


Crono: Hey bro, can I get a sip of that water?

Magus, holding a bottle: It’s not water.

Crono: Vodka! I like your style-

Magus: it’s vinegar.


Magus: it’s vinegar, pussy-


This has been in my head for far too long but… how about an Amphibia X Chrono Trigger AU?

These were hand drawn because I’m currently unable to make digital drawings so I might be a bit rusty… what do you think?



Crono, upon having just arrived at the Black Omen with the gang: So, what are our chances of succeeding?

Robo: Not high.

Magus, storming into the Black Omen: Do your thing, Dark Matter! SHAZAMMITYLAM!!

Lucca: Magus seems to be in high spirits, though!

Glenn: Or he’s finally lost it.

Marle, watching Magus tear the enemies limb from limb: He’s lost it.


2022 vs 2019

Redoing the poster now that the first chap is up >:)
