


I honestly dont blame Eve for trying to beat the shit out of Villanelle on the bus. Imagine ur assassin gf declared her love for you and then shot you, it’s been what, 6 months? you’re taking the bus to work and you look up to find said hot assassin gf smugly walking down the aisle towards you in a 3 piece suit; and she acts as if it’s a coincidence that you see each other. (I mean look at her)

I too would think oh fuck you and try to get a few hits in (probably knowing you’ll lose) gain the upper hand by kissing her and immediately head butting her afterwards.

what an absolute power move


Quick question: why does Eve scream unintelligibly everytime she gets into a physical tussle with Villanelle? Did someone at MI6 tell her that loud noises scare off assassins? Is it some sort of mating call that she knows will make Villanelle grab her and pin her down? I need answers

tumblr killing eve analysts are the best


You guys that kiss! we didn’t expect it, they didn’t expect it! like Eve just went and did that.

But, I don’t know if you noticed, but it’s Villanelle who looks at Eve’s lips, it’s V that shows that want. And still she’s not the one doing it because, incredible to think, she apparently has boundaries. Being on that bus shows all of her intentions and her interest and whatever we already know. But Eve was supposed to be dead, was alive and didn’t bother to search for her, was on that bus and started a fight with her. V would have never assumed, would have never believed it was a possibility, not in that specific moment at least, and so she restrained herself. So much for that power over Eve, or despite Eve, that just crumbles then and there to the point that she doesn’t know what to do with herself.

As for Eve, I have no idea what she was thinking and probably she doesn’t either? But from the moment she was pinned down, she didn’t for even a split second brake eye contact. The unwavering and resolute and focused way in which she just keeps looking into those eye and into V herself and fuck the perfume and the people and the bus and the world and whatever boundaries she might have had: Eve just wants Villanelle, and kissing her is the only thing she can do to admit it aloud. Of course they were both somehow shocked and also high after that. Congrats to V for being able to stand up and walk on her own feet.

Also, is this the first time Eve is actually giving V something she wants?


Eve and Villanelle: The Dance of Two Hearts, One Beat


I can’t believe we predicted a dance between them and it ended up coming true. I’ve always been a sucker for my ships to have a slow dance together so this scene satisfied me a lot.

I love that it starts off with Eve and Villanelle just talking to each other. After everything that these two have been through together it was nice to take a moment and allow them to just have a casual conversation—albeit, it included the discussion of murders, but what else can we expect from these two?

I liked the part when Eve is informing Villanelle about what Dasha had done, only for Villanelle to be off in her own world and then later changes the subject. The reason why I love that moment is because—for those who have read the books—that felt very similar to how Villanelle acts in them. Eve describes how Villanelle sometimes goes off in her own world and she can’t reach her, so she just waits for her to come back, and I feel like that’s what happened here. Where Eve was trying to talk with her but she was off somewhere else, but then when Villanelle engages with her on a different topic Eve just goes along with it. 

There’s something sweet about how Eve seems to recognize when Villanelle has these moments of not really being present—more so just talking at her—but she doesn’t snap her out of it. Instead, she continues to speak to her and keep her company while it’s happening, even if her words aren’t being entirely taken in by Villanelle. 

I also love that Eve could tell that something was wrong with Villanelle. She could see that something was bothering her and causing her to be distant, which is when she then decides to ask Villanelle to join her in a dance. I feel like that was her way of trying to get her mind off of whatever was occupying her thoughts and to bring her back into the present with her.


The playful little shoulder shake and smile that she gives to Villanelle to get her to follow her was so cute and really should be appreciated more. It’s the first time where we’ve seen Eve being so playful with Villanelle, and even a bit flirtatious. Then, for Villanelle to look so unsure of herself and nervous about dancing was quite endearing. It’s such a great shift in the dynamic of these two, where we see Villanelle pushed completely out of her comfort zone and Eve being the one who looks in control and is helping to navigate her in this new environment.

The little bickering moment that they had about who was leading who was also really adorable. I just love how unfiltered and honest they are with each other. How Eve snaps at Villanelle as if they’ve been married for forty years and for Villanelle to openly confess she has no idea what she’s suppose to be doing. Something that probably doesn’t come easy to admit for someone who is deeply narcissistic. It was sweet to see how Villanelle felt comfortable enough with Eve to let her know that she was way out of her comfort zone, and for Eve to take notice of how she was feeling (yet again) and helping her through it.


Then it goes into—probably my favorite part of the dance—which was when they both closed their eyes and got transferred back into their own world together. Everything about this moment I’m in love with.

I loved the detail of how when they do close their eyes the music then fades away and becomes distant. Such a great symbolic choice to make. Eve and Villanelle have such a deep connection with each other that in that moment they don’t even exist on the same plane as those around them. That’s why I love the pull out shot where it shows them both dancing together in the middle of the dance floor. Although, they’re dancing with others next to them they couldn’t be further from everyone else. As soon as they allow their souls to re-connect they’re once again swept away and exist only with each other for the rest of the scene.

