#- my character who i need to talk about one day



Yo how’s it going fellow cool kids! I’m back after I dug myself out of a hole again and I now have some art to give until I fall into the same hole again!

None of them are my OCs, I did this as an art request redraw that I did from a server that I’m in for fun. The first one is @bananimationofficial, the second one is @randomwords247, the third is @altonious, and the fourth and final one is @Toffee

I had fun making them but now that I’m looking at them, they look like I just copy-pasted the same pose for all of them… NFT’s confirmed?! I really gotta learn how to make different poses for drawing again. Anyways, until next time, stay happy not sappy

Also here’s everyone in a group photo

YOOO THIS IS COOOL they all look hecking awesome!!! You have a knack for really cool designs with monsterous or like ‘failed experiment/experiment’ vibe elements

Also dw about them having similar poses it happens JHASDJHASD sometimes there is just a pose which is Your Brand and its hard to break out of
