#10th house in pisces




10th House Ruler | A Cosmic VentureALT


10th House (MC), is traditionally ruled by Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, showing you where your highest potential lies.

A lasting legacy isn’t created in one day. It’s with time, that you get refined and rich in experience which helps you in choosing a mature path for yourself.

Your present actions are the makers of your future. To bridge the gap between “who you are” and “who you want to be”, endurance is much needed.


your potential, your reputation, how you meet the world and what qualities make you respectable in the long haul.

10th House also makes you feel uncomfortable because you are confronted by the world to evolve into what is required of you.

Your Rising (1st) squares the 10th house meaning your personality isn’t what fits the potential unless there’s a connection between them. All you have to do is to balance your 10th House and 1st House to get the best results.


Aries: Mars

Taurus: Venus

Gemini: Mercury

Cancer: Moon

Leo: Sun

Virgo: Mercury

Libra: Venus

Scorpio: Mars/ Pluto

Sagittarius: Jupiter

Capricorn: Saturn

Aquarius: Saturn/ Uranus

Pisces: Jupiter/ Neptune


10th House Ruler in 1st | 10th House in Aries

Your potential manifest as an entrepreneur, highly innovative and ambitious. Your achievements strengthen your confidence. You are asked to embody yourself fully in order to allow the world to see your potential. How you carry yourself often shapes your career.

10th House Ruler in 2nd | 10th House in Taurus

Your potential manifest as luxurious, grounded and value-oriented. Your self-worth sets the ground rules here. What you value in life manifest in this area of life. Your skills lie in fashion, luxury, art, cooking and financial sectors. You create a world that is beautiful.

10th House Ruler in 3rd | 10th House in Gemini

Your potential manifest as a versatile person, a great communicator, and highly intelligent. You shine where you interact with different kinds of people. Every day is an opportunity to learn new skills. You are asked to step into the power of self-expression.

10th House Ruler in 4th | 10th House in Cancer

Your potential manifest as a coach for mothers or women, a therapist and someone who cares for others. Use your emotional intelligence for the best results. Follow what your heart desires. Your intuition plays an essential role in making your mark in the world.

10th House Ruler in 5th | 10th House in Leo

Your potential manifest as a performing artist, leader, a socialite. You are highly successful when pursuing anything in creative arts or where you have to be in the spotlight. You are asked to enhance your confidence to let the world see how powerful you are.

10th House Ruler in 6th | 10th House in Virgo

Your potential manifest as a healer, professor, fitness coach, accountant, or someone who is successful in organising. You are best where you are asked to help others achieve their goals (either in lifestyle or personal). Make sure to have healthy boundaries and not overdo.

10th House Ruler in 7th | 10th House in Libra

Your potential manifest as a consultant, designer, creative artist, lawyer, human relations and fighting fair for the rights of others. Your attitude of a peacemaker makes people trust you. Your relationship with yourself is the base of business partnerships.

10th House Ruler in 8th | 10th House in Scorpio

Your potential manifest as a psychologist, researcher, financial manager, and astrologer. You have a powerful path that is full of ups and downs. You are great with the investigation and getting into depth. Be aware of manipulative people in your career.

10th House Ruler in 9th | 10th House in Sagittarius

Your potential manifest as a wisdom seeker and a learner who is here to share the gifts with the world. You can be great as a professor, an explorer or a travel blogger. Indulging in people different from your background will bring you enormous growth.

10th House Ruler in 10th | 10th House in Capricorn

Your potential manifest as an archetype of a Boss, leader, CEO and someone who have the access to material growth. Your efforts pave the path to your success. With time, you become respected. Saturn rules the public. So serving the masses strengthen your reputation.

10th House Ruler in 11th | 10th House in Aquarius

Your potential manifest as an innovator, scientist, a humanitarian at heart. Embrace your individuality and be a part of the community that respects it. You shine at standing for any form of human rights. Your friends often play an essential role in growth.

10th House Ruler in 12th | 10th House in Pisces

Your potential manifest as an artist, spiritual healer, or someone who paves the path for lost souls. Your success is hidden in foreign lands. Get to know other cultures. Living in a distant land will bring you a fortune. Spirituality often builds your status in society.

