
things that seem small can be really brave:

  • getting up in the morning
  • asking for help
  • stopping when you know you’ve pushed yourself too hard
  • admitting when you were in the wrong
  • forgiving yourself
  • making an effort even when you don’t have the motivation
  • reaching out to others when you feel alone
  • + much more


This bitch is making me twirl the phone cord



it’s not that hard to just ignore a post instead of getting angry and threatening me! just a thought

Sooo yeah this is not ok. WTF . If you don’t like the theme, trope, aesthetic whatever of a post/fic. Scroll!!! Why are you coming out your neck and looking like a complete asshole @glittergoon. You need to grow up.

Sorry you are going through this @brutallyjulia. People are assholes as you can see. Ignore this jerk.


good god, he looks so soft


OK, this is my LAST POST for today lol

The amount of content we got today is unbelievable and I needed to post EVERYTHING and I am not sorry 

@luvinchris doing the Lord’s work.


Ralph Lauren’s Collaboration with Morehouse and Spelman

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buffkreia:I made a spicy meme for you all


I made a spicy meme for you all

Post link


Chris Evans for Godiva 

Godiva has engaged actor Chris Evans as the voice of a new campaign aimed at making the high-end chocolate brand’s decadent sweets more approachable and accessible—or as Godiva’s CEO Nurtac Afridi put it, to “democratize the luxury” long associated with the brand.This is the new Godiva: colorful, joyful, approachable, with the same premium quality you deserve any day of the week,” says the brand’s global chief executive officer Nurtac Afridi. She explains that Evans was the ideal fit from a talent perspective due to his “on- and off-screen confidence, charisma and approachability,” which embody the tone that the brand hopes to strike.

Go head Chris… collect them coins baby!!

#chris evans    #godiva    #spokesperson    

Now this M’Fer is the spokesperson for Godiva Chocolate.. I’m just playing all these videos on Godiva YouTube page.

Christopher.. keep feeding us love!!!!

#chris evans    #godiva    #spokesperson    


NEW - Chris Evans for Godiva 

His voice.. omg. Oh my fucking God.

#chris evans    #godiva    
#nia long    


Thanks for giving me a chance ❤

Seriously from the bottom of my little cynical heart.. your comments, asks and discussions on my work means a whole hell of a lot.

#thank you    































Twitter‘s writing community is having a plagiarism scandal and I am hooked

Apparently some writer plagiarized her debut novel and not only did she plagiarize her debut novel she wrote an essay about how she plagiarized her debut novel and then it turned out she plagiarized the essay about how she plagiarized her debut novel. Riveting.

OK wait so apparently she plagiarized her essay about how she plagiarized her debut novel from someone Who also wrote an essay about how they also plagiarized their debut novel

A tongue twister. 

I managed to find the article she got published. I cannot believe this woman just plagiarized everything. It’s like she didn’t even try not to or at the very least be better at it. I’m so confused.

And then to make an article about it like what in the world girl. Like I get that all those deadlines are fucking of her mental health I still get that like I can so see how that would be true but damn she really took plagiarizing to a whole new level. She made youngmoneymilla (lol only real ones remember) seem like a rookie 

Thinking about Eliza still makes me angry. Like how tf do you just dip, wait all of two, three weeks at the most, and come back?! And then gaslight everyone until a blog and a friend convince you to come clean. I hope she falls cooter first on a cactus.

Lmao and then remember when she (I’m sorry I’m laughing. This shit never fails to make me laugh) came back under a new profile and it was like girl we know it’s you and she was still plagiarizing and people were on here like this was a witch hunt and going I talk to her on Instagram and she said it wasn’t her like yeah no shit she said it wasn’t her you’re trusting a liar to not lie? it was comedy and straight up white woman privilege. Good times. Gooooood times

We have to laugh because I can’t crowdfund money go hug people she hurt. I had to block so many people over that whole soap opera. They really tried act we were jealous of her popularity and skill as if she didn’t lift entire chapters off ao3 and here. But sure yeah the sky is neon yellow and she’s too kind for that

Lmao they were really trying to pull that you’re just jealous thing. I know she’s not the only person on here that’s plagiarized but she just did it so blatantly. It was insulting.

 I remember before I caught on that something was definitely off I read one of her stories and was like wait didn’t I just read this in a different story it was just so late it was like girl you did really ripped them off what the fuck 

And that’s also why I’m super paranoid about anything I do being too similar to anyone else because I am not trying to get caught up lmao 

You’re not the only one. Synth had to move a series she was working on because someone started claiming concepts. Omg do you remember that one weird lady who falsely accused someone of plagiarism but was subscribed to the very thing she was complaining about on ao3?!

Lmao no omg what!? Yeah I remember that stuff with synth. That was not plagiarism. We all use these same tropes anyway

This…leaf came after someone who used 50 shades of wtfever for inspiration. It wasn’t plagiarism and the leaf was actually subbed to someone plagiarizing 50sog on ao3. They went after that poor writer so hard. She was trying to get a book published and the leaf started harassing her contacts so much that her book deal fell apart. The writer ended up leaving here and self publishing her stuff. That leaf legit pushed someone out of fandom and no one could convince that she was wrong. The leaf got pissed at people talking about her and started harassing people from her side blogs - it was a war zone for months.

No shit? Damn how did I miss this one that’s terrible

Whew chile. Be happy that you did. It was sad. That leaf almost got herself sued. I’m pretty sure that event is why the marvel fandom here will never have peace.

Yeah there’s definitely been a build up for it to be the way it is now it’s kind of wild

Yep. Now we just have people confused about concepts and people who use words way to close to n-word. We’ve grown. ‍

Damn I really don’t be paying attention to shit that goes on anymore


This writer sounds like she took a page from Cassandra Claire, I mean Clare, book. yeah, I’m going that far back

Oh she was ripping people offfffff

And she managed to come out in top. White woman’s privilege

Right but at least that movie flopped

This doesn’t make me miss my old book community one bit lol.

Lol what you can’t handle the plagiarism on top of plagiarism on top of plagiarism

Haha I use to review in the Romance community. My God it was insane.

LMAO do you remember on goodreads when that one girl Wrote a scathing review to a book under an alias and the writer of the book reached out to her and like harassed her and found out her real name and everyone was like I can’t believe you would write that under a pen name like we’re writers we have a pet names what are you talking about lmao 

Omg I do!!!! I remember the author but yes that whole situation is ringing so many bells. Lol

That shit was mental people were really upset that that girl wrote a review under a pen name

But in all actuality, who the fuck does some shit like that?! What?? Lol

Stop I’m cracking up it’s too early for this

No but for real it stops and makes you think like, “what the fuck is truly wrong with folks”? That shit had me questioning a lot the few days after that all came out

I get why a negative review would hurt but that lady did entirely the most. I think that’s why my time on goodreads was very limited

Is that still around. I couldn’t tell you the last time I logged in there


If you write a strong character, let them fail.

If you write a selfless hero, let them get mad at people.

If you write a cold-heated villain, let them cry.

If you write a brokenhearted victim, let them smile again.

If you write a bold leader, let them seek guidance.

If you write a confident genius, let them be wrong, or get stumped once in a while.

If you write a fighter or a warrior, let them lose a battle, but let them win the war.

If you write a character who loses everything, let them find something.

If you write a reluctant hero, give them a reason to join the fight.

If you write a gentle-hearted character who never stops smiling, let that smile fade and tears fall in shadows.

If you write a no one, make them a someone.

If you write a sibling, let them fight and bicker, but know that at the end of the day they’ll always have each other’s back.

If you write a character, make them more than just a character; give them depth, give them flaws and secrets, and give them life.

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