#this is amazing

monsterbrush: Instead of cleaning my paint brush, I made Pitch Black. painting is hard okay//FELL


Instead of cleaning my paint brush, I made Pitch Black.

painting is hard okay


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The best milk commercial ever

wait, THAT’S where that gif is from???

And that gif!

It is indeed one of the best commercials ever.


I DID IT!!! It only took me five different youtube videos, 10 seasons of Bob’s Burgers, and six trips to three different Michael’s. I don’t think I’ve ever in my life completed a project that wasn’t for a grade, as we speak I have four half finished art projects in my desk but I did THIS one. I’m so happy with myself and like it’s not perfect and I didn’t learn what a stitch actually was until I was 70% finished so it’s meant to be 5 different kinds of stitches but it’s more like 30 but it’s DONEEE. it’s not perfect (it might not even be good considering this is my first time even buying yarn) but i’ve spent the last two months with it and i’m so proud of myself


are you happy out there?

for ale @quokki

happy birthday my dearest beloved ale i hope you had an amazing day yesterday and may this year be filled with happiness and lots of hanji <3 thank you for being my wife and for all the pink flowers and good music recommendations you send me <3 life would be a lot more lonely without you



Need everyone to continue the historical inaccuracy gag into their art as well.

He accidentally yeet himself off-board.



Cat and Mouse …..

Meanwhile in Washington DC, people are projecting the Ukrainian flag on the Russian embassy (back entrance) & embassy staff trying to blank it out with a white light.

God, the embassy staff would’ve been smart to just say ‘fuck it’ and let the people project the flag. Sure, that’s not a good look, but this? This?

This is funny. This will spread farther than pictures/video of the flag just statically projected on the embassy would have. Instead of a basic article maybe remembered for a week, this is gonna make it immortalized as a meme.

Good on those activists, and boy howdy did those embassy workers fuck up.


Origami gift giving: slots open – Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day (21 Aug)

Hello! I know it’s just May, but from my experience with the origami advent last year + cos of uni stuff, I learned it was indeed a good idea to announce and open a project like this early. So, I’m doing it again. Thanks to @fantalfand@samyistrying for your support and helping me sort all this out, and to @andithieland@makeitp1nk for your encouragement


I’ll be folding one origami book each for fanfic writers who you’d like to show appreciation to! Customised based on their likes, personalities, and even things/vibes related to their fics. The books will also be filled with handwritten quotes from some of their works. You can submit a fic rec and/or message that you have for the writer, and I’ll post it along with the previously mentioned gifts. Examples of how the compilation into one post was done for the advent last year are here.


I’d love to spread appreciation for as many writers as possible through my projects, so I’ll be opening giftee entries to those who weren’t giftees in the origami advent. The list of the advent’s giftees is here!

I’ll be capping the recipients at 10 people.

Bonus ✨

If you buy me a ko-fi, I will be eternally grateful and make origami fanart + rec for a work of your choosing (either yours or someone else’s)! The art will include models that I’ll fold inspired by particular scenes and sometimes also vibes of the fic. Basically art based on the fic but in origami form! Example of art I did for the fic With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw is here. More examples of my origami recs are here. If you like, it can also be based on anything about the person in general ☺️

I’ll be capping this at 5 people.


For the 10 books, I’ll be posting a gift a day from 12-21 August. For the ko-fi bonus, depending on when you message me to discuss and finalise the details, I’ll work on it from the finalisation onwards and finish it ASAP. I aim to post all of those within August itself.

I’m opening all 15 slots from now itself, so drop me a message on tumblr or discord (crazybutgood#1379) if you’re interested! Feel free to hmu if you have any questions. Thank you ❤️

Number of slots available:

Normal (origami book) : 6 out of 10

Ko-fi: 3 out of 5


Forbidden Love

“ . ' , , . , .” ~ .


I have always wanted a forbidden love fanart for Elriel. The foreshadowing for this trope is too big to ignore, we have the mating bond with Lucien, then we got Rhysand forbidding Azriel to follow his feelings for Elain due to political reasons, the Blood Duel being brought up two times and Sarah wanting to write a broken bond story to name a few.

In the bonus chapter, Azriel confirmed they have shared small moments together, more than those we have seen mention by other characters. So my mind couldn’t stop picturing a scene were Azriel and Elain shared a secret, tender moment.

@livlochan is one of my favorite people so when she told me she would open commissions, I immediately told her my idea as I thought she would do an amazing job with it. She didn’t just bring my headcanon to life, she create a masterpiece of longing and secret love. Also can we talk about how both of them are blushing? It’s so damn cute and they both have blushed for each other in book canon!

This is for all my fellow Elriels. Don’t let the hatred bring you down.

And as Cassandra Clare once wrote . .


Characters belong to @therealsarahjmaas

Please treat people with kindness!

Shares are appreciated! Please provide credit to both artist and me





hello everyone, hope you enjoy this lab mouse adaptation of Frankenstein; I am completely exhausted

… i saw this without the caption at first and i thought it was a lab mouse desperately trying to fix his friend who had been sacrificed

The implications of “what if Frankenstein, but mouse” are vast and deserve careful follow-up and contemplation.


Took me seven weeks and many YouTube tutorials but here it is, my Wangxian-inspired patchwork cardigan!

I’m very fond of the buttons - a little pricy but I thought the cardigan deserved that extra detail









New sleep style: hitting the snooze button so many times that you sleep two additional hours in ten minute intervals. I call this Horse Sleep

Worse sleep. That was meant to say worse sleep

I Am So Fucking Tired

Literally immediately after reblogging this to correct it I went “wow, it has a reblog already?” And got all the way to checking my notifs before I realized. That it was me.

I actually wasn’t that far off you guys


Anyway horse sleep: sleep, but horse. Worse. Sleep but worse. Definitely one of the two.

We shall have a summer wedding

papaue00:Gun smoketwitter link: [x]


Gun smoke

twitter link: [x]

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leifmensch: Hi, As you may know by now, I’ve been re-doing my whole island, and with that comes the leifmensch: Hi, As you may know by now, I’ve been re-doing my whole island, and with that comes the leifmensch: Hi, As you may know by now, I’ve been re-doing my whole island, and with that comes the



As you may know by now, I’ve been re-doing my whole island, and with that comes the greatest pleasure of all time : finding new designs! So under this, I’m going to list all the creator code that I’ve saved in my game, enjoy

Keep reading

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painting a raccoon under a red light

The game stars Bill Laimbeer, who played for the Detroit Pistons of the NBA during a time when the team was notorious for aggressive and dirty, physical play.

The game takes place in the year 2031. Bill Laimbeer has become commissioner of a basketball league, fired the referees and created a style of play without rules. There are no fouls and use of weapons is perfectly legal.
