#17th century waistcoat

page-2-ids: Vamprian: A pale, sharp-toothed gender that has haunting eyes, sunken cheeks, and thick,page-2-ids: Vamprian: A pale, sharp-toothed gender that has haunting eyes, sunken cheeks, and thick,page-2-ids: Vamprian: A pale, sharp-toothed gender that has haunting eyes, sunken cheeks, and thick,page-2-ids: Vamprian: A pale, sharp-toothed gender that has haunting eyes, sunken cheeks, and thick,


Vamprian: A pale, sharp-toothed gender that has haunting eyes, sunken cheeks, and thick, dark hair. It’s related to dark cloaks, ornate stone castles, new moons, 17-18th century waistcoats, and the colors black, dark blue, dark purple, dark violet, dark indigo, maroon, royal blue, and royal purple. This gender is not a vampire.

Vamprivir: A male presenting version of Vamprian

Vampriavire: A male and female presenting version of Vamprian

Vampriera:A female presenting version of Vamprian

The colors were inspired by the colors the genders are related to (and common vampire colors), as long as fairly common terms for the related presentations in the vir/era/avire terms

Suggested pronouns

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