#100 times yes



please please please, i usually don’t say much about these types of things. but it would be heavily appreciated if creators stopped using ad-fly. It is not a safe enough website nor is it a very efficient way of making money. there are millions of people that download custom content everyday many of which are very young, very old, disabled, chronically ill etc. and so therefore a lot of people will not understand how to safely pass through the site, they may accidentally click somewhere they aren’t supposed to or end up following one of the many pop-ups that come up not to mention that there is still a chance for things to go wrong even with a blocker, even without clicking anything. 

a lot of people do not have the option to replace a laptop or get it checked out if it gets a virus, as you know money isn’t easy to come by. i really don’t care if you use patreon and keep your cc behind a paywall for the rest of time, or use the sims resource or simsdom, but at the very least do have the courtesy to not make things harder for the people who would like to download your content. early access is a real option, that allows the people who love your amazing work to support you whole heartedly regardless of the discourse about it. I know how much you love the sims (or don’t?? idk) and would like to make some extra money from your hobby, but ad-fly is just not the way to do it. 



Connie Cunningham is nothing if not predictable. Always on time to work at the record store located across Family Video, keeping her 4.0 GPA in High School, attending church service every Sunday morning.

Except, starting in her Senior Year, Connie becomes more and more unpredictable. When she isn’t shielding her twin sister Chrissy from her mothers fat shaming, or trying to keep the store running smoothly while her manager is away, she’s sneaking off into the woods to hook up with Eddie Munson

But she has bigger secrets. And when her sister is found horribly mutilated at her boyfriend’s house, Connie realizes her secrets might be the death of her.

