#2020 spoilers


Wow this episode was a lot like the last one.

Why WarGreymon again? You could have been like ‘oh Agumon’s still too tired’ and had Phoenixmon instead but. No. Let Sora do something? Don’t be foolish. What the show really needs is even more Taichi! This just felt like episode 30 but with more Lopmon infodump. I want to like this show so bad. But they’re making it very difficult.

And don’t even get me started on the ‘animation’ this week. The Bakemon basically weren’t animated at all, just copy pasted around for most of their screen time. It’s hard not to compare it with the other Toei show I’m watching right now, the Dragon Quest remake, that airs the day before Digimon. I’m not saying it’s top-tier level animation or anything, but it looks so much better than Digimon. Which is disheartening. Toei can do better they just aren’t. 

It is how it is, I guess. At least next week won’t be Taichi focused. That’s nice. He’s still there but. You know. Baby steps. 

Really running out of things to even say at this point.

You’d think an episode where WarGreymon appears for real this time, with all his colours and everything, would be more … something. This just seems like such an odd time to do this, against a random Digimon that we just met. I mean yeah, Evolution in general has been much more lowkey this season than it has been previously, but this feels especially lowkey for the first Ultimate evolution. Kind of had a ‘huh … that’s it?’ feeling. Which is unfortunate.

Ah well, setting that aside, on the more positive since I haven’t mentioned it before, I do like the use of Millenniumon as a villain, especially if they’re planning on making ZeedMillenniumon the end game. There’s some really cool potential with that Digimon, and it’s new! Never been animated before! That’s fun. 

But I’ll be honest, don’t really have much faith in the show right now to really take advantage of how much potential ZeedMillenniumon has but who knows. They did make the first 3 episodes. Remember those? Good times. What a show it would be if it’d stayed at that quality. 

Just a quick thought for the episodes I missed before getting into the new one.

27. Yamato how did you not notice Takeru getting away from you to stand in front of DarkKnightmon. Like honestly. You were just holding him. How does this keep happening? This Yamato’s onii-chan powers are so weak.

28. Oh, good. They’re seperated again. Great. Awesome. Why would I expect anything different? How foolish of me.

And now to episode 29, not that there’s really much to say about it. It’s just. More fighting. Wasn’t expecting anyone to meet up so soon so that’s nice, I guess. 

There’s just not much to say about even more fighting. It’d be one thing if the animation was like, s1 of OPM or MP100 levels of animation so it’d at least be visually interesting, but the animation here is just alright. I’ve definitely seen worse. But it’s not especially exciting to watch. 

I don’t think it helps that I just watched three episodes in a row. Was pretty bored by the time I got to 29. Not a show I’d recommend for marathoning, that’s for sure. 

I am still interested in what the end game will be, because I have no idea at this point. Especially if we’re getting into the Ultimate/Mega level Digimon now. What are they going to do after that? Will everyone get paired up for Jogress? I dunno, but it’s hard to imagine like 36 more episodes from this point (assuming 66 is the right amount of episodes).
