“hey, I don’t like it when you say those things about my body is makes me really uncomfortable”

“I’m from a different generation, it’s just who I am”

Excuse me??? In what world is any reaction other than “I’m sorry I won’t do it again” acceptable????

Y'all know. Y'all know someone exactly like it. Either a relative or a colleague or a family friend.




I wish I could figure this out. Horns look normal when working with them in Unity but when I export to Vseeface or if I import the model into Blender? Something goes absolutely funky with the right horn.

Anyone have suggestions?

Okay so it shows up now but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is happening now.

Finally fixed it in the stupidest way. And made adjustments and added blendshapes to his face.


I wish I could figure this out. Horns look normal when working with them in Unity but when I export to Vseeface or if I import the model into Blender? Something goes absolutely funky with the right horn.

Anyone have suggestions?

Okay so it shows up now but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is happening now.

I wish I could figure this out. Horns look normal when working with them in Unity but when I export to Vseeface or if I import the model into Blender? Something goes absolutely funky with the right horn.

Anyone have suggestions?



I know I’ve posted a bunch about this issue but I’m still trying to raise money to help someone dear to me. She’s at risk of losing her car now. Still trying to get housing secured.

If you can help please do.

Here have a picture of their fur baby:

She needs at least $970 to keep her car. If anyone can help please do.

I want these guys to be okay.


Helping A Family Avoid Homelessness and Transport Loss

UPDATE: Managed to pay off her phone bill today when it got cut off but we have nothing left in reserve right now. She is at risk of losing her car, current lodging, and such, we could really use the help to get her through this.

She’s several payments behind on her vehicle and without transport things will become much harder on her. If you can help or share we would greatly appreciate it.

Hey folks,

You might recall back in December I talked about a family member who is very precious to me. She’s a disabled single mom with five kids, four at home with her. I was asking for donations to help her and her kids avoid homelessness.

The family has been through a lot. Abuse, trauma, and poverty. PTSD, anxiety, and poor health have made it very difficult for them to move forward in life. It’s also why I’m not posting photos etc, the mother has asked for privacy given the things they’ve been through.

(Everyone is in therapy and such it’s just been A Lot)

This past year:

  • They lost their main monetary provider.
  • She had to have all of her teeth removed and had to have surgery on her jaw which she is still recovering from.
  • Had multiple issues with their apartment that required renovation etc.
  • One of the kids was found to have a pretty bad gastric issue that needs management.
  • Right now, thanks to the loss of a primary monetary provider in the house they’re at risk of losing a place to stay. They need help.

They’re getting help locally from organizations but she’s still not able to make ends meet.

This family is a family of survivors. They are hilarious, sweet, wonderful, and creative. I want them to be okay. I want them to not have to ring in the new year living out of their car or worrying about living conditions.

They don’t get enough in to keep bills paid and a roof over their heads. They didn’t have enough for Christmas.

They need money for bills and rent for the coming month. Their social worker, friends, family, and she herself have been desperately hunting for a place for her to live. She has assistance that will pay for housing but the number of people who are willing to take that assistance in her area is very low so it’s been hard to find a place, especially with a large family.

We could really use your help. You guys got her through December and January. Your continued support would mean the absolute world to her and her kids. You have no idea. Your donations could make the difference between them having a place to live, having transportation, having electricity, etc.

If you can’t donate please share this around.

Donate Here

We also have a GoFundMe.

Guys we have until the 27th for her to keep her vehicle, anything you can do is helpful.


Senbazuru Update!

In case you missed it, Senbazuru updated today!

Senbazuru Update!

In case you missed it, Senbazuru updated today!

I know I’ve posted a bunch about this issue but I’m still trying to raise money to help someone dear to me.

She’s a single mom with four kids and is an abuse survivor trying to get back on her feet.

She’s at risk of losing her car now. Still trying to get housing secured.

If you can help please do.

Here have a picture of their fur baby:

#mutual aid    #help needed    #donations    #gofundme    #fundraiser    

This is an NPC I use in my DnD campaigns, Kerswin Burdock. He’s a fey merchant and he’s one of my favorites to play. I forgot his accessories oh my god.


Helping A Family Avoid Homelessness and Transport Loss

UPDATE: Managed to pay off her phone bill today when it got cut off but we have nothing left in reserve right now. She is at risk of losing her car, current lodging, and such, we could really use the help to get her through this.

She’s several payments behind on her vehicle and without transport things will become much harder on her. If you can help or share we would greatly appreciate it.

Hey folks,

You might recall back in December I talked about a family member who is very precious to me. She’s a disabled single mom with five kids, four at home with her. I was asking for donations to help her and her kids avoid homelessness.

