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The best nipple pokies collection 2015

The best nipple pokies collection 2015

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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
The best nipple pokies collection 2015

The best nipple pokies collection 2015

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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
The best nipple pokies collection 2015

The best nipple pokies collection 2015

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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    
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#nipples    #pokies    #sexygirl    #fapgate    #withoutbra    #burnbra    

By hiring the right van rental company, you will save a lot of time and money. With a large number of van rental companies available today, it has become very difficult to choose the one that best suits your needs. So, to select the best in the industry, you just have to follow certain points and list your needs. Viewing:

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How to choose the right vehicle? The first thing to check is the size and capacity of the vehicle. Check correctly that the vehicle has enough space to easily load all your belongings. Make sure there is enough space to occupy your valuables without damaging them. You will not have to hate the idea of ??overloading the vehicle with goods and then finding them all damaged. Also make sure everything in the vehicle, such as gears, clutch brakes, etc., is working properly or not.
Why do you need the van? Determine the exact reason for hiring the van. If you need it for your move, make sure it has enough space for all your valuables. On the other hand, if the vehicle is rented for a road trip, make sure it has enough space for everything. Find out about the mileage offered by the vehicle from your Gold Coast van rental agency, as correct mileage reduces fuel costs.
The vans are not just for relocation, they are also rented by customers. If you plan to drive the rental vehicle for your road trip, you must remember that driving a van is quite different from driving a van. Therefore, before you go on a trip, take the time to take a test drive to see if you are comfortable.
Discover all the expenses: If you rent a van for different purposes, you must make sure there are no hidden charges. Ask service providers clearly if there are hidden costs or not. In case of damage to the vehicle during the trip, who will be responsible for paying the fees? It is best to clarify these points before hiring.

from solitary84

Regardless of where you are on your financial journey, you must know that everyone can change their financial life. Sometimes everything that is needed is the first step in the right direction to get things to your advantage. But as with most things, that first step is sometimes the most difficult part.

That is why we have created this list of 100 ways to save money today. None of these tactics will change alone, but they can vary considerably over time if you are able to implement more than one tactic. Some of these suggestions only take a few minutes, while others require a little regular effort. But they are all incredibly simple - anyone can do them.

Of course, not all of these tips will apply to everyone. Just go through the list and find 10 or 15 that apply to you and use them in your life. If you do that, you will soon find that you are saving more money than you ever thought possible.

100 ways to save money
1. Move bank accounts to earn extras and earn more interest
If you pay a monthly amount for your current or savings account, you would benefit from an investigation into some of the newest available bank offers. Some of the best banks not only offer sign-up bonuses for opening an account and setting up a direct deposit, but some offer attractive interest rates for new customers.

It is true that interest rates are not what they once were, but it is still worth looking at. Some of the best free checking accounts and best savings accounts can be found online. Here is a guide for making that switch.
save money

2. Switch off the television.
A great way to save money is to drastically reduce the amount of television you watch. There are many financial benefits to be gained here: less publicity advertising, a lower electricity bill (and perhaps a lower cable bill if you downgrade your plan), more time to focus on other things in life - such as a side issue - and so on.

Do you want to go one step further? Consider cutting the cord all the way to cable TV.

3. Stop collecting and start selling
There was a time when people thought their collections would bring them wealth. Beanie Babies were suddenly a big rage, just like the Longaberger baskets. Now you can find those items on resold sites such as Craigslist and at garage sales for a fraction of their initial cost, making many people who have sunk thousands of dollars in their \investments\ wonder what happened.

If you want to avoid that situation, do not collect items of doubtful value. And if you want to get back some of the money you’ve already spent on collection items, you can now start selling them and use those funds for a number of valuable financial goals. Read our ‘Guide to Selling Unwanted Items’ for some simple strategies that can help you make the most profit.

4. Sign up for every free reward program for customers that you can use.
Wherever you live, you will find countless stores that want to reward you for shopping in their store. This is the basic game plan for maximizing these programs: create a Gmail or Yahoo address specifically for these mailings, collect every card that you can and check that account for extra discount coupons when you are ready to shop.

