Having such a strange experience and I’d like to know if any other trans ppl can relate.

I’ve been more dysphoric than usual lately and on top of that, feeling disconnected/having a lot of dissociative moments towards my body. However, post masturbation, for maybe 30mins I felt more grounded and could recognize myself. I felt more neutral about my body in a way that was like “oh hey that’s my body. I have a nice butt. My chest is there and I don’t really care for it but it’s ok I guess.” Which is like the best I’ve felt in a bit. After that 30mins tho I slowly started feeling like I did previously.

After typing this out I just realized it might just be post horny feel good chemicals idk I’m not smart lol



Tonight on “YouTube Poop scenes that have lived in my head for a decade”

Merry jizz on the wall Wednesday


Hey reblog this post to give the person you reblogged from gender euphoria

Hello fat people, I would just like to tell you that you are hot and sexy and I love you. Have a good day.

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