#2seok x reader


Pairing: Hoseok x reader x Seokjin

Genre: +18, PW(ith)P

Tags/Warnings:threesome, light voyeurism, sub!reader, dom!hoseok, blowjobs, eiffel tower, multiple orgasms, boys kissing

Songspo: Killshot- Magdalena Bay

Summary: You’ve been overworking yourself, so Hoseok makes an enticing proposal about how to finish off a rough week.

a/n: I’m back momentarily to post this story I finally finished for the ARMY for AAPI event by @armyadvocates​. This is a commission for an anonymous donor who requested it on behalf of their ARMY friend. I hope you enjoy!

Hoseok’s in his yoga gear when you drag yourself through the front door. The flimsy tank top that hangs off his body by literal threads and the short-shorts in green. But you are so done with the day that you don’t even have the energy to appreciate his toned, long legs stretched out to the end of the mat. You drop your bag, trudge right past his cheerful greeting, and start to tug your bra out of your top before you are even in the bedroom.

The bed doesn’t even feel inviting when you flop down onto it before groaning into the pillow.

Today sucked.

Well, the week sucked.

Maybe the month?

Everything had gotten too much, and it’s your own fault. Tax season is absolute hell, and it has you wondering what life would be like if you were an “accountant” and not a real accountant everytime one of those tiktoks came through your scrolling. It seemed like no one knew what they were doing, and anyone who did was leaving you to help out the newbies. Forget the fact that you have your own work.

And to top it all off, you had struggles with what could only be considered extracurricular work because your dumbass decided to continue participating in the sorority’s chapter functions from your alma mater. And somehow, sorority drama always coincide with the worst part of tax season. And these girls seem to be as helpless as your coworkers, putting you in the middle of things. 

You groan into the pillow again, kicking your feet like it could relieve some of the stress you’d put on your own shoulders.

“Wow, that’s some killer lion’s breath,” you hear from the direction of the door.

You stop fussing long enough to mumble into the comforter, “Everything sucks.”

Hoseok hums knowingly. “That bad, huh? Lots to do?”

With a groan, you roll over. He knows you too well, that you are in this situation because you keep taking on work. You give him a pitiful look, which isn’t hard since it is how you feel.

Hoseok shares the look empathetically. His chin is propped on the edge of the bed, sweaty hair a mess from bending through all his yoga positions, eyes wide and shining underneath the bangs. He looks adorable, and you feel like trash. Your clothes feel suffocating as your workload and your skin feels thick from lack of sleep and too many takeout lunches.

“The next time someone asks me to do something, tell me to say no.”

“Why me?” He asks, head tilting to the side.

“Because I always listen to you,” you continue, flopping onto your back. Your body is so heavy with exhaustion, you don’t know if you’ll be getting up for the rest of the evening.

But before you stare at the ceiling, you catch the darkening of Hoseok’s expression at your words. He sighs, and you feel the bed shift as he sits next to you. “How can you be so sexy even when you’re stressed?”

“Sure,” you scoff.

“Laid out like this, telling me to order you around,” Hoseok murmurs to himself. The back of his fingers lightly trace over your arms, down the side of your waist, to rest on your hip.

You’re exhausted, but your lips tug into a small smile. He’s got one of those teasing smiles on his face, but there’s something darker in those eyes that roam your body. You want to entertain him, but your body fights against you, refusing to give up the slight reprieve of laying in bed.

So you take his hand, close your eyes, and sigh deeply. “I know it’s six, but let’s go to bed.”

“Hmm…” When he doesn’t continue, you peak an eye open. His bottom lip juts out as he rubs his chin. “This looks like more than I can handle, mi princesa.”

You push up on your elbows, feeling your heart sink. You don’t want to worry him, too. “No, babe. It’s fine, I’m just–”

“I think,” Hoseok starts before you can finish, tapping his lips thoughtfully until you close your mouth. “I think we might need to enlist some backup.”

Your heart immediately rises along with the blush on your cheeks. “Backup?”

“Mhm,” Hoseok nods, watching your interest closely. “Think we might need to go find someone to help us take care of you.”

“Take care of me?” You whisper, feeling your mind get hazy at the thought. That’s what you need right now. You can feel it in your bones, your skin when Hoseok reaches out to stroke the back of your hand.

“What do you say I dress you up all pretty and go find something just as pretty to pair with you?”

You can’t help the giddy smile spread over your face as you nod. Hoseok’s offering to take control for the evening, and you will give it gladly. All of it.

“Really?” You ask again, feeling your senses revive again at the thought.

Hoseok nods with his lips pursed. He leans over you, planting a loud kiss on your forehead. “Yes, really. If that’s what you want. If you aren’t too exhausted.”

It sounds like he’s making fun of you, but it’s genuine. And you know this will end in a kind of exhaustion you are more than willing to deal with. An exhaustion that leaves the rest of you restored.

“Yes, please,” you say, smiling sweetly.

Hoseok smiles back, but it’s different. It’s that smile that hurts in the best way. Makes you feel a little nervous even after all these years.

“Okay, princesa,” Hoseok purrs, tracing a finger over your lips. “Then tonight, you’ll be my doll.”

“Okay,” you agree, feeling his thumb bump your upper lip.

“Ah-ah,” Hoseok tuts, but he leans in for a kiss. It’s soft, chaste, and not enough. You follow him when he pulls back, but he holds you down. “Dolls don’t talk. Dolls don’t move. They look pretty and are handled however I please.”

Your legs twist beneath him involuntarily. You go to say yes, but nod instead. Hoseok’s pleased smile has your cheeks burning.

“Tonight, I’m going to take care of you. We’re getting rid of all that stress, doll,” Hoseok lifts himself off the bed and to the closet in one motion. He continues to speak as he starts looking through the clothes. His voice is cheerful as he continues, “You will speak only when spoken to. You will only do as you are commanded. Dolls are just pretty things to be used, do you understand?”

He glances over his shoulder, and you nod again. It feels weird, like you should be upset he’s taking your voice from you, but… it’s not. It’s what you need. In a day where everyone is asking more, more, and more of you, where you are constantly being told to answer and instruct, it’s nice. You close your eyes as you hear him rifling through things, enjoying the way your lips rest together, wordless.

“Sit up,” Hoseok orders. When you open your eyes, he’s holding up one of his favorite dresses on you. He loves the way it fits your curves, how it looks like you are bursting out of it, so much of you for him to devour.

You do as you are told and reach to pull off your blouse. The click of his tongue has you pausing. “What did I say earlier?”

