



tales of love - three words

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy wants to tell Molly something important

Warnings: None

Wordcount: 1.1k

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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I am a puddle from all of that sweetness. Your fics are always such a great read. I love how you are creating this version of Sy and Molly is adorable.

Awww, thank you so much! I really tried to create a likeable, yet relatable version of Sy and i’m glad you liked him!



tales of love - touch

Vision impaired!Syverson x Molly Sweet (asian ofc)

Summary: Sy and Molly take the next step in their relationship.

Warnings: A little bit of smut, but very vaguely described.

Wordcount: 824

Masterlist // tales of love masterlist //

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accurate representation of current feelings about this hahaha
