Uh, the end of the 1st episode of Stranger Things S4 was creepy af.


requested crossover

What would happen if Ciri and Kassandra met?

#new dlc    #kassandra    
#thats cool    


Daredevil coming to fight Thanos


Peter Parker: Dr Strange is the best magician I have ever seen-

Scott Lang: *pulls card from behind Peter’s ear*

Scott Lang: Is this your card?

Peter Parker, *softly*: holy shit

#peter parker    #fav post    


there should be a rule if you reblog a post that’s like

“talk to me”

“ask me questions and i’ll answer honestly”

“ship me with someone”

“tell me your first impressions on me”

“anons talk to me”

so if you reblog it, you have to send something in to the person you reblogged it from


no offense but im going to get better and im taking all of you up with me


me as a detective walking up to look at a dead body: ok first of all, big mood,




idk how you watch catws and not pick up on the fact that sam is absolutely a mirror of steve… they even straight up say it in the film.

“I do what he does, just slower”

okay we gonna do this because Sam is a reckless motherfucker that absolutely mirrors Steve’s characterization and i’m goddamn tired of people grossly misinterpreting his character b/c it fits in better with their two dimensional therapy dog version of him

Sam doesn’t like taking orders, he’s not pliant or obedient. He does what he believes is right and damn the rules (sound familiar??). Theres a reason they fucking hit it off so well right from the start.

Following that we have Steve turning up on his doorstep looking like a building got dropped on him. And what does Sam do?

Yeah sure… I’ll let a couple of avengers who just told me everybody is out to kill them into my house. Sounds like a good time. It’s also a bit telling that Sam knows exactly where his suit is. Ten bucks says he’s actually tried to steal it before but couldn’t quite manage it on his own. 

And then we start getting into really no holds bar Sam:

Y'all like to forget Sam brought a two inch knife to a gun fight and won. Not to mention, he clearly walks around with a knife on him at all times… not just in his car, but on his person. 

Sam gives no fucks and will take you out. Winter soldier? Bitch try it

Some hydra fool who won’t stop talking Nazi nonsense?

Fuck this guy. he’ll take him on in nothing but a fucking t-shirt. 

Oh and remember that building that Steve jumped out of? Might as well top that by jumping out of the same one, just about 20 stories up.

Cool, cool, cool. 

Going feet first towards the rotor blades of a helicopter, knowing if you miss your legs are mulch?

No problem. 

Steve wants to track down an international maybe still brainwashed assassin?

When do we start?

And of course, this wouldn’t be complete without the penultimate Steve/Sam comparison. 

So to everyone who trashes him, or does him a disservice by making him out to be nothing more than a therapist who can fix Bucky and Steve I have one thing to say. In the immortal words of the legend Samuel Thomas Wilson himself, “Man, shut the hell up.”



just trying to do my bestpacito here

#fav post    



summary: steve tries making sam look good in front of the front desk girl 

pairing: sam wilson x reader

warnings: none i think !!


marvel taglist:@lionheo04@not-a-chain-of-dasies

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Sam Wilson.” 

Y/N propped her arms up on the desk amusedly, pen twirling in her fingers while smiling at the man in front of her who was casually dressed in running t-shirts and shorts.

“And if it isn’t my favorite receptionist, Y/N L/N.” He winked, leaning on the wooden desk top as she chuckled. 

“So, I was thinking.” He started, plucking up one of the fake flowers that rested in a vase on her desk, examining it nonchalantly. 

“Oh, were you now?” Y/N mused, continuing her work absentmindedly.

“I mean, I’m no photographer, but I can totally picture me and you together.” 

Y/N’s lips twitched as she tried to hold back a smile while glancing back up at him. But seeing his suggestively raise eyebrows, she couldn’t help but laugh, covering her mouth as an attempt to stifle it.

“I got you there!” Sam grinned, shooting his finger guns at her. 

“Enjoy it Wilson. That’s the only time it’ll work.” She pointed at him, still giggling.

