#yasmin khan



I’m terrible at “having opinions about unfinished storylines” but

  • I really enjoyed the new DW episode
  • Finally some actual conflict between Yaz and the Doctor
  • Dan is a good egg. I like him. I want to be friends with him
  • The TARDIS oozing some ominous fluid and suddenly having distorted doors like. yes. yes to all of this. more like this please
  • I love how over-the-top tasteless the crystal-faced guys look, there’s so much stuff going on it shoots way above “tasteless” and ends up looking awesome
  • The Flux is yet another vague-thing-destroying-the-universe at first glance, but also it seems to be doing the same kind of thing the crystal-faced guys do when they kill people and use them to regenerate themselves? So hear me out: what if it’s another dying universe trying to absorb our own to renew itself
  • If it isn’t that, I hope it’s something equally as strange and interesting
  • But I’m just stalling for time because the best addition to the DW universe here by far is the fact that each human on earth has a designated emotional support space dog
  • Like. Can you imagine someone who was in a really bad situation regardless of the fact that the Flux is coming. Like idk, someone trapped under rocks. Or all alone in the middle of nowhere and afraid they might die of exposure. And out of nowhere a big soft grumpy dog arrives in a spaceship to save and protect them??
  • That’s all I’m going to think about for a while now bye

I’m thinking Yaz’s issues with the Doctor’s reticence are going to come to a climax and a resolution in this story. If it were anyone else from this century headwriting I’d fear for Yaz’s life (though if it were Moffat there’d no doubt be some kind of afterlife involved too) but I think Chibnall’s Doctor Who has been too feelgood for that.

Made a Whittaker!Master playlist and drew a cover for it because I’m that extra


“I wish this would go on forever.”



no but when thirteen said that shes not a bad date i thought i fucking misheard i thought i was going crazy it was so hard to concentrate after that