The family has been through a lot. Abuse, trauma, and poverty. PTSD, anxiety, and poor health have made it very difficult for them to move forward in life. It’s also why I’m not posting photos etc, the mother has asked for privacy given the things they’ve been through.

(Everyone is in therapy and such it’s just been A Lot)

This past year:

  • They lost their main monetary provider.
  • She had to have all of her teeth removed and had to have surgery on her jaw which she is still recovering from.
  • Had multiple issues with their apartment that required renovation etc.
  • One of the kids was found to have a pretty bad gastric issue that needs management.
  • Right now, thanks to the loss of a primary monetary provider in the house they’re at risk of losing a place to stay. They need help.

They’re getting help locally from organizations but she’s still not able to make ends meet.

This family is a family of survivors. They are hilarious, sweet, wonderful, and creative. I want them to be okay. I want them to not have to ring in the new year living out of their car or worrying about living conditions.

They don’t get enough in to keep bills paid and a roof over their heads. They didn’t have enough for Christmas.

They need money for bills and rent for the coming month. Their social worker, friends, family, and she herself have been desperately hunting for a place for her to live. She has assistance that will pay for housing but the number of people who are willing to take that assistance in her area is very low so it’s been hard to find a place, especially with a large family.

We could really use your help. You guys got her through December and January. Your continued support would mean the absolute world to her and her kids. You have no idea. Your donations could make the difference between them having a place to live, having transportation, having electricity, etc.

If you can’t donate please share this around.

Donate Here

We also have a GoFundMe.

So far I don’t think anything in DnD with my niblings has topped them saying “no gore please” only to then have our druid EAT A MAN and one of their tiny mushroom minions bludgeon a man to death while singing “It’s a Small World After All”.

They were cackling all the while.

Senbazuru Update!

Here’s an update for Senbazuru!

New Senbazuru Chapter!

New chapter of Senbazuru up!

Does anyone want to buy me dinner for my birthday?

I can do a commission in exchange!

if you’re interested hit me up at [email protected].

#commission    #commissions    

Senbazuru Update!

New chapter for Senbazuru dropped this morning!

My fan Star Warrior for Andromeda Star. You should read it if you haven’t already because it’s amazing.

Helping A Family Avoid Homelessness and Transport Loss

UPDATE:We have managed to get a payment plan to get her some breathing room for her vehicle. My fiance has been assisting in optimizing her bills since there’s a lot of things she’s just not familiar with. Any donations will go towards car, back payments, and bills.

Hey folks,

You might recall back in December I talked about a family member who is very precious to me. She’s a disabled single mom with five kids, four at home with her. I was asking for donations to help her and her kids avoid homelessness.

The family has been through a lot. Abuse, trauma, and poverty. PTSD, anxiety, and poor health have made it very difficult for them to move forward in life. It’s also why I’m not posting photos etc, the mother has asked for privacy given the things they’ve been through.

(Everyone is in therapy and such it’s just been A Lot)

This past year:

  • They lost their main monetary provider.
  • She had to have all of her teeth removed and had to have surgery on her jaw which she is still recovering from.
  • Had multiple issues with their apartment that required renovation etc.
  • One of the kids was found to have a pretty bad gastric issue that needs management.
  • Right now, thanks to the loss of a primary monetary provider in the house they’re at risk of losing a place to stay. They need help.

They’re getting help locally from organizations but she’s still not able to make ends meet.

This family is a family of survivors. They are hilarious, sweet, wonderful, and creative. I want them to be okay. I want them to not have to ring in the new year living out of their car or worrying about living conditions.

They don’t get enough in to keep bills paid and a roof over their heads. They didn’t have enough for Christmas.

They need money for bills and rent for the coming month. Their social worker, friends, family, and she herself have been desperately hunting for a place for her to live. She has assistance that will pay for housing but the number of people who are willing to take that assistance in her area is very low so it’s been hard to find a place, especially with a large family.

We could really use your help. You guys got her through December and January. Your continued support would mean the absolute world to her and her kids. You have no idea. Your donations could make the difference between them having a place to live, having transportation, having electricity, etc.

If you can’t donate please share this around.

Donate Here

We also have a GoFundMe.

And here’s a picture of their furbaby since they don’t want family photos online given the nature of their situation:

#emergency    #emergency assistance    #donate    #rent help    #bill help    

More adventures of Fuck Roger the Tiefling Bard.

We were kidnapped by gatorfolk one of whom has the hots for our cleric and went at him one on one in a battle nearly naked. Then bullywugs and yuan-ti showed up and the bout had to be put on pause since we had to kill some things.

The gators liked us and allowed us to stay. We made some deals with a local for items. He doesn’t trade in coin, only items. Roger offered a service instead.

And, with the help of another party member, rolled high. So he gets a magic tattoo that gives him Disguise Self in exchange for a night with a gator.