Your hands pause, and you glance up. He waits, and you know you need to answer. “Dolls don’t talk and…” you blush, “and they don’t move.”

“That’s right. No moving unless I tell you to. Now, are you going to follow orders while I dress you up?”

You nod, averting your eyes. There’s something oddly intimate about Hoseok taking your clothes off not to ravish you, but to reassemble you. His hands are just as soft as they pull the shirt over your head, shimmying your legs out of the pants. When his knuckles knead into the back of your shins, you can’t help the sigh that comes out.

“That’s right,” Hoseok coos. “Gotta relax these legs before I put you in some heels.”

You giggle a bit at that. Hoseok loves fashion. This isn’t the first time he’s dressed you, just not literally. Actually, he has probably approved or bought most of what’s in your closet. The perks of a boyfriend who runs a fashion blog on the side.

Your mind wanders between topics as Hoseok slips you out of your underwear, pulling one of your red lingerie sets out of the drawers to match the dress. You aren’t even hyperaware of yourself as he clasps the bra behind you, lost in thought from the opportunity to let your mind rest. It isn’t until he commands you to stand that you feel your legs shaking.

You steady yourself with a hand on his shoulder, looking down. You watch as he steps your feet through the red lace, his fingers tracing your legs in a teasing touch as he pulls them up to your waist. He watches his work, and his hot breath brushes your core as he sets them in place. Finally, he looks up at you, gaze focused, as he leans forward to kiss the small bow in the middle of the waistband, teeth catching on it before he lets it pop back into place. You are embarrassed by how loud your gasp is.

“I like you like this,” Hoseok muses, standing again to grab the dress off the hook.

He turns, opening the dress for you to step into it. He turns you then, grabbing the zipper that sits above the hem of the panties. He leans in, his body almost flush to yours as he plays with the circular hook on the zipper. His lips brush your ear as he starts to zip it up. “Relaxed, pliant, that look on your phase that’s a little fucked out already.”

Your breath catches at his swear. You only heard him talk like that in the bedroom. And for a fleeting second, you wonder if  you are even going to make it out of the bedroom. But the sun was setting in the window, and Hoseok was stepping back, telling you to turn around.

He hadn’t stepped too far back. As you turn, your shoulders brush his chest, and there’s not much room from where the backs of your legs hit the bed. He stares down at you, noses almost touching. His hands reach, and your eyes closed, waiting.

But his fingers simply run through your scalp, scratching lightly as he fluffs out your hair. He takes a step back, smirk on his face, as he fan it around your face. “There we go. Prettiest doll I’ve ever seen.”

You glance behind him in the mirror. And you do look great. Hoseok always knows what fits you best, truly dresses you to emphasize, well, you.

He goes to dress himself, slicking his hair back with a little bit of product. He shrugs off the tank top, and you admire the slim curve of his back as he throws a dress shirt around his shoulder. He pulls on white slacks, buttoning them as he turns his face side to side in the mirror. His undercut to deal with the summer heat draws attention to the stacked part in his hair that leaves his side profile striking. When he turns around, you are shocked by how dangerous he looks dressed in an innocent color like white.

“C’mon,” he holds his hand out, dropping your black heels in front of you. “Let’s go find us another toy.”

In the car, Hoseok keeps a loose hand resting on your thigh, right below where the dress ends. He taps the wheel happily with his other hand, occasionally throwing glances at you when you stop at the lights. It’s a quiet car ride, but you don’t feel the need to fill it. Instead, you are wondering what awaits you. The pads of Hoseok’s fingers tighten on your skin whenever he makes a turn. The city lights dance on as the sky deepens to violet.

“What do you want, princessa?” Hoseok finally asks, pulling up to a bar you all attend at celebrations. You didn’t realize at first, the fanciness of your outfits. But now you realize he’s spoiling you.

You turn to him, though, unsure what he’s asking.

“Any preferences?” Hoseok clarifies, brushing a loose strand of hair from your face.

“Ah,” you say, finding your voice a little foreign after over an hour of silence. “I’m good.”

Hoseok’s smile tugs at the corner. “Yes, yes you are.”

You blush at that. “Oh, no, I–”

Hoseok leans forward, the hand behind your ear clasping your neck to kiss you. It’s messy and hard, taking you off guard. But you settle into it, following the motions of Hoseok’s lips, the press of his tongue as he swallows down your moans.

When he pulls back, he smiles bright and practically sings, “Then I’m going to watch for whoever can’t take their eyes off of you.”

You nod a little breathlessly before Hoseok’s hopping out of the car, a pep in his step, and opens your door. He takes your hand to guide you out of the car, and you can’t help but be a little amused at how much he is enjoying himself.

Hoseok likes control. You’ve known it since your first date. The unknown makes him nervous. He’s practiced yoga for decades for the control and awareness of his body. His appearance is immaculate due to his interest in controlling how others see him. Even in his day job as a dance instructor, he’s in control of the flow of bodies, the beat and response. For him, it’s how he can relax.

And for you, it’s the total opposite. Control is thrust in your face all day long, and you want to recede into the confines of rules. You don’t want the weight of making the decisions, calling the shots, negotiating, organizing. You did too well at what you were told to do, which is what you liked, and ended up on the other side.

With Hoseok, you can relax. You can work off the vibe he wants to set, which is always positive. You can follow his lead, which has never guided you off course. You can trust and let go with him.

So you do so. You let your shoulders relax and be guided by Hoseok as he saunters up to the entrance of the bar lounge. You squeeze his hand once as you step inside, giving him a thankful smile when he turns a raised eyebrow in your direction. He simply smiles as bright as always, a giving a playful wink as he heads to the bar.

The lounge is subtle in its glamour. There’s low lighting and plentiful seating spaced out across an open concept. The bar is carved wood, sitting in the middle so guests can approach the tower of liquor and wines from all sides. But upon closer look, it’s obvious why Hoseok enjoys this place with his expensive tastes. 

Your reflection is almost a mirror in the shined surface of the bar, always wiped down by staff in attire that barely has a crease in the sleeves despite the hours of working. The seating that’s strewn about is filled with plush, understated chairs and loveseats, sitting on plush, red carpet that always looks brand new. The room should be filled with the chatter of all the attendees who are also dressed for a good night out, but the soundproofing of the ceiling and the decorative chandeliers that should appear gaudy but somehow accent the simplicity of all that’s below keep the space feeling intimate.