You can add to those rewards and discounts by using credit cards to earn points on purchases in a large number of stores that can be exchanged for cash back or other benefits.

5. Make your own gifts instead of buying dingsthe store.
If you want to save money and at the same time give generously, creating your own homemade gifts is a way to achieve both goals. You can make home mixes, candles, freshly baked bread or cookies, soap and all kinds of other things very easily at home and cheaply.

These make spectacular gifts for others because they relate to your personal approach - something you can’t buy in a store - and often they are consumables, meaning they don’t fill your closet with junk. In fact: take a personal handwritten note with the gift.

6. Master the 30-day rule.
Avoiding immediate satisfaction is one of the most important rules for personal finances, and waiting 30 days to decide on a purchase is an excellent way to implement that rule.

Very often, after a past month, you will find that the urge to buy has also passed and you have saved yourself some money just by waiting. If you still want to make a purchase, it may take a while to give you a better perspective of whether it is really worth the money.

7. Write a list before you go shopping - and stick to it.
One of the easiest ways to save money is by only shopping when you have a list. Because if you don’t have one, you usually make impulse purchases and unplanned purchases - all things that cost money.

It is especially important to make a list before you go to the supermarket. You can not only buy items that fit your meal plan, but you can also prevent you from buying food that you can waste. Always make a list and, more importantly, stick to it.
You can also take advantage of a cashback bonus card that gives bonus money at supermarkets - just make sure you pay the balance every month.

from solitary84

Patents and venture capital funds go abroad
Did you know that patents often play an integral role in obtaining risk capital financing? A startup with a patent significantly increases the chances of securing VC funding1.

Financial Times Global Business Columnist Rana Foroohar reiterated that sentiment in a recent column and wrote: \There is little doubt that strong IP protection is linked to stronger economic growth. A recent article by the National Bureau for Economic Research showed that patent ownership (and ability to defend) increases the chances of achieving venture capital financing by 53 percent, start-up job growth by 36 percent and start-ups by 51 percent.

With the US global share of VC funding falling from 81% in 2006 to 54% in 20172, it is becoming increasingly difficult for American inventors to raise the capital they need to finance their innovation and technological and scientific breakthroughs. To the market.

Startups do not start at the same speed
It is no coincidence that the establishment of a new company in the US is at a historically low level. Although the start-up activity has recently increased, we are still well below the average of the average recession, indicating that the sector is still dragging in the start-up sector. The reasons are multifaceted, but a weaker patent system and years of anti-IP stories in Congress and the media have played a role. Patent specialists Gene Quinn and Steve Brachmann of IP Watchdog have described it in this way:

A careful look at how Google and others have lobbied so successfully over the past decade to weaken patent rights, making it more difficult for disruptive innovators to obtain and retain patents, explains why tech startups find an ecosystem that has evolved into market leaders. protect the costs of new companies with new ideas and innovations that can not be patented.2 - Gene Quinn and Steve Brachmann of IP Watchdog

China surpasses the US and the world in filed patents
China’s focus on innovation is well documented and efforts are paying off. Not only are the US patent applications over, but as the table below with Innovation Alliance shows, China also surpasses the world. The impact is fairly simple: where innovation goes, investment follows. This is a serious threat to the American inventor and the American economy.

Innovation Allliance International Patent Applications in 2017

The US drops to 12th place in the world ranking of patent system strength and 11th in the global ranking of innovation
If that was not enough, perhaps the clearest sign of the American slide was in the form of two recent rankings. The Global Innovation Policy Center of the Chamber of Commerce now ranks the USA in 12th place because of the strength of the patent system in its international IP index, which lags behind countries such as South Korea and Spain and is linked to Italy. And the latest Bloomberg Innovation Index now ranks the US in 11th place for innovation and falls for the first time out of the top ten. These indicators translate into less confidence in American innovators and investors, and less money and jobs that penetrate the American economy.

how you can help

The installation of the system starts at the conference level. The two-party STRONGER patent law, introduced in the Senate by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) and in the house by representatives Steve Stivers (R-OH) and Bill Foster (D-IL) offers a roadmap to start reversing this coursed restore our position as a global leader in innovation.

