#i really wanted to upload it


still alive i am!!!1!!

songs: crush - tessa violet, brakelights - omar apollo

male reader x peter parker

sorry this is so short! (about 400 words)

Today was sunny- well, the afternoon was. After a long night and morning of gloomy weather with rain, the sun peeking through the dark clouds felt surreal yet appreciated.

Either of you had one earplug leading up from Peter’s phone in his back pocket hanging over your ear, humming out some hiphop, before switching over to one of the many love songs on Peter’s spotify. Averting your now flushed feeling face, you glanced across the street to see a young woman and man walking hand in hand and while she stared ahead, he just followed her, looking at her with love and trust he could feel from the other side of a four lane road.

When you turned to look back, just avoiding walking into a street sign by the tug of Peter’s hand on your sleeve, you noticed his pink cheeks. Ones that he attempted to hide same as you, looking away as well, for just a second.

“Wait, I need some raspberries for my mom” you spoke up, taking a turn into a narrower street and ending up in front of the toko, which Peter quietly follows you into.

You pulled a small kart behind you, with one fucked up wheel that dragged down the off white tiles of the offbeat, yet at home feeling store.

“Oh, hell yes” You heard Peter whisper-yell out and jog up to you, dropping two bottles of coconut lemon water into the basket, followed by chocolate crisps.

“You’re paying, hungry motherfucker” You laugh, grabbing a bag of pretzels and adding it.

“Blame me for being hungry?” Peter retorts.

“I blame you for something else”

Peter’s hand gently grabs ahold of your free arm and stops you, looking you deep into the eyes in a way that makes your knees weak.

“This detention is just as much your fault as it is mine” the boy says in a serious voice, before the both of you crack up laughing, leaning up against Peter in your fit in the aisle.

“You’re a fucking idiot, Parker” you sigh, noticing his hand is still on your arm. It slides down your forearm, up to your wrist, where he looks up to meet your eyes.

It’s a look of insurity, hesitation and regret, before you move his hand down with your other one, into yours, and your finger intertwine.

Peter’s lip quivers, before something in him says fuck it and he straightens his back, leaning over to yours and his lips meeting yours.

Both hearts skipped a beat.

i want to be tagged or let to know what i think

