

So nice

flamingolady23: hot So sweetieflamingolady23: hot So sweetieflamingolady23: hot So sweetieflamingolady23: hot So sweetieflamingolady23: hot So sweetieflamingolady23: hot So sweetieflamingolady23: hot So sweetieflamingolady23: hot So sweetieflamingolady23: hot So sweetieflamingolady23: hot So sweetie


So sweetie

boricuaprus: My love! So sweetieboricuaprus: My love! So sweetieboricuaprus: My love! So sweetieboricuaprus: My love! So sweetieboricuaprus: My love! So sweetieboricuaprus: My love! So sweetieboricuaprus: My love! So sweetieboricuaprus: My love! So sweetieboricuaprus: My love! So sweetieboricuaprus: My love! So sweetie


My love!

So sweetie

Post link
So sweetie

So sweetie

Post link


Nice smile


So beauty


Nice smile


Nice smile


So nice looking


That’s it. That’s their friendship.



tales of love - touch

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy and Molly take the next step in their relationship.

Warnings: A little bit of smut, but very vaguely described.

Wordcount: 824

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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So happy for them! ❤️❤️

And Axel at the end ❤️


tales of love - touch

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy and Molly take the next step in their relationship.

Warnings: A little bit of smut, but very vaguely described.

Wordcount: 824

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

。◕ ‿ ◕。

Sy and Molly are becoming pretty serious. Exchanging the keys of their places, so they can come in whenever they want. Meeting each other friends. The first I love you’s. It’s pretty damn serious what they are becoming. Her friends tell her all the time they’re like a married couple, his friends continued to tell him he’s a simp for her and even his parents were absolutely smitten by her.

They are slowly exploring each other’s bodies. They take it slow, especially because Molly has never taken this step before, with anyone. And in all honesty, Sy is glad they are taking it easy, because he is pretty nervous too.

Their kisses are becoming more intense, Molly securely placed on his lap as they are on his bed, her hands holding his face, while he holds on tightly to her hips. Not one fibre in his body wants to let her go. He has been yearning for her touch, desperate to take this step into their relationship.

But it had been years for him, his last time way before he turned blind. 

It’s going to be different now, that he knows, but Molly is the only girl he wants to take this step with. To touch and be touched by. 

‘Sy,’ she whispers and he wants to already assure her it’s okay and they can take it slow, but then she says: ‘I want this, but I’m so nervous. What if I screw up?’

‘You can’t,’ he says. ‘You can’t screw up. Never ever.’

‘Will you still love me if I do? Screw up?’

He can’t see her face, but he already knows the expression. Probably puppy eyes, as she’s genuinely worried and afraid. Her friends warned him about that look and his own buddies told him she can look real puppy and innocent like in a heartbeat. If she tuts out her bottom lip, his friends are willing to do everything for her in a heartbeat. 

‘Sweetheart,’ he says, ‘you can’t screw up.’

‘Leave it to me to be the first to do so.’

He sighs deeply. ‘Don’t you worry about one single thing, okay? Besides, I got you.’

Clothes are shredded and the more pieces land on the floor, the more nervous Sy becomes. While he continues to reassure her, his own nerves are quick to take the upper hand. He feels his heart rate going crazy, especially when he feels her skin, so close to naked, with only her underwear on. She’s on her back on the mattress, Sy next to her, carefully kissing her as his fingers examines her skin. 

‘Are you okay?’ she asks him. ‘Be hones with met.’

‘Just nervous, darling,’ he says. ‘I… I had not… It has been years and I am afraid it’s going to be different now.’

‘Well it is,’ she says. ‘You’re blind now.’

He lets out a soft chuckle at her sudden bluntness. ‘Yeah, I know that, but… What if I screw up?’

She places her hand on his cheek. ‘You can’t,’ she says, repeating his own reassuring words. ‘We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.’

‘I want this,’ he says. ‘I want you.’

Molly’s lips meet his, a long kiss following. ‘Remember, I got you.’

He hums against her lips, letting his hands roam over her soft body, his fingertips tingling because of the way she feels. ‘You feel good.’

She lets out a shy little giggle. ‘Sy, I love you.’

He nods. ‘I love you too.’

In his day to day life, Sy relies so much on his other senses, but now, in bedroom setting, it all hits him so much more. It’s intense, but a good intense. Every touch, every kiss. He doesn’t exactly know how much time passes. There are a few things he is certain of. 

For starters, he is never letting Molly go. Her hot breath against his skin, the way her nails dig into his back and the soft sounds that leave her lips. She clings onto him, her lips always finding their way back to his. He does not want to end this beautiful moment. 

When he rolls off of her, his hand meet hers and he gives it a soft squeeze. There are no words that are right to say now. Years had gone by and this had felt so much better than it had felt in the past. 

But then he hears her sniffle.

‘Are you okay?’ he asks, worry mode activated within a millisecond.

‘I’m fine,’ she says, her tone hoarse. ‘I’m just overwhelmed. Not in a bad way or anything… Just…’ She turns to the side and wraps her arm around his waist, as he engulfs her in a tight embrace as well. ‘It was the perfect way to spend my first time.’

He smiles, kissing her forehead. ‘I love you, Molly,’ he whispers against her skin.

She hums. ‘I love you more.’

。◕ ‿ ◕。

。◕ ‿ ◕。

Taglist:@diegos-butt//@crazybutconfidentaf//@lyrarodriguez//@thelastsock//@cherry-gemz//@oddsnendsfanfics//@kebabgirl67//@abschaffer2 // @bourbonwithice // @eldarwen333//@needmorereading//@gearhead66//@kingliam2019//@omgkatinka//@liecastillo//@xuxszx//@sofiebstar//@pterodactylterrace//@inlovewithhisblueeyes//@viking-raider//@identity2212//@kneelforloki//@pretty-toxic-revolver//@evansabove1981//@little-brattyangel//



tales of love - three words

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy wants to tell Molly something important

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1.1k

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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I am a puddle from all of that sweetness. Your fics are always such a great read. I love how you are creating this version of Sy and Molly is adorable.

Awww, thank you so much! I really tried to create a likeable, yet relatable version of Sy and i’m glad you liked him!



tales of love - three words

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy wants to tell Molly something important

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1.1k

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

Keep reading

Ah-dorable sweetness above!!

thank you


Well, if this isn’t me I don’t know what is.