You and Hoseok are much the same as he seats you at the bar. His white shirt and slacks contrast your red dress, yet he bends into your every move as he flits about you. His hand slides down your back as he chats with the bartender and laughs at his own joke. He leans over your shoulder as he grabs one of the drinks before he slides into the seat next to you, placing it in your hand.

“Drink up, you deserve it,” he says with the slight hint of a pout creasing his brow. You nod, letting the syrupy drink perk up your spirits. Without noticing, sitting down and gazing around the place had let the exhaustion from the week start to settle in. Hoseok watched as you took another sip, hand casually rounding over your thigh to keep you present with his teasing touch.

“Still feel like having fun?” He asks, then corrects, “staying home will be just as fun for me.”

You shake your head. “No, sir, I’m fine.”

Hoseok’s eyes darken at that, his lips parting at your appeal. Sir, it’s not a name you usually bring out without his instruction. But you can tell in his gaze that’s getting harder and harder to hold that he’s excited by the call.

The hand on your thigh grips a bit tighter, shifts a bit higher, and you steady the glass in your hand as he leans forward, “Keep talking like that, looking like this, and I’m going to have a hard time sharing you with anyone else.” 

You shiver as his breath tickles your ear. He sits back with an impatient sigh and starts to scan the place. “Time to play.”

You try to sit a little taller, pulling your elbows back as you take another sip of your drink. Hoseok keeps his eye on you, but he continues to watch the bar. After a few minutes and ordering his own drink, he leans in again.

With a tilt of his head, he asks, “How do you feel about blonds?”

“Blonds are nice.”

“This one’s really nice,” Hoseok tries to hold back his smile. He wants to feign casual conversation with you. It makes your heart race, like the prospect could be close. You turn more towards him, but he stops you while still looking over your shoulder. “Why don’t you take a sip of your drink, princessa.”

You glance down at the ice in your glass, not quite sure what he’s getting at. You bring it slowly to your lips and close your eyes. Licking the wet droplets off your lips, you set it down.

“He liked that,” Hoseok murmurs, starting to withdraw his hand from your thigh. Then suddenly, “Oh?”

You want to turn and see this mystery man, but Hoseok continues to hold you there. You pout, close to breaking your oath of silence.

Hoseok relents, adjusting the opening of his shirt. “This may be easier than I thought. I think he likes me, too.”

You snort. Hoseok had an overwhelming cockiness when he was in a comfortable space. You could see it oozing from the proud, upturned frown on his face as he brushed off his slacks to stand.

His fingers dance across your shoulders before he whispers, “Wait right here.”

As he walks away, you finally have the chance to sneak a peak.


Standing on the far end of the bar is the only blond. The bleached hair is striking in the low light and contrasts with his black suit. Hoseok makes his way over, so the man stares deliberately forward. He flexes his philtrum, plush lips rolling as he considers something in the tower of beverages. Even from here, you see a blush on the tips of his ears.

He knows he’s been caught staring.

Hoseok says something, and the man’s nerves vanish as he breaks into a casual smile. Hoseok’s stance stiffens, which makes your stomach flip. He is also interested.

The blond is taller, leaning back on the counter once he realizes Hoseok is there for conversation. His stance is inviting as he makes Hoseok laugh, who slaps the counter in good fun… then leaves his hand there.

It was bold. Hoseok leans on the bar, close to the man, so close that he has to hold his drink to his chest. The stranger’s broad shoulders somehow shrink against Hoseok’s prowess. The sharp edge of Hoseok’s profile parallels the other’s soft cheeks swollen with a smile.

And then, they glance your way. You startle but smile. The blond blinks, and Hoseok smiles wider. He whispers in the other’s ear. The blond’s cheeks start to match the plush carpet under your bar stool as his eyes wander down what he can see of you.

He nods.

You bite your lip from squealing, and the stranger’s eyes dart away. Hoseok’s hand moves from the bar to the man’s waist, and his body shifts into his as he leads him over to you. He’s snared by Hoseok.

He’s having trouble holding your gaze as well. You could see the slight clench in his jaw as he continues to drink in the vision of you. Hoseok guides him to stand next to you, him on the other side, leaning an elbow on the bar.

“This is Seokjin,” Hoseok introduces with a clap on his shoulder.

Seokjin nods after jumping from the touch. His dark eyes finally meet yours, and a light voice greets, “You can call me Jin. Nice to meet you.”

You nod, unsure if you are allowed to talk. The gleeful look on Hoseok’s face says no.

“I’ve explained to Jin what we are looking for,” Hoseok continues, “and he’s interested.”

That brings you here, hands in your lap, waiting for what’s next. Jin sits across from you in the arm chair, posture stiff with nerves. Still, he smiles when you catch his eye.

“She’s pretty, isn’t she?” Hoseok calls from the kitchen. You hear the sound of ice clinking into a glass or two followed by the slush of liquid. “My favorite little doll. All dressed up.”

“She’s beautiful,” Jin agrees. His eyes don’t leave you, and you shiver at the dissociation of not being addressed.

Footsteps have you sitting impossibly straighter as Hoseok hums. “Don’t I know it.”

There’s warmth behind you, the press of his body standing directly behind you. Hoseok reaches over you to hand Jin his drink, and you inhale his scent. It mingles with the fruitier scent of Jin’s cologne as he reaches for the drink, and your legs adjust at the thought of your skin being awash with both of them.

Chilly fingers have you flinching as Hoseok tucks your hair over your shoulder. “I dressed her up just for tonight.”

Jin takes a sip, eyes flicking up to Hoseok now. “You did a good job.”

Hoseok chuckles as his hand rests on your shoulder. “Yes. But you know, there’s an art to dressing someone. Because eventually, they’ll have to be undressed…” his fingers fiddle with the strap of your dress and you squirm. “And you should see how she looks underneath.”

“I’d love to,” Jin responds with another short answer. But as you watch him take another sip, you see the shake of his hand. You can’t help but smirk. It’s Hoseok or you or both of you. Something has those pristine features on edge. You feel powerful, even as a toy.

Hoseok seems to catch what you see, patting your shoulder as he walks around the couch. You expect him to sit with you, but instead, he walks on over to Jin. He plops down on his arm rest with an arm slung around the man’s broad shoulders.

It’s an interesting juxtaposition. The slim frame of Hoseok next to Jin’s larger body. He’s practically hanging off of him, but the carefree smile shows who has the upperhand as Jin clutches his glass with both hands.

“Seokjin,” Hoseok says, the endearing smile creasing his eyes. Jin startles at his own name, glancing at Hoseok who withdraws his hand and sits as respectfully as one can when perched on the armrest. “Are you still okay with this? I can play alone.”

