#1819 aniwatch


Perfect, 10/10, no notes.

Kyo is increasingly bad at hiding his rapidly burgeoning feelings for Tohru and I am here for it.

*chanting*OT3 OT3 OT3

If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of my sucking in breath through my teeth.

Fuck,we can’t even fully trust Shigure now. I hate it.

Isn’t it just like Tohru to see someone else who uses a winning personality to hide their inner turmoil and, rather of recognizing herself in them, doubles down on trying not to be a burden to them?

“It’s almost like he’s protecting something by hating Yuki.”

God, this fucking scene. I’m not sure what secrets Kyo might be hiding, but just from his body language you can tell how deep the scars they left in him are. Tohru’s right; for all his tough talk, his heart is as delicate as glass. Him and Yuki alike.

okay but please tell me someone’s written OT3 fanfic of these three

Can we also just, like, appreciate how casual this representation is? This is a manga from, like, the late 90s, and it prominently features an unambiguously bisexual character who isn’t ashamed of proclaiming how much he loves another dude. Get on this level, shounen.

I think Hatsuharu’s backstory is a really fantastic representation of the cycle of abuse. The other Sohmas made fun of him for being the Ox, an animal that’s supposedly slow and stupid. That complex manifested in an aggressive split personality that he used to take out his anger on Yuki, since the Rat is the animal that tricks the Ox in the old fairy tale, thus giving the Ox its reputation for stupidity. In other words, Haru’s family stereotyped him based on an intrinsic part of his being, and not only did that leaveHaru himself with lasting trauma he’s still working through to this day, it caused him to lash out at Yuki with the same harmful assumptions. He was hurt by being shoved into a box, and it drove him to try and shove someone else into a box in the exact same way, because that was the only way he knew how to process his anger. Pain passed down from person to person, perpetuating itself in an unbroken chain until someone’s finally able to stop it in its tracks.

he’s so over their shit aksjdhaksjdhaskjdh

oh no the bisexual disaster character has landed

>trips Kyo by stretching a line across the street

>breaks the fourth wall about it

>refuses to elaborate

Yep, Haru’s a winner.

Our protagonist, ladies and gentlemen.

Pictured: me whenever I had to run a mile for gym class

Man, I wish Ayame would quit it with the perving on Tohru jokes, because outside of those, this motherfucker is hilarious.

Gee I wonder why a story about an ordinary girl sharing a house with a family of flirty pretty boys was such a smash hit with the female demographic



listen the whole “aggressive hot boy defends his pure crush from creeps” is the tropiest trope to ever trope but god dammit this one really worked for me

@mrsmarymorstan why would you leave this in the tags

Have I mentioned I love Saki?

So in Akito’s first real in-person scene, he manages to:

-re-traumatize Yuki to the point of paralysis with memories of the abuse he suffered under his watch

-agitate Tohru so much that she actually pushes him aside in her first real display of confrontational activity yet

-instill Kyo with a level of silent rage we’ve never seen from him before

-remain incredibly polite all throughout, even as he’s trying to absolutely destroy Yuki with his words

Yeah. This man is fucking terrifying.