“Sam!” Turning at the sound of his name, Sam greeted the blond man approaching amiably.

“Steve, hey!”

Steve?” Y/N inquired. “As in-” 

“You must be Y/N!” Steve beamed. “Sam’s told me a lot about you.” 

“Oh?” She glanced at Sam who was shaking his head at Steve hurriedly, cutting off as Y/N’s gaze turned, transforming into a too wide smile.

“Only the good stuff.” He promised, shrugging sheepishly.

“That doesn’t sound right.” She teased, and Sam scoffed. 

“Didn’t realize there was any bad stuff to tell babygirl.” He caught her bashfulness at that nickname and chuckled inwardly.

“Anyways.. I should get going.” Steve waved as he disappeared, and Y/N smirked.

“Did you tell Captain America to come by here while you were talking to me to impress me?” 

“Did it work?” 

“I can’t say it did. But I did enjoy watching you squirm as he said more than you wanted.” She giggled as he rubbed the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed. 

“Damn. If I can’t woo you using Cap, how else can I get you to go on a date with me?”

Her eyes twinkled mischievously. 

“Maybe by asking me to go on one.” 


brain: u gotta be… The Best™

me: ok so we’ll work hard then?

brain: no work… only Best.


me daydreaming about d*ting someone and then remembering all my issues and problems which stop me from ever getting into a relationship 



Sometimes gay ships are incredibly straight if you know what I mean

Like those ships where its two male characters who have zero chemistry and barely spoke in canon but every single person ships them so you cant say anything bad abt it even though you know people really only ship them because they’re the two most conventionally attractive male characters to force together so female fans can quench their thirst for yaoi




3 hours of sleep: I’m exhausted

8 hours of sleep: I’m exhausted

16 hours of sleep: I’m exhausted

That’s depression babe!

#fav post    #depression    

still alive i am!!!1!!

songs: crush - tessa violet, brakelights - omar apollo

male reader x peter parker

sorry this is so short! (about 400 words)

Today was sunny- well, the afternoon was. After a long night and morning of gloomy weather with rain, the sun peeking through the dark clouds felt surreal yet appreciated.

Either of you had one earplug leading up from Peter’s phone in his back pocket hanging over your ear, humming out some hiphop, before switching over to one of the many love songs on Peter’s spotify. Averting your now flushed feeling face, you glanced across the street to see a young woman and man walking hand in hand and while she stared ahead, he just followed her, looking at her with love and trust he could feel from the other side of a four lane road.

When you turned to look back, just avoiding walking into a street sign by the tug of Peter’s hand on your sleeve, you noticed his pink cheeks. Ones that he attempted to hide same as you, looking away as well, for just a second.

“Wait, I need some raspberries for my mom” you spoke up, taking a turn into a narrower street and ending up in front of the toko, which Peter quietly follows you into.

You pulled a small kart behind you, with one fucked up wheel that dragged down the off white tiles of the offbeat, yet at home feeling store.

“Oh, hell yes” You heard Peter whisper-yell out and jog up to you, dropping two bottles of coconut lemon water into the basket, followed by chocolate crisps.

“You’re paying, hungry motherfucker” You laugh, grabbing a bag of pretzels and adding it.

“Blame me for being hungry?” Peter retorts.

“I blame you for something else”

Peter’s hand gently grabs ahold of your free arm and stops you, looking you deep into the eyes in a way that makes your knees weak.

“This detention is just as much your fault as it is mine” the boy says in a serious voice, before the both of you crack up laughing, leaning up against Peter in your fit in the aisle.

“You’re a fucking idiot, Parker” you sigh, noticing his hand is still on your arm. It slides down your forearm, up to your wrist, where he looks up to meet your eyes.

It’s a look of insurity, hesitation and regret, before you move his hand down with your other one, into yours, and your finger intertwine.

Peter’s lip quivers, before something in him says fuck it and he straightens his back, leaning over to yours and his lips meeting yours.

Both hearts skipped a beat.

i want to be tagged or let to know what i think