Jin’s eyes widen, and with his head turned, you can see his adam’s apple bob in his strong neck which flushes pink. “Ah, no, I’m good.”

“You sure?” Hoseok checks, though now he reaches to brush the back of his hand across his cheek to point out the blush. When Jin’s lashes flutter, your stomach curls in anticipation. He’s been caught under Hoseok’s easy spell.

“No, I… want to do this, too,” Jin nods, eyeing you as well. “I’d love to.”

Hoseok pats his cheek, “Good boy.” 

Jin’s breath catches. Hoseok’s smile grows, hand running into his blond hair as he leans in close. “You like that? Want to be a good boy?”

His cheeks burn redder, and you know it is too soon for it to be the alcohol. “Yes.”

Hoseok chuckles, looking absolutely delighted. Wrapping his arm back around him, he leans in to smoosh their cheeks together turned toward you. And it’s a lot, to have the gaze of two beautiful men. He points toward you. “See my beautiful princessa over there?”

He doesn’t say anything, but his eyes harden.

“I need you to be good for her tonight,” Hoseok says, voice low. “And she’s such a good girl herself, she makes it so easy.”

“I can do that,” Jin sounds breathless.

And just like that, Hoseok hops up, grabbing his drink from the coffee table. “Fantastic!”

He throws it back, letting the syrupy drink spill from the sides of his lips. Jin follows suit, trying to finish his drink quickly. 

It was time to start the show.

Hoseok straightens up, cracking his neck. He takes a deep, steadying breath and orders, “Stand.”

You straighten at the command. You don’t expect Jin to do the same. Hoseok neither, if the laugh he lets out is anything to go by.

Jin blushes widely, going to sit, but Hoseok waves him over. “No, no, that was great. You are already doing so well.”

He turns to you. “Look, princessa, he’ll be so good for us.”

You smile at him, enjoying the fact that you don’t need to do more. Hoseok wraps his arm around his waist and pulls you close. “You see, Jin. She’s so obedient. Does whatever she’s told like a good little doll.”

He presses his lips to the crown of your head. “Spin for me, darling.”

Your breath shudders out as you grab the edges of your dress, placing your heels one over the other as you turn. When you make it around once, you don’t stop. He didn’t tell you to. You keep spinning, feeling both men take in your every angle. And with each rotation, you see the hunger in their gaze grow.

Stopping you as you face the kitchen, away from them, the featherlight touch of his fingers ghosts over and up your back. “Most dolls, you know, they have a string in the back.”

His finger hooks in the small zipper at the top of the dress. He tugs lightly, and it starts to descend down your back. “You pull it, and they make a sound.”

He stares down at you, eyes filled with excitement. “She’s strung so tight, and it’s our job to unravel her.” 

Your knees weaken at that, especially when Hoseok pulls the zipper down a bit further, “One thread at a time. Think you can do that, big guy?”

Jin nods dumbly, hands unsure of how to busy themselves, desperate to be on you now.

But Hoseok doesn’t beckon him closer just yet.

“The sounds she makes, Jin…” Hoseok grips your chin and turns your face to him. Then, his hot breath ghosts over your neck. The wet heat of his tongue flattens along the column of your neck. Your breath catches in your throat, fingers gripping his shirt. Jin’s own hands twitch again, body leaning in towards the two of you, wetting his lips.

When Hoseok sinks his teeth in, you whine, lips parting in surprise. Jin’s do the same, entranced.

Hoseok straightens back up, looking between you two. Your cheeks burn at the pleasure, at being caught staring elsewhere, at the way Hoseok likes it.

“That’s your job, Jin,” he instructs and takes a step back. You feel cold, from the wetness on your neck to the lack of a body to hold onto. Hoseok seats himself on the closest armrest, looking between the two of you expectantly. “Pull her strings, make her moan.”

You eye Hoseok, remembering your earlier command. Only speak when spoken to. But he just nods. “It’s okay, mi princessa. Let him know if he’s doing good.”

Feeling your knees shake, you face Jin. As he steps closer, you’re surprised by just how much taller he is. You angle your gaze, not sure what to do.

But then you remember, you aren’t supposed to do anything. You are allowed and content to just stand there and await instructions. Hoseok is in control.

“Touch her, Jin,” he instructs.

“Anywhere?” He asks with a shuddering exhale.

“Awh, not even sure where to begin?” Hoseok coos from the couch, crossing his legs. You both look over at your boyfriend, pleased as can be with his two props. “Undress her.”

Jin’s cheeks darken and so do his deep, brown eyes. He swallows, and you try to do the same. Your mouth is dry, the back of your throat feeling sticky. You grip your hands tighter in the dress, nerves having you jittery.

You feel so wanted just as you are, standing here, doing as you’re told, with two men ready to ravage you.

Jin finally, finally touches you. He steps into your space, the distance gone as your red dress brushes his dress shirt, taut over his shoulders as he reaches behind you. Your eyes drift close as you inhale deep again. Something fruity.

And with the sense removed, your aware of the sound of his breathing, deliberately steady. The light scrape of his fingernails as he trails down your spine in search of the zipper. The loosening tug of the dress around your hips as the zipper dips lower, the only sound in the room.

Then Jin’s hands are tracing your arms, appreciating the soft skin and kneading just below your shoulders. Appreciating all of you that is his just for the moment. He slips his hands under the straps of your dress and takes a step back to watch it fall down your waist, a slight shimmy to get it over your hips.

“Wow,” Jin breathes.

Hoseok agrees with a pleased hum. You can imagine the smirk on his face, knowing his handiwork is being admired. It makes you stand taller, feeling beautiful in the outfit he’s chosen for you. The garter digs into your supple waist and the bra clings to your skin, and suddenly it all feels like you are wearing too much.

You want that gaze and so much more to cover your bare skin.

And Hoseok knows just as much, how you like to be smothered in affection and touch. He stands beside Jin now and leans over his shoulder to turn you towards the bedroom door. “Head on back to the bedroom, princessa.”

You take one step in front of the other, realizing your nerves are getting the better of you as you sway a bit. You want to turn back, see the look on both their faces. Are you imagining it, or do they like what they see?

That’s not an option, though. Not when you’ve been given an order. And tonight, that’s all you are. A doll that obeys every command. A plaything at their disposal.

“Look at that,” Hoseok admires, his voice still close, letting you know he’s there. “Isn’t she a sight?”

“Yes,” Jin’s short but breathy replies continue. They’re following close behind, observing the sway of your hips, the lines of your body shifting as you step into the room.

