Texturas de México

Texturas de México

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Cañon del Sumidero en Chiapas. México

Cañon del Sumidero en Chiapas. México

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Mojigangas en San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. México

Mojigangas en San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. México

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Las Barrancas del Cobre en Chihuahua. MéxicoEs 4 veces mas grande y 2 veces más profundo que el Caño

Las Barrancas del Cobre en Chihuahua. México

Es 4 veces mas grande y 2 veces más profundo que el Cañon de Colorado

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Teatro Juárez en El Oro, Estado de México. México

Teatro Juárez en El Oro, Estado de México. México

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¿En tu ciudad con que nombre conoces estas delicias?

¿En tu ciudad con que nombre conoces estas delicias?

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Oasis de Aguas Frescas en las calles de México

Oasis de Aguas Frescas en las calles de México

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Iglesia del Carmen en Tlalpujahua, Michoacán. México

Iglesia del Carmen en Tlalpujahua, Michoacán. México

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haha here’s another photo from last night i didn’t post <3


Calling him my good boy while he’s sucking on my fingers >>





Blowjobs used to be illegal lmao


States in dark red still have laws on the books that make “sodomy” (oral and anal sex*) illegal; states in red only have laws against same-sex sodomy. These laws are unenforceable due to Lawrence v. Texas(2003), but would go into effect if the ruling were to be overturned. And yes, you read that correctly, 2003!

* Laws in Michigan and South Carolina ban only anal sex, not oral.

It’s not even just that blowjobs were illegal: a lot of sex negative radfem discourse is predicated on the idea that things like blowjobs (or anal sex, or penetrative sex at all, the goalposts keep moving) are inherently degrading and violent. When they say “foul, dangerous shit,” they don’t mean something like scat play, they mean “literally any sex.”

Like, just to illustrate my point, here are some screengrabs from the notes of that post about the guy who went to the hospital because he accidentally ruptured something during a blowjob.

vandopo says: porn has really rotted ppls brains to the point that a guy can rupture his throat during a bj and neither he nor a 100.000 tumblr users see anything wrong with it. it's tagged: #do you really think a sex act that ruptures someones throat was pleasurable up until that moment
bitter radfem harpy says: It’s not homophobic to say “rupturing your partner’s airway and nearly killing him is fucking repulsive and damaging.” Literally all of you Males are sexually violent. You need to “pound” and “nail” and “plow” and “destroy” and “wreck” even while you’re performing an intimate act with someone that you “love” (as much as men are capable of love). You make jokes about your partners limping from how hard you fuck them. You’re aroused by pornographic images of your preferred sex in visible pain. Male sexuality is fucking repulsive and damaging.
not cis just woman says: this and the post the other day about how gay male bottoms have their lower intestines injured during anal sex and have to spend hours noisily wrecking the toilet after anal intercourse really just highlight the fact that male sexuality is fucking repulsive and damaging. sending your partner to the ER is not a healthy sex act.

To be clear: at no point was it either said or implied in the original post that the guy was having rough sex, that he was kinky, or literally ANYTHING ELSE other than that he was giving a blowjob. And here come the radfems saying that sex with any man is inherently violent and dangerous. And when someone calls them out on their homophobia, this is their response:

too angry to stop says: @ gay means homosexual explain to me why women caring about a man ending up in the hospital because of a sex act is homophobic? gay means homosexual says: @ too angry to stop they’re not “caring” about him, they’re using this as an opportunity to broadcast how repulsive they find gay sexuality. It’s incredibly transparent. The implication that this kind of thing is anything but an extremely rare anomaly is homophobic. We’re not out here rupturing each other’s throats all the damn time for gods sake. The fact that radfems feel the need to comment on gay men’s sex lives and call them repulsive and harmful (just like homophobic conservatives, what do you know) is really damn telling. Mind your own fucking business too angry to stop says: sweetie, newsflash but this is just as much my business as it is yours lmfao…but the original comment literally mentions male sexuality which u know is something radfems talk about regardless of the man’s sexual orientation…. like excuse me that males are fond of expressing their sexuality in violent ways as if u necessarily have to rupture anything for it to be violent…. -eye roll-

notice how it goes from “how can you say that our concern for this guy in the hospital is homophobic” to “you don’t need to go to the hospital for it to be violent and yes, actually, we ARE saying that any sex with men, including gay men having consensual sex with each other, is inherently violent.”

It’s not just whatever you’re picturing when you think of extremely kinky sex that they consider “foul and dangerous” - they’re defining that to include any sex acts they personally don’t like.

And also? This is why queer people and kinky people have a lot of overlap when it comes to their rights. The laws that criminalize “indecency” and other “damaging” sexual behavior always impact queer people the most, whether that’s a side effect or by design.

I have a post somewhere on my blog talking about a similar radfem post that’s like “bdsm is normalizing extreme violence during sex!” giving a similar story of sex related injury as evidence, where I pointed out that hundreds of people every year are seriously injured or killed slipping and falling in the shower…

ergo, it’s a near certainty that shower sex injures many more people than consensual sexual practices radfems get pearl clutchy about.

The takeaway is that accidental injury during…virtually all physical activities…is really, really common, and it’s super intellectually dishonest to attribute instances of sex-related injuries to Male Violence when literally anything that includes moving your body near another person’s body sends hundreds of people to the ER every year.


Who wanna get held down and creampied so I can tighten my grip on your wrists, tell you you sound even cuter when my cum is inside you and keep fucking you


t-bulge and thighs for 2night

he/they)I AM A MAN straight men and lesbians dni

tip me

Hi this is my nsfw blog! This is a side blog, my main is Cyrmric

I will block you if you do not have your age or age range in bio, this is a 18+ blog. MINORS, ED, SH, & DETRANS BLOGS DNI

My name is Collin, I’m 21 and I’m a Switch, Verse, Queer*, transmasculine guy (he/him most of the time he/they sometimes).

This blog is mostly to express my sexuality, kinks, fantasies, and gender and the ways my gender and sexuality interact. I am also an ex SWer and am pro SWers.

*Queer as in gay or t4t, I’m not attracted to cis woman

Things I’m into:

bondage, latex & leather, praise, sense deprivation, breeding (no pregnancy), monsters/aliens/tentacles, ovipositing, pet play, light pain (biting, slapping, crops, paddles, etc), medical, somnophilia, degradation (with partner only), overstimulation (giving), force fem (giving), cnc

Interested in but never tried/is a fantasy:

Threesomes, gangbangs, free use, exhibition & voyeurism, cuckholding/being cucked

Ok with but not into:

piss, feet


Misgendering/detransition, knives, blood, scat

Names you can call me: kitty/kitten, baby, baby boy, little boy, daddy*, slut, whore

*not into cgl, just like the name/title

Names for my body: chest, dick, Tdick, b/pussy

Anons welcomed!


I just really love it when boys are reduced to a beautiful, flushed, incoherent, squirming mess.

It has been a while since I have posted a pic, I am still working on my confidence but this is from when I was feeling good : 3

I hope this stays up,, as a side note pls give ur opinion if u think I could get peri/keyhole top surgery thanks,,,


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