#thin to fat


One year difference. Both empty bellies can’t wait for next year when I can look back and think “wow I was so much tinier!”

After math of a big bag of Cheetos. Don’t worry there was plenty of room for ice cream

I’m in a dilemma. I have a family sized bag of Cheetos in my pantry and a carton of ice cream in my freezer. Both will be gone by tomorrow but I don’t know if I want a snack or dessert first?

I checked my weight today, and although I haven’t gained anything since my last weigh in, I can’t help but be proud of the belly I have gained in the last year.

Is it just me, or am I looking a little rounder? I’m so ready to get some dinner, I’m starving!

My belly is getting so big, and I barely ate today!

Still getting bigger. I struggled to get all of my belly hang in the shot. I can’t believe I used to be so small and thin. I never imagined I could hide my hands under my gut or being so big that I couldn’t see my feet without looking over my round protruding belly.

Well… I bought batteries for my scale finally. Not as much as I thought but still a significant amount for the past 2-3 months. I was 171 the last time I stepped on a scale in October. I’m now 179.4. I’m sure the scale will jump in the next few weeks with what I’ve been eating.

Tonight I had an entire basket of chips and salsa and a huge chimichanga with the fixings. I’m not even slightly full! Glad I got some tacos to go. I don’t want to go to bed hungry.

A slightly full body pic. I feel like this really shows off how much wider I’m getting. Not just in my gut, but in my arms and all. Everything is getting softer and doughier.

You know sometimes I’m truly shocked at how much I’m blowing up. I struggle to understand how I’m getting so damn big and round.

I walk 5 miles a day at work, I bend and lift. I’m active outside of work yet every day my belly, ass, thighs, breasts, arms, everything is bigger. My clothes are snugger, my face is plumper.

I can never figure out how am I gaining so much weight?

Well… I stuffed myself last night with a meal that usually lasts for 2-3 meals, followed my ice cream. And tonight? A large pizza and beer, and I’m excited to get to dessert.

These eating habits are likely the contributors to the heavy bowling ball hanging off my midsection.

Hey @preggohousewife, you said you liked how my belly hung over my waistband in my other photo. What about this one?

More pictures from tonight. I’m still in disbelief of how big I’m getting, and can only imagine how much bigger I’ll be getting in the next few months. Captured an under belly and view from the top

Damn, even when I’m standing I look completely engorged. Feel free to gently tease me for getting so fat and round

So damned stuffed!! It’s times like these I would want a feeder because I could really use some belly rubs to make room for the carton of ice cream I picked up tonight.

Loving my belly hang and thick love handles

Dear Kate Marie,

I implore you to heed my advice.

The best revenge in life is living your life well. With this in mind I will not expose your profile information or proof you have stolen my content as your own. Instead, I encourage you to find your own path and self worth. I ask you to question why you felt the need to use other people’s pictures in place of your own. Do you feel unworthy or not good enough? Are you fantasizing about something you’re not? If so, why do you feel this way? Are you looking for some extra cash and capitalizing on others to do so? I’m honestly curious to your intentions and would LOVE for you reach out to discuss this further. I’ve been through quite the journey myself and have a bit of a professional background to help guide you down a better path.

To everyone following me and wondering what this post is about; an individual is using my content and is claiming it as their own on Kik.

A million thank you’s to the individual that brought this to my attention.

This is the ONLY platform I post on. If you see my photos anywhere but on tumblr, than it is an imposter.

ALSO, do not send money to ANYONE using my photos. I have had multiple offers to send me money. There are times I have been tempted to accept money but my moral and ethical beliefs forbid me to accept. I earn an honest salary. I started this blog to explore and enjoy my kink with others with a similar kink. This blog has boosted my confidence and body image. There is a mutual benefit for me and my followers that does not involve payment. If someone asks for money using my photos than it is not me.

Most of my recent gain has been in my hips, boobs, and back. I could barely get this shirt over my boobs and I’m definitely wider. I’m filling up more room in chairs and have even sat in a few my ass is too big for now. The last pic is me in standing, it really shows off my wider love handles.

The holidays have been great for my waistline

May have gained a bit more I can really tell when I’m walking how much more my belly jiggles. I feel the heft with every step

Thanksgiving has been good to me… well at least my waistline.

November? Of 2020

April 2021