“She’s so fucking sexy,” Hoseok sighs like it’s almost too much to bear. A smile breaks over your face that you try to hold back as you reach the bed.

You turn and lower yourself to the mattress. Hoseok walks over to cup the side of your face, smiling down too gently for what is to come. His eyes still give way to the heat, the anticipation.

But he still asks, ever with your best interest in mind, “Are you ready, my pretty little doll?”

“Yes,” you startle at the sound of your own voice. You’d spent so long being quiet that it almost sounds foreign.

Hoseok’s smile broadens, his eyes creasing with delight. His palm slips to the nape of your neck, thumb brushing over the column of your throat. “Want to let Jin treat you like his favorite little play thing?”

Your eyes dart to the man still standing in the doorframe. His broad shoulder almost fill the space and block out the white light of the kitchen so the room is only filled with the warmth of your bedside lamps. His cheeks are still that light pink, but his lips are wet and parted. His gaze meets yours and the hunger sends a shiver down your spine.

“Yes,” you make sure you lock eyes as you consent to the night’s activities.

Hoseok waves Jin over. He towers over you, and the smallness is almost comforting.

“On the bed,” Hoseok instructs. As you scoot up the bed, Hoseok leans against the wall between the two of you. Jin watches you scoot back, hands at his side, chests rising and falling. Hoseok, on the other hand, crosses his arms, raising a tentative eyebrow. You stretch out on the bed, enjoying the tension between the two men. 

Jin gets the hint, though. Hoseok isn’t the kind to repeat an order. He’s to be obeyed.

And Jin must catch the sternness because he lowers himself to the bed, crawling over you. His knees cage you in, palms on either side as he looks down over you.

“Hi,” he murmurs.

You smile up at him, almost giggling at the cuteness. 

“Can I…” his eyes wander again, tongue wetting his lips. “Can I touch you?”

You bite your lip. “Yes.”

The permission from you seems to be all he needs. Suddenly, he’s leaning back on his heels. You almost follow before you break into a moan.

Two large, warm hands cup your breasts, kneading hard. The pads of his thumbs brush through the thin, lace fabric and your body arches into his touch.

“Nice work,” Hoseok muses from his place on the wall.

Jin moves then, hands dipping behind your back. The ease with which he pulls you off the bed is shocking, feeling light in his arms. He can handle you in a way that Hoseok can’t, his build letting him easily drag you off the mattress to unclasp your bra.  As soon as it falls from your shoulders, he pulls you in close. The fabric of his starched dress shirt brushes your bare nipples.

But you want more, want his bare skin against yours. He doesn’t oblige, though, but what he gives you instead is so much more.

Wide eyes hesitate before yours, hot breath brushing over your cheek, before Jin’s plush lips take your own. It’s shockingly desperate and unexpected. The entire evening, he’d been tentative and unsure, following Hoseok’s every move. But now, with you bared before him and so close, it’s as though he can’t hold back. He lays you against the bed again, body molding to yours, tongue licking at your bottom lip.

This is where you want to be. Pliant and wanted, strewn out on the mattress below a man desperate to ravish you. You moan into Jin’s open mouth, tasting the sweetness of his drink at the bar and the bitterness of Hoseok’s whiskey as his tongue lathes into your mouth. Your knee drags up involuntarily at the feeling of his cock growing harder against your thigh.

“Fuck,” Jin groans as you whine against the sensation that’s good but not good enough. 

“Help her out, will you?” Hoseok’s taunting voice comes from the sidelines. Your cheeks burn, forgetting his right there watching you act of your own accord. “She’s being so fucking needy, can’t you tell?”

Jin pulls back, embarrassment etched into his brow. “Sorry.”

His hands grip your hips to roll them against him as he mouths at your neck. Jin’s hands are larger than Hoseok’s, but his touch is gentler. The tentative nerves of encountering someone new. But he explores with confidence, warm palms gliding over the sides of your body. You exhale in contentment, feeling your body give.

It spurs Jin on, leaning forward. The wet press of his lips greets the center of your chest. When you arch into it, he mouths at your supple skin.

“He’s a tease, is he?” Hoseok’s voice breaks through the lust drifting over the bed. You turn your gaze to him as he walks over. His eyes are on you as he talks to Jin. “Look at the way he touches you. Such a gentleman.”

Jin also gives a glance to Hoseok, eyes dark beneath blond fringe and cheeks flushed still. He continues on when Hoseok gives him a small nod. “Don’t worry, she likes it.”

His fingers thread through your hair, and your eyes fall closed again. It’s already overwhelming, your temple meeting Hoseok’s thigh as he sits, the scratching to your scalp, the warm press of Jin’s body over you.

Hoseok’s hand tightens suddenly. You yelp, the tingle in your scalp shocking but delicious. “She likes it all, Jin. She’ll take whatever she can get.”

“Is that so?” You shiver at the dip in Jin’s voice. 

“Your body’s gorgeous,” Jin whispers into your collarbone. You squirm in the sheets at the direct attention.

“Isn’t it?” Hoseok muses, too. You open your eyes again to see him staring down at you. The mischievous tilt to his smile doesn’t match the softness in his eyes. “My favorite little play thing.”

Caught up in Hoseok’s praise, the wet mouth on your nipple takes you by surprise. Even more, Jin scissors your other nipple with a surprising harshness. At the site of your blissed out expression, the heat in Hoseok’s gaze hardens.

“Fuck her, Jin.”

You moan at the command that’s not even directed at you. Hoseok’s usually patient. He takes his time in ways that leaves you aching for more even after he finally lets you have it. The fact that he’s already demanding his cock has your legs spreading wider, ready.

“See,” Hoseok nods towards your thighs when Jin sits back on his heels. “She wants it so bad. She deserves it, too.”

Jin scoots down your body, hands fumbling with the buttons of his trousers. “God, and I’ll give it to her.”

Hoseok hums delightedly. “Hear that, princessa? He’s going to fuck you so good.”

You smile, the lightest giggle dancing behind your lips as Jin’s grip in the hem of your panties tickles the soft skin by your hips. He drags them down slow, raising your legs as he pulls them off.

When your legs are free, they fall onto one of his broad shoulders. You cross them at the heel only to realize he’s so broad, there’s no need.

He wraps an arm around your legs, kneading at your calves as he shuffles over.

“Fuck, look at the two of you,” Hoseok breathes, hand stilling in your hair.

