
This was way funnier in my head, I am sorry




so Lady is a name. and Guy is a name. can you imagine some couple who are just lady and guy

Like Lady Dimitrescu and Guy Fieri?

EXACTLY Like Lady Dimitrescu And Guy Fieri


Love is stored in bear pokémon

inprogresspokemon:#540.5 - Sewaddle live in colonies within forests rich with plant life, which theyinprogresspokemon:#540.5 - Sewaddle live in colonies within forests rich with plant life, which theyinprogresspokemon:#540.5 - Sewaddle live in colonies within forests rich with plant life, which they


#540.5 - Sewaddle live in colonies within forests rich with plant life, which they use both as a source of food and as material for their sewing. Leavanny dress newly hatched Sewaddle in clothes they’ve made, which the Pokemon will alter or make anew as they grow out of them. Sewaddle grow rapidly as they age, and after they have consumed enough nutrients, they will begin to expand their leafy hood into a protective cloak. Once curled inside and protected from the elements, their body undergoes a rapid development. 

#541.5 - While young, Swadloon prefer dark, damp places, where they can spend the entire day in isolation, eating the fallen leaves that lie around it. Though they wander from place to place, Swadloon are often attended to by Leavanny, which have a strong paternal instinct and assist the Pokemon throughout its evolution. As Swadloon age and become more emboldened, they will open their cloak, wearing it as a sort of cape to wrap back around themselves when needed. They will often apprentice under the Leavanny that looked after them, learning new sewing techniques with their developing limbs. The relationship between Swadloon and Leavanny is essential to their evolution, and while evolving without this support is a difficult feat, they may still evolve in captivity if they have strong support and guidance from their Trainer.

Named: Sewaddle - Weavcoon - Swadloon - Stembroider - Leavanny

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Wizard: Oh, I like your Goblin detecting sword! That’s funny.

Goblin who thought they just had a cool glowing sword: … My what now?

These comments are breaking me


Now sea shanty TikTok is turning regular songs into shanties and it is FANTASTIC.

tumblr gallery phototumblr gallery phototumblr gallery photo
tikattu: it be like that sometimes 


it be like that sometimes 

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mustachossom: pinkmustachossom: pink
#arataka reigen    #reigen    #hes hot    #bones knows itm    
I-I really liked episode 4

I-I really liked episode 4

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#mob psycho 100    #dimple    #my art    
chrisdigay: Now this is just iconic advice As a really tall woman desperately wanting to wear heels chrisdigay: Now this is just iconic advice As a really tall woman desperately wanting to wear heels chrisdigay: Now this is just iconic advice As a really tall woman desperately wanting to wear heels chrisdigay: Now this is just iconic advice As a really tall woman desperately wanting to wear heels chrisdigay: Now this is just iconic advice As a really tall woman desperately wanting to wear heels chrisdigay: Now this is just iconic advice As a really tall woman desperately wanting to wear heels chrisdigay: Now this is just iconic advice As a really tall woman desperately wanting to wear heels chrisdigay: Now this is just iconic advice As a really tall woman desperately wanting to wear heels


Now this is just iconic advice

As a really tall woman desperately wanting to wear heels I say this to myself in the mirror everyday, but as soon as I go out in the streets I’m regretting wearing them in 0.2 seconds. Not to cut on the positive advice of this post, I loved it but dude, is it hard to follow

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it really is next to impossible to write realistic sibling dialogue, I just passed my brother on the stairs and instead of greeting each other like human beings I said ‘born survivor’ and he said ‘youtube rewind. let’s set it to rewind.’ like you ain’t gonna find that shit in a novel

aw man writing siblings is so wild because sometimes you just can’t portray it

me and my little brother don’t even greet each other - if we pass each other on the stairs or in the corridor, we jump into ridiculous fight stances then feign karate chopping and slapping each other (stopping just before we make contact) whilst making “HIIIYA” and “POW” noises for a solid 30 seconds, then silently walk off and continue what we were doing

and then sometimes he’ll either just do the Had To Do It To ‘Em pose when I enter the room or dab as a greeting

exactly! I have three younger brothers and the original post was just about the oldest, the middle one and me usually do some kind of elaborate dab also, and a lot of the time when I see the youngest I just yell his name like a wrestling commentator…siblings have a different language

my twin brother and I just point at each other like that spider-man meme if we see each other at school

every time we see each other my brother and i raise our elbows and start walking at each other/ standing completely still

its exactly like this

My bro and I do some weird bird dominance thing where we hold our arms out and make weird sounds while bobbing our heads. This shit is normal yet no fictional siblings seem to have that connection.

Whenever my older brother, who’s a true jock, and I cross paths either inside or outside the house he will run to tackle me at full speed like a professional linebacker. I just mutter “shit” to myself whenever i see him and start running for my life. I think it’s a way to maintain the hierarchy and show me that he is still the stronger one

raeoffrecord: Finally I can say I can render a head My Patreon raeoffrecord: Finally I can say I can render a head My Patreon


Finally I can say I can render a head

My Patreon

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Hunter x Hunter woke me up from my artistic slumber to bring you a quick try at Killua, my tremendou

Hunter x Hunter woke me up from my artistic slumber to bring you a quick try at Killua, my tremendous son whose only wish in life is having a best friend his age 

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Self care is not doing a damn thing but pop a big bowl of popcorn and listen to an audiobook of Stephen King’s Carrie.

Comission for the hardworking @fouggie!Comission for the hardworking @fouggie!

Comission for the hardworking @fouggie!

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#comissions    #my art    #look whos here    #its me    