#000 this was written really well



For reference: Bosacius (electro yaksha), Indarias (pyro yaksha), Bonanus (hydro yaksha), Menogias (geoyaksha).

“Ahh, I wonder when (y/n)’s gonna wake up!~

“Pipe it down, you’re being too loud!”

The pyro and geo yakshas started to quietly bicker amongst themselves as they stood above (y/n) sleeping body, while the others remained somewhere close in the back. Bonanus with content with simply watching over (y/n) but there were moments when all she wanted was to outstretch her hand and touch (y/n)’s pretty face… With a slightly teary gaze her attention was shifted back onto Indarias and Menogias, who were still arguing. Indarias was frustrated beyond belief and longed to see (y/n) but Menogias was firm in his belief that (y/n) needed a good night’s rest, lest fatigue starts to weigh down on them once they resume traveling when the sun comes up.

“You big liar, you just want to keep (y/n) for yourself!” said the pyro yaksha, her voice just barely shrill. Menogias scoffed at her, a proud grin on his lips as his gaze softened once he looked back at (y/n) once more, and his haughty pride soon melted away into sweet admiration.

“… can you really blame me though?” he asked with a soft voice.

Indarias paused and mumbled a quiet no under her breath, scarlet red tinting her cheeks.

No one even noticed that Bosacius had vanished from the entire ordeal aside from Alatus, who had been watching everything from a nearby rock that he climbed. His golden gaze scanned the area and in less than a few minutes Bosacius was coming back with a big grin plastered across his face with a handful of wild flowers in his arms. He was a little out of breath but he still managed to keep his cool as he inched closer towards the sleeping (y/n), an eager glint was shining brightly in his eyes. Recognizing this Alatus had suddenly appeared in front of Bosacius, a neutral look on his face as the electro yaksha fell to the ground, just barely saving the pretty blooms in the process.

Alatus carefully went through all of the flowers his friend had brought and picked out the most beautiful and fresh one. It was a Qingxin and it was in full bloom. He smelled it a little and a ghost of a smile could be seen on his face had it not been so dark outside.

Without a word, the anemo yaksha wordlessly placed the sweet flower behind the slumbering (y/n)’s ear. With his back turned to his comrades, he took in (y/n)’s face to memory one final time before they all had to leave.

(y/n) was a mere human and yet, the yakshas felt compelled to protect this human. They all had a mutual agreement to never directly interact with (y/n) because of they feared that their own karmic debt could ruin everything. So they settled for this, carefully monitoring (y/n) and following their every move, even occasionally indulging their desires like they did tonight.

Xiao’s long fingers ghosted (y/n)’s soft cheek, the desire was obvious but he controlled himself. He could feel the sun rising and the others were waiting for him.

It was time to go.

Picking himself up from the ground and with his Jade Spear in hand, he and the rest of the yakshas, looked at (y/n) one final time until they all departed.

It was a bittersweet evening, to say the least.
