#247 diaper training


For all lf you that wonder what it means to be incontinent. Had my eyes worked on so forgive the bad grammer or spelling cant focus to reread.

Its standing in from of people feeling warm then wondering if it would be obvious to reach down and touch your croch to see if your jeans are wet or not then watching their eyes to see if the see if they are wet while trying to focus on the conversation to pretend that you’re interested all the while wondering if anyone else around yoh has notice your diaper leak then maintaining that conversation until you can reach down and touch your crotch to try and feel wetness. All the while afterwards finding out your diaper didn’t leak and you had a panic attack for nothing and couldn’t maintain or nor.al conversation that yoh wanted to have in the first place because you were distracted and embarrassed. This is incontinence. This happened today.

Everyone’s always so shy about going out in public in diapers. I used to be myself. Now I just buy clothes that dont make it obvious. Through out the years it’s only been brought up to me once and by a friend who already knew. I asked if it was obvious and she said no I was actually looking to see if I could tell I was wearing one. So get out of your own heads everyone be comfortable be you. Fuck the rest of it.
