More dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly promethMore dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly promethMore dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly promethMore dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly promethMore dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly promethMore dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly promethMore dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly promethMore dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly promethMore dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly prometh

More dnd doodles? on my blog? its more likely then you think! (and yes they’re predominantly prometheus, sue me)

+ an order of the fallen one resident evil village au because i saw some scary similarities between most of the characters and made myself watch a horror game playthrough so i could make an au

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Someone slapped her and now she’s trying to figure out the best way to desecrate the copse Someone slapped her and now she’s trying to figure out the best way to desecrate the copse 

Someone slapped her and now she’s trying to figure out the best way to desecrate the copse 

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not… quite what this meme is supposed to showcase but that’s the joke

not… quite what this meme is supposed to showcase but that’s the joke

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quick sketches for my concept art finalquick sketches for my concept art finalquick sketches for my concept art finalquick sketches for my concept art final

quick sketches for my concept art final

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#concept art    #concept design    #my art    #oceans blade    
My concept art final

My concept art final

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lady ocean concept art!

lady ocean concept art!

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taking a break from my constant dnd posting to give you original works i painted for my concept art

taking a break from my constant dnd posting to give you original works i painted for my concept art program. Plus gotta get in on mermay just a lil bit even if im drawing my hands off for school hahaha

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i never did post the 2 am doodle of my two special boys now did i

i never did post the 2 am doodle of my two special boys now did i

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I’m still wondering what really happened to them…


sorry for being away for a while! I’m back now!

Thank you so much for your reactions and messages as always

It may take some time but I’m sure to catch up for now!

[Emote] Shame



“Like Father, Like Daughter”

The parallels in this show still impress me. Everytime I watch, I see more. These were just two that really stood out to me.

#vander    #powder    #arcane    

so glad to see some news about dragon age finally and to see a trailer for a fandom that i actually know very well but at the same time arcane raised my standards for this type of project so much…

what an… interesting choice for soundtrack… in the new episode…

#the boys    

i hope sooo much kimiko and frenchie remain platonic this is such a taste for their ship they’re so great with this dynamic.



the boys + textposts part 1/?
