#2022 elections


Today was election day aka 제20대 대통령 선거!

The polls closed at 7:30pm and basically every news station is now covering the results. There are a bunch of livestreams on youtube (such as this SBS one), and Korean election coverage is actually kinda fun because they use silly visual aids when showing the current results like the candidates doing a MadMax style car race and dancing to kpop…

Most channels seem to be saying 윤석열 of 국민의힘 (People Power Party) is currently in the lead, but it’s very very close.

He’s #2 (as shown on these official posters in my neighborhood; there were initially 14 candidates total) because he’s the candidate from the main opposition party.

#1 is 이재명 of the current ruling party 더블어민주당 aka 민주당 (Democratic Party). Despite how many candidates there were, it’s really just down to the first two.

심상정 of 정의당 (#3, Justice Party) will get maybe 2% of the vote and 안철수 of 국민의당 (#4, People Party) dropped out a few days ago to endorse 윤석열.

No one else was really even talked about that much in comparison, unless it was something like how annoying 허경영 (#6, 국가혁명배당금당/National Revolutionary Dividends Party & cult leader) was with his never ending campaign phone calls.

A lot of people stated they were voting for the “least worst”, so I’m sure there’ll be lots of complaints no matter who wins. But I hope the new president manages to do a good job regardless.


#CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit #FeelTheBern

America’s political establishment isn’t in the least troubled by voters’ semi-literate paranoia; they’re banking on it…

