




im crying matthew daddario found out about the alec lightwood tag being banned shsjhsbd

no cause this is so funny y'all don’t understand he’s fighting for like the 3 ppl still posting in the tag me included !

i’m obsessed

Especially hilarious cause Matt almost never posts. This is his first tweet in 18 days. Man stopped his Christmas vacation to get Alec Lightwood out of tumblr jail.


tom wamb + banned [tumblr] tags

#skksksks    #succession    


You guys can DEFINITELY stop with the “stupid evil China censors everything including Winnie the Pooh” shit now that Tumblr + other social social media sites are purging entire content warnings, social issues, body parts and genders for the sole purpose of sucking Apple’s dick and making as much money from advertising as possible


so funny to me tumblr banned all this right after succession s3 stopped airing. they said okay all you freaks had your fun. log the fuck off


If you thought I was an apple user you obv don’t know me well enough. There will be no interruption in your irregularly scheduled bullshit


in light of the new tumblr update i just want to remind everyone of the tumblr tag replacer! if you use tags like “mine” and “my stuff” for your original content this could be really useful so you don’t have to retag a bunch of posts by hand


saying “i love you” is so freeing though, like your best friend does a silly dance in the parking lot so you say “i love you” or your partner says something rly dumb but it makes you laugh so you say “i love you” or one of your parents brings you some of the food they cooked so you say “i love you” it’s so freeing and pure and human so maybe we should say “i love you” a little more often


if there’s anything tumblr has taught me it’s that this guy named franz kafka was in agony 365 days a year


sometimes you feel like reblogging only like 5 posts through the whole day. other time you feel like reblogging like 50 posts in one hour. so is the turbulent and unpredictable life of a tumblr girl.

#oh my god    



If a hot bi girl wanted to fix me I would let her

if a hot bi girl wanted to make me worse i would let her

#bi tag    


remember when ppl used to post like “I may lose followers for this…reblog if you support gay people” on here. on tumblr.


me @ literally every single one of my bisexual women mutuals: it’s an honor to be bad bisexual rep w u all

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leech381: Skirtsuit
tightsgalore: Your #1 Place for Pantyhose and Tights


Your #1 Place for Pantyhose and Tights

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