And you do. You glance down at your bare body, where it meets and follows the curves and strong arches of Jin’s own. And then you turn your gaze upward, where your boyfriend sits beside you fully clothed. A spectator, a director.

“Do you like what you see?” Jin’s voice asks quietly.

Hoseok doesn’t respond. Instead, he reaches forward, cupping the nape of Jin’s neck, and pulls him in. It’s messy, their tongues twisting between lips and behind teeths as Jin starts to melt, the grip on your legs slipping. You feel yourself slipping, too, at the sight of your boyfriend taking and taking from him and seeing Jin give and give.

They part, and Hoseok’s cheeks have finally reddened as he settles against the headboard beside you.

Wordlessly, Jin hikes your legs a little higher on his shoulder. Then, you feel the blunt head of his cock press against your wet core. He throws his head back immediately, moaning at the feeling of how wet you are after waiting for this all night. He pushes in, slowly at first, and the stretch has you grabbing at the sheets already. You can feel the head press further, your walls alight with sensation as he bottoms at. Even the slight shuffle of his hips for a better grounding has a whine seeping between your teeth.

“God, she’s going to come soon,” Hoseok chuckles. You feel embarrassed, but you relish the way he continues to look at you both.

Jin pulls back slowly, but the hard thrust he gives you takes you off guard. You cry out, and he does it again. Your eyes roll back, the sweet sensation and the jostling of his force. The pressure from the thrusts has your clit stimulated as your body twists.

Jin’s mouthing at the heel of your foot, and it’s so surprisingly sensitive, your toes curl.

But you lose control of what sensation comes where when Hoseok reaches down to twist one of your purt nipples. Your chest recoils but your back arches, undecided in where to focus. Everything feels good, so good, and you’re thinking about nothing but bliss, but arousal and a need for release.

It’s only moments before your groaning, jaw locked, feeling the heat rise from your core and flood over you. Jin’s thrusts don’t slow, an unpredictable pattern as he feels you clench around him, and the feeling of being fucked by someone who doesn’t know your body quite as well has the heat coiling hot and spurting in long waves.

It knocks the breath out of you. Only when you regain the feeling of your breath do you hear yourself whimpering against the girth of his cock against your sensitive walls.

“Shh,” Hoseok chides, a hand on Jin’s shoulder asking him to stop. “That was so good, wasn’t it?”

“Yes,” you nod quickly, trying to catch your breath. Then, you look at Jin to reassure him. “So good.”

“My turn?” Hoseok asks, and despite the pulsing of your core, you already find yourself aching for me. You nod quickly again.

“God, you’re so good for us,” Hoseok leans over to kiss your forehead. “Think you can handle both of us?”

You nod again, lips loose but nothing coming out. You’d take them anyway.

“Flip her over.”

Your legs drop to the bed, and Jin’s large hands grip your waist. He kisses your shoulder as he leans in to lift you up and over. Your knees hit the sheets, but Jin takes the time to align them for you, lowering you down gently.

“You handle her so well,” Hoseok says, and you can hear a kind of gratitude in his voice.

“Like you said,” Jin responds, “she deserves it.”

“True, she took your cock so well,” Hoseok says. “Fat cock like yours, probably makes all the girls cry.”

“Not this one,” Jin’s voice from behind you sounds a bit bashful.

“Not yet.”

You groan at that, Hoseok’s hand tracing down your back to let you know where he is. But he gets off the bed.

“Come here.”

You turn, not sure who he’s talking to. But you feel the bed move behind you, and then Jin is standing in front of Hoseok. They take a moment, then Jin’s unbuttoning his shirt. As he opens each button, he places a kiss on the new skin exposed. He watches Hoseok who rests his hands on his bare waist. He unbuttons his slacks, letting them fall to the floor. Then, he’s tugging down Hoseok’s boxer briefs. Once free, his curved cock bobs next to Jin’s thick, heavy cock.

“If you’re going to fuck her again, might need a little help,” Hoseok says, and you can see his wink from here. Your heart swoops as your boyfriend drops to his knees. And your stomach drops when he finds your gaze, holds it, and grips Jin’s cock. He sticks out his tongue, opening his mouth, and takes Jin as far as he can. You see the squint in his eyes as he accommodates before they roll back, enjoying the taste of another man’s cocked soaked in your juices.

Your knees shake as you watch. Jin’s, too, from the looks of it. Hoseok pulls off after only a few sucks and spits onto the end of his cock, letting it drip from his lips and smears it down his cock. He stands, placing his finger under Jin’s chin to give him a chaste kiss. “There, that’s better.”

Jin doesn’t even answer, just dumbly nods as you would. Then both men are crawling back onto the bed. You feel their hands on your body, letting them know where you are, and you’re torn between leaning into Hoseok’s hand under your chin or back into Jin’s hips.

“Fuck her good just like last time,” Hoseok’s voice comes from above. You close your eyes as Jin’s cock traces between your folds, knowing that the new wet sensation is Hoseok’s saliva. And then Hoseok’s gripping your shoulders, lifting you onto your elbows. His legs dip wide, all those years of yoga paying off.

You whine as Jin presses in again, the sensitivity overwhelming but leaving you needy.

With a finger under your chin just like he’d done with Jin, Hoseok tilts your head to his gaze, which is hard to meet when his cock brushes your cheek. “Think you can take my cock while he fucks you?”

You don’t answer. You let your tongue hang as you search for Hoseok’s cock again, turning your head at awkward angles. He swears under his breath then guides you onto his cock. Jin slows to make the alignment easier, but the movement as you shuffle on your elbows has his cock pulsing inside you.

“Damn, look at you,” Hoseok murmurs. “Taking what you need. Sucking me raw and sucking him in.”

You moan, the heady taste of Hoseok’s cock filling your senses. Then you’re reminded of the cock between your thighs, firm hands on your hips, and everything mixes together again. The last touch is Hoseok’s hand under your throat, feeling his cock brush by.

Jin thrusts again, but slower, more steady, deeper. You choke on a moan and feel drool slip from your mouth and down Hoseok’s cock.

“Good, just breathe for me, princessa” Hoseok says in a low voice, rocking his hips slowly. You don’t need to do anything but breathe. They both move, holding you steady, and you let your jaw hang open, let your knees relax as Jin holds you upright.

They rock into you, cock rubbing the back of your throat and the other brushing your gspot. And you feel it coming again. You whine, whimper, and feel your elbows start to collapse as your next orgasm rocks through you, your clit pulsing against the lack of attention, your body moving forward away from Jin’s relentless thrusts only to choke on Hoseok’s cock. It’s so much, so good.