They finally find the beat to their own rhythm and after a short pause Villanelle spots an older couple dancing together, and asks Eve if she wants to be like that. What’s great about this shot is that it continues to show how they’re far off together because when they both notice the couple, it felt almost like they were observing them from afar.

Eve then makes the response that she no longer desires that, which Villanelle does seem a bit upset by because—as we know—deep down she does crave some form of normalcy with someone, and she wants to share that with Eve.


One of the best moments though is how Eve responds to Villanelle next. After, asking Eve why she doesn’t want that anymore, Eve makes the comment: “We’d never make it that long. We’d consume each other before we got old.”

“We”…that’s the part that got me. When I first watched this moment I actually wasn’t thinking about how Eve and Villanelle were referencing their relationship when looking at the older couple. I had initially assumed Villanelle was asking Eve about being happy with someone and growing old together with them, not necessarily with her.

So, when Eve then used the word “we” and referenced them getting old together, I was freaking out. We’ve never had them discuss a future together this openly before. Sure, there was the season two finale where Villanelle told Eve about her plans to take them to Alaska. But for that particular incident she was just making it up on the fly and was more in the head space of having “won” Eve. It wasn’t so much a discussion and more of an ownership of taking Eve with her. But, here, we actually get a moment where they try to imagine a possible future together, how it may look, and I love Eve’s response in regards to them consuming each other. 

I think she’s correct in her assessment that if they were to have a future as a couple it would be all consuming for both of them. It wouldn’t be a normal relationship like others have. It would be intense, chaotic, destructive, peaceful, passionate, calming, insatiable, satisfactory…

Their connection is so deep and they’re both beautiful whirlwinds of chaos that being together would entirely consume them. By being together it would cause their “monsters” to find ultimate peace in each other, but it also can (as Villanelle said in the finale) encourage the other, which would result in insurmountable destruction. But, what makes me swoon for these two is how Villanelle responds with: “That sounds kind of nice.”—and the way that Eve’s face softens when she says that shows that she thinks so too!!

That’s what is so beautiful about their relationship. Whether it’s “good or bad” to be together in terms of how society may view it, for them it doesn’t matter. Their relationship transcends norms and is something completely above any regular connection that people have with each other that it can’t be viewed with such simplicity or morality. I can understand why Sandra keeps reiterating how their relationship is undefinable, because it’s true. What they have together is a connection at its most purest and intense form. These two understand each other like no one else can and connect with such intimacy that it is beyond beautiful to watch.


One of the sweetest moments is when Villanelle tells Eve that she’s killed many people and how Eve simply responds with: “I know.” Then to see how Villanelle becomes genuinely touched by her words. There was no judgement in Eve’s voice, nor did she shy away from her. Instead, Eve acknowledged what Villanelle has done and accepted that part of her. That’s exactly what Villanelle has been searching for throughout this entire season, to find someone who would accept the totality of who she was. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Villanelle saying that line was almost exactly what she said to her mother.

Both times Villanelle was trying to find someone to understand and accept her, but with her mom she rejected her darkness and thought her to be a monster. But, with Eve, she understood her darkness and embraced her monstrosity because she too had that within her.

This dance was such a great way to reunite these two again. Not only was it heartwarming to watch them fumble and then find peace in each other’s arms. But it was also so symbolic of their relationship. Their dynamic does feel like a dance between two partners, which is why I love the line when Eve asks Villanelle whose leading and she responds that she has no idea. I think that perfectly encapsulates these two. They’ve continued to stay in this forever dance together with neither knowing who truly is leading anymore. But, just like in their physical dance together in that scene, it doesn’t end up staying a “who is leading and who is following” dynamic anymore. Instead, they both decide to sway together—transforming their dance from being one who has a leader, to now both of them orbiting around the other.


I can’t get over villanelle saying “I’m not here for you” like their fight was purely eve defending herself against an assassin and no different from 1x05. it speaks so much to villanelle’s arrogance that she assumes eve is simply scared. like no villanelle, you murdered her best friend and tricked her into killing someone and then shot her and left her for dead after telling her you were in love with her AND she’s attracted to you in spite of it all (or because of it). she’s not scared dumbass, she’s angry at you.

jodiecomersource: “I actually don’t know what I was thinking. I was in a complete state of shock,”jodiecomersource: “I actually don’t know what I was thinking. I was in a complete state of shock,”jodiecomersource: “I actually don’t know what I was thinking. I was in a complete state of shock,”jodiecomersource: “I actually don’t know what I was thinking. I was in a complete state of shock,”


“I actually don’t know what I was thinking. I was in a complete state of shock,” Comer says. “During the day I was strangely calm because I didn’t think it would be me. But it also happened so fast. You’re standing in front of all of these people, and you want to say the right thing and don’t want to miss anybody. You want to soak it up, not rush it, and take it all in. I feel like I blabbered on a lot!”

Jodie Comer photographed for Variety (September 2019)

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Eve and Villanelle // Killing Eve
