

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles?
Why not take a peek~?

Artwork by @keekotreecko(Twitter)

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles? Why not take a peek~?

Artwork by @faunakichi

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles? Why not take a peek~?

Artwork by AumaEbi (Twitter)

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles? Why not take a peek~?

Artwork by @AppleKnuckles (twitter)

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles?
Why not take a peek~?

Artwork by @arsanders

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles?
Why not take a peek~?

Artwork by @allythealienx

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles?
Why not take a peek~?

Artwork by @888xii

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles? Why not take a peek~?

Button (Merch) by zanyssins (twitter)

But wait, don’t you know this button can be upgraded into an enamel pin instead? How? By helping us surpass the stretch goals of course! Pre-order now!!

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles? Why not take a peek~?

Charm (Merch) by piophany (twitter)

But wait, this piece can only be obtained by helping us surpass the stretch goals! Pre-order now!!

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles?
Why not take a peek~?

Print (Merch) by @pandalana-art!

But wait, don’t you know this piece can be upgraded as a holographic print? How? by helping us surpass the stretch goals of course! Pre-order now!!

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Curious of what awaits you in our zine bundles?
Why not take a peek~?

Stickers (Merch) by @faunakichi!

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Introducing, Thea! Our thirteenth page artist for the zine!
(That’s all our page artists!)

Twitter: bbleventeen
Instagram: bleventeen

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Introducing, Straub! Our twelfth page artist for the zine!

Twitter: strauberrio
Weebly: strauberrio
Deviantart: strauberrio

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/

Introducing, Shivletto! Our eleventh page artist for the zine!

Twitter: Shivletto
Instagram: Shivletto

Store Link: https://jshkstarlight.bigcartel.com/
Carrd Link: https://jshk-starlight-zine.carrd.co/
