#toji fushiguro


Listen. I’ve only read the first volume of JJK but God damn am I in love with Gojo. Like hear me out and give me constructive criticism bc I have no clue about the bigger story.

So like reader (the beautiful and lovely you) Is dating Gojo but he’s been reclusive ever since he took on training the three brats (two more than he was training before). You are like a mother to Megumi like Gojo is his father so when his real daddy shows up *the very sexy toji fushiguro* it gets a bit complicated.

One hand you hate him for abandoning little megumi but God dammit. The way his muscles ripple under that damn shirt. It feels wrong to be having such thoughts since you’re dating gojo…. but it wouldn’t hurt to have a bite now would it?

There you go. I’m so fucking depressed right now and this is what I offer. Hopefully when I feel better I can actually do more

minors dni

Okkkk the Toji pr0n star is Natsuya Togawa. He does’t look a like him (face-wise) but fr he fucks like Toji (at least in my brain also pls he got them tiddies a bit). Yeah it’s all acting but u know shit’s getting real when the ladies forget those high pitched moans. And dude……they forget them a lot with him. He communicates. Gentle af (kisses you when it hurts. Ladies smile like little girls when he does this :< hngggggg) but when he about to nut…..he fucks til you break (see 3rd link)

link warning (pr0n links. Open responsibly):


Toji is gentle. He watches every response he can decipher from your face. Guides you through everything. He knows it gets painful too when he bottoms out that’s why he laps all your painful moans.

He is gentle but when he gets to chase his high, he will fucking break you. No words can get through his ear. No arm can stop how fast and hard he thrusts. Just ride with it.
