do not be afraid

you’ll all just have to believe me when i say this one looks better in person

recently found a pad full of canvas paper ✌️




More than 1/8th of the White Mountain Apache Tribe has tested positive for Covid-19.

They have been hit EXTREMELY hard and I have seen no posts going around talking about it. It is one of the hardest hit places in ARIZONA, a state that already has horribly high case numbers.

They have a Covid relief gofundme. Please donate if you can and spread this if you can’t.

they’re currently at less than a tenth of their goal.

$123,262 raised of $1,000,000 goal as of today July 18, 2020

painting from a photo from celebrating the new year with close friends, plus more exploration in obscuring faces. miss this time but grateful for the memories. last pic is a test done with tracing paper that i thought looked interesting on its own


the radfems have my lesbian cuddling art in their circulation n i wanna die

again, if youre a terf: fuck off n unfollow me


call it mouldy strawberry/faded travel brochure you found in a sewer chic

the radfems have my lesbian cuddling art in their circulation n i wanna die

haven’t used markers like this in a while


Escribes tan precioso que el interior de tu mente debe ser un lugar terrible.


tumblr gallery photo


Qué bonita es la calma.

tumblr gallery photo