from solitary84

Direct Response 101: The Industry and Your Invention

If you’ve ever seen the Home Shopping Network or seen a commercial for an As Seen product on TV, you’re familiar with direct response marketing and advertising, even if you do not know the term. Direct response marketing is designed to respond immediately and forces the viewer to take a specific action, such as buying a product. In the rare case that your invention is licensed by a company, direct response marketing is a common way to sell it. This includes ‘infolercials’, also called ‘direct response’ television called DRTV. It can also be radio and internet ads. What is the difference between direct response marketing and other types of marketing? There are two main types of marketing strategies: direct response and branding. The purpose of branding is to remind customers and prospects of a brand and the product and services it offers. The main idea behind branding is that the more often you run attractive ads, the more likely it is that people think about your brand, research, consider and eventually make a purchase. Most of the ads you see on TV are brand ads. They often tell a story or go in search of 'soft sell’. They tell the public about a product or service and inform them about the functions and benefits, but without giving them the opportunity to take action at that moment. This is where direct response marketing differs. Direct response is action-oriented and traceable and more hard to sell . This is what you need to know about DRTV: It is traceable. Because of tracking web and phone numbers, a company knows when someone makes a purchase, which ad has let them buy. Compare this with brand marketing; nobody will ever know which of the hundreds of McDonalds ads forced a customer to buy a McDouble. It is measurable. Because a business knows which ads are being responded to and how many sales from each ad have been received, they can measure the effectiveness of each ad. They can then create, drop, or create new ads to display and generate more sales. It offers a problem and a solution. Instead of listing only the characteristics and benefits of a product, a direct response ad provides a situation where the product would be useful. Often a problem is presented and the advertisement shows a solution where the product is used. Formulation is important. Direct response marketing makes use of convincing message exchange; the words that the ad uses are incredibly important. It uses striking heads that speak to the intended audience. It targets a specific audience. Specific types of people can be targeted by geographic target groups, preferences and dislikes and buying patterns. Direct response ads are meant to respond to a narrow and specific target market. It offers value. Generally, a direct response ad generates an offer with a volume ratio, such as offering a discount product for a limit time or a higher quantity for the same price. It requires an answer. Direct response advertisements use a 'call to action’, a statement that tells the audience what to do next. It instructs them to call a number or visit a web address to take the next step. Because the public is guided along a certain path, it is a very attractive offer. Direct response television works for new products because companies can test which products sell well. They have an easy way to keep track of which products are doing well and the hard numbers to prove it. For this reason, many new productsare included in DRTV segments in a stand-alone infomercial or with other products on a television network.

from solitary84

Patents and venture capital funds go abroad
Did you know that patents often play an integral role in obtaining risk capital financing? A startup with a patent significantly increases the chances of securing VC funding1.

Financial Times Global Business Columnist Rana Foroohar reiterated that sentiment in a recent column and wrote: \There is little doubt that strong IP protection is linked to stronger economic growth. A recent article by the National Bureau for Economic Research showed that patent ownership (and ability to defend) increases the chances of achieving venture capital financing by 53 percent, start-up job growth by 36 percent and start-ups by 51 percent.

With the US global share of VC funding falling from 81% in 2006 to 54% in 20172, it is becoming increasingly difficult for American inventors to raise the capital they need to finance their innovation and technological and scientific breakthroughs. To the market.

Startups do not start at the same speed
It is no coincidence that the establishment of a new company in the US is at a historically low level. Although the start-up activity has recently increased, we are still well below the average of the average recession, indicating that the sector is still dragging in the start-up sector. The reasons are multifaceted, but a weaker patent system and years of anti-IP stories in Congress and the media have played a role. Patent specialists Gene Quinn and Steve Brachmann of IP Watchdog have described it in this way:

A careful look at how Google and others have lobbied so successfully over the past decade to weaken patent rights, making it more difficult for disruptive innovators to obtain and retain patents, explains why tech startups find an ecosystem that has evolved into market leaders. protect the costs of new companies with new ideas and innovations that can not be patented.2 - Gene Quinn and Steve Brachmann of IP Watchdog

China surpasses the US and the world in filed patents
China’s focus on innovation is well documented and efforts are paying off. Not only are the US patent applications over, but as the table below with Innovation Alliance shows, China also surpasses the world. The impact is fairly simple: where innovation goes, investment follows. This is a serious threat to the American inventor and the American economy.

