They have no trouble social distancing. Mostly foreigners die in Summerset.

Jorunn: Laughs. Skyrim is too cold for viruses.

The Hist: makes argonians immune. Argonians go about their swampy lives and are happy.

Emeric: lots of bretons get sick and people leave Daggerfall in a panic. Emeric makes a deal with the mages guild and fighters guild, who help develop and disseminate a treatment. Daggerfall and Wayrest are very affected but those who have fled to the hills are mostly fine. Some return rather pale…

The Silvenar and the Green Lady:Sick bosmer walk into the wood to be torn appart by wild beasts. Hircine intervenes and asks Peryite to cut the shit. Strange and beautiful flowers sprout from the dead. Their petals have a healing ingredient but no one ever finds out becausr of the green pact.

Did i forget anyone?

What is it with all these Reach folk telling me to get laid? Drink? Ok. Eat? hell yeah! Find a companion for my bed? Ummm i’m good, no thanks. 

Unless the Ravenwatch can spare Fennorian for a night hehe 


But can i just say how happy i am Sai finally got his Shehai boner when thinking of Lyris!

And what big one it was!

Wedding. Doodle. Vanus commenting on Mannimarco’s choice of colors…

Wedding. Doodle. Vanus commenting on Mannimarco’s choice of colors…

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We just released a VERY special build for all the PvNO players out there:^)
Unlike our other content, this build is not made for killing… It’s made for hassle-free questing. Gank-proof. Tryhard-proof. Ideal for turtling up, popping Introspection and letting the waves beat against the cliff in vain (the cliff is you). Endeavors? Fishing? Questing? Exploring the hidden treasures of ESO’s biggest zone? This build will be your shield (two shields, actually). Nibenese Trout Green stamp of approval.

 “The name Arkay will be stuck from the records. Only I shall hold sway over life and death. O

“The name Arkay will be stuck from the records. Only I shall hold sway over life and death. Only one name shall be whispered in fear. The name of your lord and master.”

Commissions are open!
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My Vestige- Aida DorelianCommissions are open!{commissions info}

My Vestige- Aida Dorelian

Commissions are open!
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Do you guys think The Tribunal sleep in one bed like the power puff girls?

Commissions for the lovely @mimabeann featuring their, @wilvarin-chanand@delavairess ’s OCs

Thank you again for commissioning me!


Drawing mermaids is my guilty pleasure so I’ll be offering a little discount for full body commissions depicting mermaids this month The new prices are:

  • 5 colours palette sketch - 20€
  • coloured sketch - 25€
  • cell shaded - 45€
  • illustration - 70€

You can contact me here or at [email protected]

ClickHERE for more information about my commissions!

 “Draw me like I’m holding a Baar Dau”

“Draw me like I’m holding a Baar Dau”

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