
Johnny Depp pick-me to anti-feminist “cool” girl pipeline


ulala from space channel 5 cameo in josie and the pussycats (2001)


many are asking this

monosjoon:#monoiscoming monosjoon:#monoiscoming monosjoon:#monoiscoming monosjoon:#monoiscoming 



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bangtan:RM’s playlist “mono.” 10/23 –


RM’s playlist



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#my ass is ready    #namjoon    
Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’

Tagged by @nervousnutsandwich, thank you!! I used a mixture of pics from my phone and pc, hope that’s okay :’)

tagging just @kimgothjoon:)

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#tag meme    #personal    
kookmint:We no longer claim crabskookmint:We no longer claim crabskookmint:We no longer claim crabskookmint:We no longer claim crabs


We no longer claim crabs

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#namjoon    #joonie    
springsn0w:bee: 1 - Seokjin: 0springsn0w:bee: 1 - Seokjin: 0springsn0w:bee: 1 - Seokjin: 0springsn0w:bee: 1 - Seokjin: 0springsn0w:bee: 1 - Seokjin: 0springsn0w:bee: 1 - Seokjin: 0


bee: 1 - Seokjin: 0

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#seokjin    #jinnie    
bangtan: © STAND BY RM | Do not edit.


©STAND BY RM | Do not edit.

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doona-baes: he really out there looking like that huhdoona-baes: he really out there looking like that huhdoona-baes: he really out there looking like that huhdoona-baes: he really out there looking like that huh


he really out there looking like that huh

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holy-jinsus: He makes me feel so many things.holy-jinsus: He makes me feel so many things.


He makes me feel so many things.

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tumblr gallery photo
twoy:“Like most people, I’ve made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults and I havetwoy:“Like most people, I’ve made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults and I havetwoy:“Like most people, I’ve made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults and I havetwoy:“Like most people, I’ve made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults and I havetwoy:“Like most people, I’ve made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults and I havetwoy:“Like most people, I’ve made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults and I have


“Like most people, I’ve made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults and I have many more fears, but I am going to embrace myself as hard as I can, and I’m starting to love myself gradually, just little by little. What is your name?Speak yourself.”

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tumblr gallery phototumblr gallery photo
#im so proud    #namjoon    
jeoncooky:I am Kim Namjoon from Ilsanjeoncooky:I am Kim Namjoon from Ilsanjeoncooky:I am Kim Namjoon from Ilsanjeoncooky:I am Kim Namjoon from Ilsan


I am Kim Namjoon from Ilsan

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taeguk:“I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and who I will be”taeguk:“I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and who I will be”taeguk:“I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and who I will be”taeguk:“I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and who I will be”


“I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and who I will be”

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In case u needed something to make ur day better

editsjikook:₍₎ . .⃗ . like or reblog ♡↜ © artjimin editsjikook:₍₎ . .⃗ . like or reblog ♡↜ © artjimin editsjikook:₍₎ . .⃗ . like or reblog ♡↜ © artjimin editsjikook:₍₎ . .⃗ . like or reblog ♡↜ © artjimin editsjikook:₍₎ . .⃗ . like or reblog ♡↜ © artjimin editsjikook:₍₎ . .⃗ . like or reblog ♡↜ © artjimin


₍₎ . .⃗ . like or reblog ♡↜

© artjimin

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Why is this so funny to me?! That mirror’s arc is just hilarious
