manawhaat:sweaterpawsandbands:kissmekissme-clifford:this will help immensely A writer needs manawhaat:sweaterpawsandbands:kissmekissme-clifford:this will help immensely A writer needs manawhaat:sweaterpawsandbands:kissmekissme-clifford:this will help immensely A writer needs manawhaat:sweaterpawsandbands:kissmekissme-clifford:this will help immensely A writer needs




this will help immensely 

A writer needs this in their life

Ugh, I need this in my life.

Post link

anti-lgbtq bills are getting written increasingly, transphobic laws are getting passed while referencing ‘religious rights’ in the usa and worldwide, and yt cishet hollywood writers are like 'i think it’d be so subversive to write an arc about a corrupting lesbian leading a woman away from hetero normalcy and then to kill the toxic queer off to 'liberate’ the latter from her 'problematic lifestyle’ and use christian imagery all over it’


we got another one lads






trend of overly cutesy drawing in front of pride flag profile pictures saying the most deranged puritan shit imaginable continues without interruption

people should know that this is literally about being barefoot


By Mickey Quinn, posted by rae geiger: “Mickey asked me to post this for her”


Romantic relationships are not any more special/prone to abuse/less justifiable than any other deep connection if you support Amity working on her relationship with her Dad, if you support Gamora and Nebula making up and being close sisters again, if you support the idea of Azula and Zuko making up and becoming close, if you support Jinx and Vi possibly making up, if you support Emma and Regina becoming friends, if you support any situation where two people were extreme enemies/had a toxic relationship/one tried to kill the other/etc and they end up putting their differences aside/making up/becoming close/reconciling and then you turn around call Catradora “abuse apologism” you’re a fucking hypocrite. Plain and simple. A hypocrite through and through.

snoozemoose:I completely forgot I made this?? I wanna make more if I ever have the energy for it T_Tsnoozemoose:I completely forgot I made this?? I wanna make more if I ever have the energy for it T_T


I completely forgot I made this?? I wanna make more if I ever have the energy for it T_T

Post link
punkitt-is-here:been watching breaking bad and the tension of unsatisfied white upper class suburbanpunkitt-is-here:been watching breaking bad and the tension of unsatisfied white upper class suburbanpunkitt-is-here:been watching breaking bad and the tension of unsatisfied white upper class suburbanpunkitt-is-here:been watching breaking bad and the tension of unsatisfied white upper class suburban


been watching breaking bad and the tension of unsatisfied white upper class suburban infighting is more nerve wracking than any meth lab shootout

Post link
flyingtuts:Tardy #inktober entry for DAY 15: OutpostAdora: Thought you hate being on guard duty.Catr


Tardy#inktober entry for DAY 15: Outpost

Adora: Thought you hate being on guard duty.
Catra: Pfft. This is fine. *sits closer
Adora: I knew you liked me.
Catra: What? No! Shut up! I’m just cold.
Adora: You have fur. All over.
Catra: Whatever. *Cuddles closer

What more could we want?

Visit my insta @sainah.benz for the speed painting video.
Done on Procreate

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how i sleep knowing i will pirate every single thing released on disney plus

how y’all gonna sleep after your computers are infected with a bazillion viruses and the feds gon’ bust your asses

how i sleep when I’m pirating disney with a vpn and anti-virus protection.

How I sleep after pirating everything from D+ while using an antivirus, VPN or proxy, and a cantenna to rip off the free wifi at Downtown Disney. If you can’t get wifi directly from the house of mouse McDonald’s will do.

How I sleep knowing I’m pissing off all the Disney bootlickers by pirating:

Oh no! What a terrible thing to do, this information should’t be spread by reblogging it, that’s for sure.

so this the unholy trinity of the modern ‘violently kill off the gay character the moment they got a bit too loudly queer and happy’ trope huh

#castiel    #killing eve spoilers    #destiel    #villaneve    #superhell    


Look, if you genuinely think that an abused, emotionally damaged and traumatized TEENAGER who killed literally no one (possibly one person, and even that’s left ambiguous) is “objectively” worse than the galactic dictator who destroyed multiple planets, has killed untold billions of innocent people, and treats his “brothers” like slaves, then quite frankly I think you need to re-evaluate your priorities because there is CLEARLY something wrong with them.


Part 1 of 2

I could have gone cutesy and been done with it, but this happened instead.

This is based on the theory that Catra and Adora have fallen in love over and over again but every time Shadow Weaver catches them, she erases Adora’s memory of them ever getting together so Catra is left in a loop of Adora falling in love with her, and acting on it, and then watching her get her memories erased once again.

This all happens before Adora defects.

Here’s the link to part 2:


Part 2 of 2!!!

And then she does leave. Poor Catra.

Here’s the link to part 1:



They’re so fun and soft and because all the rugs in the show are purple and yellow I did the same with the heart of Etheria rug

Also created a mini rug of my original design with the heart and sword! I love them so much!

I create all my rugs live on TikTok (@/chrystalchristie) if you ever wanna join

I also sell these rugs and more on my Etsy store!





A woman is going to be wrongfully executed next month for a crime she did not commit. Her case was used as a political ploy, and a false confession was produced by gross police misconduct.

Her name is Melissa Lucio and she’s going to die this April.

Sign the petition and learn more here->

Not only did Ms. Lucio not commit a crime, the crime never happened. It was completely fabricated. Everything she was accused of is disproven by mountains of evidence and testimony. She lost her toddler daughter in a tragic accident and was baselessly blamed. In an already traumatic situation, when she was grieving for her baby and should’ve been surrounded by the healing love of family and community, she was kidnapped and now might be murdered by the government. No matter how you feel about the death penalty (though I would hope this case, and the many others like it, will inform your stance), this woman is not being executed as punishment for wrongdoing. She is being killed as punishment for being a poor Latina woman. The state is also injuring and traumatizing her children (including the twins she gave birth to in prison and was forced to give up for adoption) by taking their mom away. This is white supremacist murder and state terrorism, plain and simple.

John Oliver covered this 2 weeks ago





girl help i’m having creation ideas above my skill level

girl help i’m having creation ideas above my motivation level

girl help I’m having creation ideas above my free time level