Then Hoseok’s swearing and coming. You feel the hot stickiness spill down your throat, probably taken by surprise at your attempts to swallow down air. It’s the sweetest kind of victory, to fill his load spill into your mouth involuntarily, to know you work him over that good. You lap it up, trying to swallow, to take him deeper, but it’s too much. Not when Jin jostles you forward, and your eager mouth chokes on the lack of air. You whimper, unable to catch a breath.

“Hey, hey,” Hoseok responds when you whimper and choke. He pulls out, but that’s not what you want. You feel half empty, in need of being overtaken, of being nothing but their doll.

“Please,” you finally speak on your own, voice raspy, and Jin groans at the need in your voice. You only now notice the soothing circles he rubs into your hips.

Hoseok strokes your cheeks, pulls your hair out of your face, and directs Jin once again, “Pull her up.”

Your brain feels dizzy as warm hands wrap around your waist and pull you up right. You gasp, pressed against Jin’s chest. His skin is damp with exertion, but you smell that sweet floral scent. And as Hoseok shuffles forward to be chest to chest as well, you take in his smell as well. It mingles around you, dizzying, and you drop your head to Jin’s shoulder with a sigh.

“Yeah, feeling good, aren’t you?” Hoseok purs, grabbing Jin’s hands and repositioning them over your breasts. You moan as he takes the hint, kneading hard as he starts to thrust again. You whimper, the sensation almost too much now.

Hoseok cradles your face and wipes the tears spilling down your cheeks from deepthroating. “Can you give me one more, princessa? Cum for me one more time?” 

You sob around your yes, body wracked with relief and the exhaustion starting to set into your bones in a warm, fuzzy kind of way. Hoseok kisses you as Jin picks up the pace. And the faster Jin goes, the more intense Hoseok’s kisses become. You’re pliant to his mouth, letting his tongue dip deep, moaning openly as you feel the two men take apart every part of your body.

And then, Hoseok’s mouthing at your jaw, down your neck, his hands moving lower, until his slim fingers scissor around your clit, close enough to have your hips bucking but not enough to make it sting.

And you hear moaning. You realize Hoseok’s kissing Jin over your shoulder, the other man’s thrusts becoming distracted, erratic. His grip on your breasts gets tighter, and Hoseok holds your hip to keep you in place as he rolls small circles around your clit. He’s so focused despite occupied with both of you, and you just let your head fall back, hearing the two men moan over your own gasps and whimpers, hot and sticky between them, and you cum again. It’s short, hot, and burns in the best way possible as you dig your fingers into Hoseok’s biceps for support.

Jin swears behind you, and Hoseok tells him he can come. It’s almost instant, and you feel his hips still just as your body starts to ride into overstimulation. He lowers his hands as he shivers, rubbing over your rib cage, Hoseok’s hands back on your face, wiping away more tears.

You don’t remember when you closed your eyes, but when you open them, you can’t believe how wrecked he looks. There’s a sated hunger in his hooded eyes, but his lips are red, hair mussed, chest still heaving despite coming before both of you. It’s a lot to take in, but you find your eyes falling closed again.

“Okay, come on,” Hoseok coos, and you realize he’s talking to both of you as Jin gently pulls out of you, and you fall forward onto Hoseok. He guides you down onto the bed, and Jin falls opposite you. Hoseok rolls to the bedside table, opens a bottle of water, and passes it to Jin for a sip.

Hoseok holds his hand to take the bottle back, but to both your surprise, Jin gently turns your face in his direction, holding the bottle to your lips for a drink. It’s refreshing, after the tears and the deepthroating and the exertion. And despite the crispness of the water, your chest feels warm at the endearment of the stranger. And when he tips the bottle back and hands it to Hoseok, you see the same feeling in his expression.

Hoseok settles in, throwing a leg over the both of you. Out of the scene, his easy going smile spreads across his face. “That was fun.”

You giggle, rubbing a hand over both the men’s hips as they turn into you. “Of course it was. Thanks for that.”

“Oh,” Jin starts, sleepy eyes opening.

You both look over, and he blushes. “I just… I haven’t heard your voice much and it sounds nice.”

Your face burns, but Hoseok’s laughing so hard the bed shakes. “Oh, I think he likes you!”

“I mean,” Jin blushes again, starting to sit up. “I just fucked you, so to some extent.”

“Awh, he’s being shy now, too!” Hoseok continues to giggle, but you note the awkwardness in Jin’s body language. Hoseok’s usually a good judge of social settings, but the postcoital bliss has him a little too carefree.

“I like your voice, too,” you try, but the compliment feels awkward. Jin gives  an awkward smile to match, then moves to the edge of the bed.

“I guess I should, uh, go now,” he says. And it’s odd. There was a kind of excitement to his nervousness before but this feels different.

And you feel different. You and Hoseok have done this before, but this guy was… great. The best. There was something nice, from the way you watched them chat it up to how well he read your needs.

“Wait,” Hoseok says before you can. Your head whips around in mild surprise to hear it from him. Hoseok gives you a look, a question, and you nod. Always on the same wavelength, still. “I was going to order some wings. She always orders a ton but never finishes. Want to help out?”

Jin turns from where he faces away, his eyes a little too wide, a little hopeful. And something in it makes your heart twist. Hoseok’s grip on your waist tightens just a bit, too. Interest.

“You don’t have to,” Jin mumbles.

“I want to,” you chime in now. “Plus, that was way too short for cuddling. Now I’m cold.”

Jin snorts at that. Tension eases from his shoulders, and he rolls back over. Hoseok pulls him close, fussing over the both of you as he throws one of the blankets on top of your naked bodies.

And it’s new, but it feels familiar. A stranger in your bed shouldn’t feel so comfortable, but there’s something about the way Jin hums when Hoseok ruffles his hair and how he knows just where to fit his arm over the curve of your waist. It makes you want this again already.

Maybe you could. Especially when you roll over to see Hoseok’s mischievous grin back on his face. Maybe this will be something more.

© May 2021 JoopiterJoon. Protected by Creative Commons. If you repost my work in any form or say “credit to author” I will find you and ruin you :D

Characters only borrow name and likeness from the members. Do not copy, translate, repost, or reuse this work.




CHAPTER 6 (4k words)

For more information about this story, find it here

“Give me a hug, baby, you still owe us a world of cuddles, remember that for next time” Jimin urges me as him and Taehyung stand in the doorway, ready to leave to allow my mates and I some alone time for the rest of the night.