Innovation Allliance International Patent Applications in 2017

The US drops to 12th place in the world ranking of patent system strength and 11th in the global ranking of innovation
If that was not enough, perhaps the clearest sign of the American slide was in the form of two recent rankings. The Global Innovation Policy Center of the Chamber of Commerce now ranks the USA in 12th place because of the strength of the patent system in its international IP index, which lags behind countries such as South Korea and Spain and is linked to Italy. And the latest Bloomberg Innovation Index now ranks the US in 11th place for innovation and falls for the first time out of the top ten. These indicators translate into less confidence in American innovators and investors, and less money and jobs that penetrate the American economy.

how you can help

The installation of the system starts at the conference level. The two-party STRONGER patent law, introduced in the Senate by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) and in the house by representatives Steve Stivers (R-OH) and Bill Foster (D-IL) offers a roadmap to start reversing this coursed restore our position as a global leader in innovation.

from solitary84

Patents and venture capital funds go abroad
Did you know that patents often play an integral role in obtaining risk capital financing? A startup with a patent significantly increases the chances of securing VC funding1.

Financial Times Global Business Columnist Rana Foroohar reiterated that sentiment in a recent column and wrote: \There is little doubt that strong IP protection is linked to stronger economic growth. A recent article by the National Bureau for Economic Research showed that patent ownership (and ability to defend) increases the chances of achieving venture capital financing by 53 percent, start-up job growth by 36 percent and start-ups by 51 percent.

With the US global share of VC funding falling from 81% in 2006 to 54% in 20172, it is becoming increasingly difficult for American inventors to raise the capital they need to finance their innovation and technological and scientific breakthroughs. To the market.

Startups do not start at the same speed
It is no coincidence that the establishment of a new company in the US is at a historically low level. Although the start-up activity has recently increased, we are still well below the average of the average recession, indicating that the sector is still dragging in the start-up sector. The reasons are multifaceted, but a weaker patent system and years of anti-IP stories in Congress and the media have played a role. Patent specialists Gene Quinn and Steve Brachmann of IP Watchdog have described it in this way:

A careful look at how Google and others have lobbied so successfully over the past decade to weaken patent rights, making it more difficult for disruptive innovators to obtain and retain patents, explains why tech startups find an ecosystem that has evolved into market leaders. protect the costs of new companies with new ideas and innovations that can not be patented.2 - Gene Quinn and Steve Brachmann of IP Watchdog

China surpasses the US and the world in filed patents
China’s focus on innovation is well documented and efforts are paying off. Not only are the US patent applications over, but as the table below with Innovation Alliance shows, China also surpasses the world. The impact is fairly simple: where innovation goes, investment follows. This is a serious threat to the American inventor and the American economy.

Innovation Allliance International Patent Applications in 2017

The US drops to 12th place in the world ranking of patent system strength and 11th in the global ranking of innovation
If that was not enough, perhaps the clearest sign of the American slide was in the form of two recent rankings. The Global Innovation Policy Center of the Chamber of Commerce now ranks the USA in 12th place because of the strength of the patent system in its international IP index, which lags behind countries such as South Korea and Spain and is linked to Italy. And the latest Bloomberg Innovation Index now ranks the US in 11th place for innovation and falls for the first time out of the top ten. These indicators translate into less confidence in American innovators and investors, and less money and jobs that penetrate the American economy.

how you can help

The installation of the system starts at the conference level. The two-party STRONGER patent law, introduced in the Senate by Senators Chris Coons (D-DE) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) and in the house by representatives Steve Stivers (R-OH) and Bill Foster (D-IL) offers a roadmap to start reversing this coursed restore our position as a global leader in innovation.

from solitary84