
Dabi and Shoto

last week of the semester LETS GO

can’t believe i wrote 20 chapters of a series without posting a single part on here


My Hero Academia: Favorite Manga Covers



wAKE UP!!!!!! two horikoshi official art just dropped!

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rkgknno: Petty vs petty (vs the skin colored hulk) 


Petty vs petty (vs the skin colored hulk) 

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tags: AFAB reader (referred to as ‘mama’), established (kinda toxic) relationship, canon divergence: secret family au (post arrest), spoilers for touya backstory and chapters 349 onwards, hurt/comfort, original child character (‘Kaiyo’; he is your shared biologicalchild), no reference to readers quirk, mentions of canon attempted suicide and canon child abuse, themes of generational trauma, family feels, todoroki family centric, villain rehabilitation, dealing with trauma and recovery, second chances

wc: 16.5k

You shouldn’t have come. 

There are crowds of press, packed so tightly that getting any closer would be futile, all of them a cacophony of questions and accusations. You’re standing atop a small brick wall encasing a flower bed of hyacinths outside of the hospital, a head above the sea of cameras, watching as a group of heroes — Endeavor and Shouto included — slowly lead Touya towards an armoured van. 

Relief floods through your system for a few precious seconds, overwhelming the hopelessness in your stomach. He was alive. 

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  • ★ you’re about to be knocked up by your boyfriend but your ex suddenly calls you. how will he respond?

꩜ will contain the following … dumbification, overstimulation, breeding, blowjob, handjob, pussyjob, somnophilia, praise, love marks, mating press, degradation, teasing, NOT PROOFREAD SO PLEASE IGNORE ANY SPELLING/GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, WILL EDIT AND FIX LATER


꒰ఎ KAEYA ♡

he’s already whipped and solid hard to fuck your pussy, how would you think he’d react if your ex of a bastard disturbed him? he kisses you as if there wasn’t a tomorrow to come, his shirt on the floor as he undos your own. bzzt… bzzt…

kaeya ignores it, at first. he tugged your panties down before rubbing his middle finger onto the neglected pearl, causing you to mewl. you gripped at his shoulders, his tongue swirling inside your mouth messily.

“a-ah, fuck, got you squeezing my fingers so tight, love.” he remarked before chuckling, using his other hand to hold your neck all the while sucking on your tongue. bzzt… as he deepened the kiss, you reached for your phone on the drawer by the bed.

you pulled away to glance down at the contact. you chewed down on your lip, looking elsewhere. “something the matter, baby?” he asked as you silenced the vibrations. “it’s just him.” you attempted a small smile but he narrowed his gaze.

“he still calls you?”


kaeya watched as you shuffled in your spot uncomfortably. he reached for your phone and you perked up, “what are you- ngh-hah!” you whimpered immediately once he pushed the large tip of his cock inside, his tongue entering your mouth again.

he just loves those cute expressions on your face as he fucks you stupid on his dick. someone gets to hear it now, at least; how good he knocks up his girlfriend. “you feel it, sweetheart? that’s it, right there… fuck, being such a good girl for me, huh?” kaeya said slyly, loud enough for the person on the other line to hear.

he had a firm yet gentle grip on your neck, his lips claiming yours in yet another heated kiss. “a-ahn! yes, kaeya-ah~!” you moaned and shook like a sensitive leaf beneath him as he began thrusting sloppily.

your ex was speechless. all that left his throat were odd sounds that only indicated the fact further. “hear that? your girlfriend sounds cute, don’t she? fuck, my bad… you got someone else now, right?” kaeya said coldly, holding the phone by his ear as he smirked down at you.

you felt your walls begin to spasm and he sped up the pace, moaning heavily, “‘ts a shame, really. bet you couldn’t please her like i do.” kaeya said before hanging up and steering his utmost attention to you.

“le'me come inside, yeah? i’ll give you a reward after for whimpering so loud and being the obedient girl you are for me.” he chuckled, pushing your knees up to your shoulders to fuck you at a deeper angle.

the moment his cock brushed against that spot, tears sprung to your eyes in pleasure, crying out as the familiar high hit you. your legs trembled as he continued to rock his hips into you even after he released loads of cum inside.

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◟˚ . ⁺ I JUST WANNA FUCK ALL NIGHT! . ݁ ˖ ࣪ . warnings.afab reader, they call you pretty / good girl + princess, smut( fem and male receiving oral from all parties, ass eating, masturbation, hair pulling, exhibitionism kind of, consensual recording, cum eating, dacryphilia ). minors do not interact

SAKUSA KIYOOMI loves having your head in between his thighs as MIYA ATSUMU fucks you from behind. he likes how you hold the base of his cock, likes how your mouth wraps around his tip as your eyes roll to the back of your head because his teammate is ramming into you — holding your hips harshly, fucking his cum back into you over and over again with a sinister smirk plastered on his face. he loves how you smile as he cums, loves how you gather his cum and stick out your tongue to show him — swallowing as atsumu spills his seed inside of you again and as he praises you with an attagirl.

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ar60 yay


Meme redraw >:)

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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
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