
Pre-orders for Spectrum have closed and we were given permission to post our submissions! So here’s

Pre-orders for Spectrum have closed and we were given permission to post our submissions! So here’s mine. ✨ Trans female Pidge and trans male Matt with their supportive asexual boyfriend Lance!

To everyone who pre-ordered the zine or has shown their support, thank you so much! I can’t wait for y’all to see the finished products of everyone’s work. 


If you want to read my commentary, please see under the cut!

For this piece, I thought about how both Matt and Pidge like to joke that they got the wrong body at birth but are both supportive of each other’s transitioning.

The Holt twins are both trans and Lance is so very much romantically in love with them. He loves them so much and is a great, supportive boyfriend to them when they’re battling dysphoria and struggling with their bodies. He helps them whenever he can and encourages them when they’re having low periods, giving them space when he knows they would rather hole up in their rooms, and in return the Pidge and Matt give Lance all the love and affection he needs - because they love to cuddle Lance and enjoy making Lance smile and happy. Their dynamics is usually full of snark and sass, pranks and jokes, but at the end of the day they’re in love.

Anyways, this is really gay and I love it and it was a huge honour to work on this project with everyone! 

Also, before anyone throws rocks at me, Lance is dating Pidge andMatt but Pidge and Matt are onlydating Lance. There is no inc*st involved in this OT3 so please don’t jump the gun and assume otherwise, lol. The way I see this relationship is that Lance didn’t know Pidge and Matt were twins since they’re so different in looks and personality. Pidge and Matt both knew Lance was dating someone else because they’re in an open relationship and communicate with each other, and the twins both understand that Lance has so much love to give so they don’t try to control who he gives it to unless it’s a danger to himself. They all found out when Lance shyly asked if they were okay with hanging out and seeing a movie together. (It was one memorable night, with endless teasing on Lance’s behalf with Matt and Pidge joking that he has something for gingers, Holts, and twins.)

Basically I just like Latte and Lidge, and the Holt twins headcanons.

These are strictly my headcanons of the characters and their relationships and do not represent VLD/Voltron as a whole. 

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