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aftg hc of the day: andrew asks neil to pick up sweets for him a lot. it’s usually not a big deal, just some ice cream or gummy worms, but andrew makes the mistake of asking neil to get him jelly beans. neil had never really looked for them before, and he ends up finding some decent ones. unfortunately for andrew right next to them are those fucking bean boozled ones. neil takes one look at them and decides he will risk everything if it means he can fuck with andrew. he carefully mixes them together in the larger bag he got, and just plays it off like he tried a few. andrew obviously doesn’t question it and neil heads off to do something else. about 20 minutes later he hears stomping up the stairs and he just knows he’s about to get murdered


The sxx exchange event is live, you can find my piece in the collection here - may post it on here when authors are revealed next week

#xue yang    #xiao xingchen    #song lan    


“i could fix him” “i could make him worse” well i could make him put cat ears on

#y yeah    



“Before You Embark On A Journey Of Revenge, Dig Two Graves”. what a stupid fucking quote. I’m killing way more than two people idiot

#xue yang    
rainbowd00dles: it’s #sorikuweek2021 so i did a redraw from 2014! 


it’s #sorikuweek2021 so i did a redraw from 2014! 

Post link
#soriku    #babies    #fanart    




good to known there is still magic in the world somewhere

You know what I needed today? This.

mxtxnet: the untamed + some time later…