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i’m actually allowed to make things a little easier for myself

i’m allowed to take shortcuts

i’m allowed to half-ass

i’m allowed to not always think of the best possible outcome, if that makes me freeze and not do anything

(good enough is good enough but a little bit is better than nothing at all)


“i got myself some little treats and now life isn’t so hard anymore” local woman admits





I have read 10 books this year which is more than I’ve read in 2020 and 2021 combined.

And let me tell you. It feels good.

I read the heartstopper books on one day. And I binged “Red, white, and royal blue”, and “if this gets out” in one go.

I struggled putting down one last stop before a work day.

It’s February seventh

I’ve read these books so far.

April 23rd. So far I’ve also read these.

May 25th


I always kinda believed life got easier when you got older.

But it doesn’t.

It gets harder

There’s more expectations. More deadlines with life changing consequences. Worse than failing an exam.


If it needs to cool off before I can clean it, it’s not getting cleaned today.


Dear mom.

I don’t mind making plans through the phone.

But if you don’t text me the details after I will absolutely forget what time we were meeting up and where.


Your ADHD daughter


In no way do I believe I know best.

I just share things I’ve been doing to make life easier and if any of those things happen to help others, well, that’d be pretty cool.


I don’t want to be rich. Just like, rich enough to have a cleaning lady come around every two weeks.

I’m currently making enough money to maybe even afford it but I lack the skills to organize it

It’s 5am

I just finished my book

Thank fuck I don’t have work today.

Y'all can make fun of me for packing 6 underpants for a 2 day trip.

But this one time I went to the bathroom before leaving for school and when I pulled up my underwear I ripped it in half bc it was badly stitched.

What if that happens again!??

Am I the only person who prefers to ride backwards on the train and bus? I always sit against the direction.


I’ve seen multiple people genuinely asking whats wrong with playing their music on a speaker/their phone in public rather than through headphones. While it baffles me that you can’t reason it out I’m taking it in good faith that you genuinely don’t know - so here’s a list of reasons you shouldn’t:

- It sounds bad. It doesnt matter if people like the song, you might be close enough to your phone speaker for it to sound largely as intended, but everyone else is getting a distorted mess. 

- Unwanted noise is extra stimulation in the already overpowering public space. Yes this is particularly bad for neurodivergent people but I actually want to acknowledge that this effects Everyone. Everyone has a stimulation threshold and unwanted music easily pushes people closer to it.

- Its distracting/disruptive. People want to focus on their own conversations, listen to their own music through their earbuds, or just be alone with their thoughts. Your music is intruding. 

- Differing taste. This one is less significant but people around you just dont always like the same music you do. In extreme cases they might actively hate a song you’re playing. 

- People have the right to as close to silence as they can get. If they’re in a shop playing obnoxious music they can leave, they can change the radio in their car, they can skip the song on their playlist. They have no control over what you are putting on and in bus situations they can’t get away from you. 

- Any other number of reasons; Maybe your music is offensive, maybe its uncensored and there are children about, maybe someone just got horrible news and your perky feelgood song feels like salt in the wound, maybe someone’s sick or hungover or in pain and your music feels like a drill to the skull. 

You might think your music is good, it might make you smile after a hard day. Nobody is saying dont listen at all, just put in earphones. To everyone around you its the equivilent of a drunk guy singing loudly and off key at the back of the bus. Maybe it makes some people smile to think he’s having a good time, maybe some people are scared his lack of boundaries will mean he could act out, maybe some people wish he would just shut up. 

My friend came over this weekend. We went to some fancy place for high tea. Except. She had an upset stomach.

Her relationship of 7 years ended. She’s not doing great, breakup came from his side and out of the blue. So she was really sad, cried every hour. I just. I didn’t know what to do or say. Bc she isn’t ready to move on. They’ve got a house together.

But we did the high tea. She got the rest to take with us. Then we had dinner at my place, met up with friends so she could take pictures for get photography class. The evening was pretty good. This morning I gave her a sewing lesson and helped her make a dress. Every once in a while she’d start crying again and I would try to help her, give her a hug. I just. I don’t know what to do. I’m emotionally drained from this weekend with her. And I love her, she’s my friend. But I’m so drained and tired. I just want everything to work out for her.


hate to break it to you buddy, but no one gets a say in what tv show I decide to hyperfixate on and no one knows when it’ll end, least of all me.

A tale of ADHD.

I asked her for an address

So I could plan my day

She instead sent a link of where we need to go

I still do not know




remember when you were 10 and you would hang out with your friends in order to Look At The Computer together like you went to their house and experienced the information superhighway together. and then leave

How fucking old are you people?

normal amount

We were pretty early with getting internet but in the beginning there wasn’t much to see on it. You’d make an online puzzle, maybe post something on a forum. Refresh. Log off and go do something fun. If you were lucky someone replied to you the next day.

I miss it. It was a simpler time


the key to being a hater and not have it be corrosive to your spirit is that you gotta balance it out by openly loving things too. trashing shit is only respectable if you’re also capable of joy and not just oozing negativity 24/7. also when you’re being positive you’re not allowed to do it with ironic detachment. all sincerity all the time babey

It’s me




being an adult is just saying to yourself “this is the weekend i’ll clean my [x]” and then proceeding to not do that because it’s the weekend and you deserve to relax, goddamnit

why does this have 85K notes

because we reblogged it instead of cleaning our [x]


Good: the 11yo girl who shouted “your hair is so beautiful” at me.

Bad: the grown man who made kissy sounds, gave me thumbs up and “approved” of my appearance.

Can you add an example?

(this was both yesterday)