I feel a tiny little bit bad because that was not the initial plan, they were supposed to stay for a sleepover, but my mates are just as important and considering how new this is, new and also a very sensitive matter, it makes sense to focus on them for now.

I smile and make my way to him, hum when his arms close around me, face snuggled under his chin where it’s all warm, he squeezes me so tightly and I love it, it’s comforting, a corgi hug, it can only be great.

“You know I love you right? A whole lot” he murmurs to my ear and I nod, lips stretching into a small smile.

Is he saying this because of earlier? It’s not like I grew horns on my head and became a monster, I don’t need their reassurance whenever this particular switch happens, but it’s cute nonetheless.

“I know, Jiminie, and I love you too, a whole lot” I murmur back and he squeezes one more time before letting go of me, just so Taehyung can pull me in his embrace next, his broad chest greeting my cheek as he rests his own on my head.

“You know we’re just a call away so if anything happens, let us know, okay? Have fun with your mates, oh and you can go through the snacks we brought, we won’t mind, although what Jimin said is true, about the cuddles, we’ll have them no matter what, and the sleepover too, maybe Sunday night instead?

Or it can be later too, I know how it is finding out that you’re someone’s mate, it’s hard staying apart, just… don’t forget about us, okay? We were there first” Taehyung rants slightly, I can almost hear the pout in his voice as he tries to make sure that he’s not going to lose me, it makes me grin, heart melting from cuteness overload.

I hug him with as much strength as I can manage. “Don’t worry Tae, no one replaces anyone, never, I’m not that kind of friend, and I’m glad you said it yourself because I was definitely opening those bags soon” I chirp, feel his amused but relieved huff into my hair before he pulls back with a pretty smile.

“That’s why I gave you permission first, to avoid you a feeling of guilt later in the middle of the night when you feel like throwing up” he teases me lightly before letting his eyes fall on Seokjin and Hoseok, the two of them a little awkward as they observe us from a distance, tails tucked behind their legs, fluffy fur peeking out from behind their thighs.

“It was a pleasure to meet you two, I hope our arrival didn’t mess things up for you? The reveal is always something stressful, especially when mated to a human, right? Since we can’t really tell the same way you do” he tells them and I watch as they both straighten up with a quick shake of the head, eyes falling on me as if they believe that them agreeing to his words would ruin both my friendship with my best friends and the new bond between us as mates.

“No, it was actually… helpful. I was a little lost as to how to proceed, so Jimin’s questions helped clear up a lot of things in my mind” Hoseok answers first, words that have the corgi preening with pride, tail obviously hitting the doorway in response to his emotions.

“I was pretty great, wasn’t I? Made you all feel more confident about this new thing between you guys” he chirps, to which Seokjin nods. “You… actually did, yes, thank you”.

Jimin’s eyes widen round before disappearing from an enormous smile taking over his face, tail now smacking both the doorway and Taehyung, it makes me giggle.

Oh, to be this cute.

“Okay stop complimenting him, he’s going to grow a pair of wings and fly through the roof” I let out before pushing my best friends out of my apartment so we can all get a move on, I don’t want my mates to feel like they have to drown Jimin in nice words, even if he was indeed a reassuring presence to have near.

When Jimin first met Taehyung, he didn’t shy away from telling the man he was his mate right away, and Taehyung looked absolutely shocked because he didn’t get any warning beforehand, that just came out of nowhere.

I at least had some context, because I knew that Seokjin and Hoseok were mates, I just didn’t expect to be theirs too because they hadn’t said anything when we first met.

I didn’t know what to do with that information in the beginning, but now I’m very happy about my situation, because… I would have been a little sad at the idea of not being allowed a chance with them.

My flirting with Hoseok wasn’t just because I was bored, he really did interest me, he felt special to me, as did Seokjin.

When I first saw the shepherd for the first time earlier today after coming back from work, his tall upper body completely hidden behind those boxes, colourful tail waving behind him as he tried to wonder what to do, I just had to offer him my help.

Now it all makes sense that we would meet the way we did, that we all live in the same building, it’s like a strange twist of fate, but it feels nice.

Maybe I should thank Namjoon, tell him that by accepting us in, he united three mates together, now that would surprise him, I’m sure that was the last thing he’s expecting to happen by having us rent his building.

Jimin closes the door with a cute wave and then it’s silent again as I stare at it for a second longer before turning to Hoseok and Seokjin.

I force a smile on my face, knowing that my behavior will have an impact on how comfortable they will be. Let’s be brave and lead the way, shall we?

“So” I chirp, grin when they both startle slightly, their nerves not helping them as they wait for me to continue.

“What do mates usually do when they first meet? Our first meeting has passed already but if there is anything special you want to do… or things you guys wished would happen? I’m willing to try!” I tell them, a tilt of the head when Seokjin blushes at my words, hands taking hold of his tail to stroke it nervously.

“I mean… it’s nothing special really, but… I always told myself that if I were to meet my mate one day… I would love to go on a date somewhere fun, maybe the aquarium or something like that? I know that I’m a little awkward at times so having something to focus on that doesn’t require conversing…” he nods to himself, a tight smile on his lips “that felt like the best choice for me”.

I hum, understanding where he’s coming from. “It’s hard meeting new people sometimes, right? But you did so well for me earlier, you have nothing to worry about. Hoseok and I, we’ll be patient with you and we won’t push, an aquarium date sounds lovely, right?” I say, to which the fox nods quickly, ears twitching on top of his head in interest.

Seokjin’s blush deepens at my praise, curled tail swinging left and right behind him as he ducks his head, smile turning more content, that he’s not judged, but instead understood.

And his plan date got approved.

“Thank you… really. Maybe we could… go soon? No hurry though! I don’t want to push, we don’t have to do this first if you have something else you’d rather do before” he stops himself from getting too excited over it but before I can open my mouth to reassure him, Hoseok is faster.

“We can go tomorrow! Y/N has a free day, we can take either car and… go together in the morning? I can take care of the tickets” he offers, hopeful eyes gazing at the two of us to wait for our approval, to which I’m more than happy to nod while Seokjin bites on his lips with a cute happy grin.

“Really? We can go tomorrow?” he muses softly, as if he can’t believe it and when we both nod at him, his eyes start shining with delight, hands meeting at his heart, his ears’ muscles doing that cute thing where they slightly raise up and back happily, he looks so damn cute!

“We can and we will! Now maybe we shouldn’t stay up too late to make sure we’re full of energy because tomorrow, we’re going through the WHOLE site! Penguins, they have GOT to have penguins right? Oh, I’m getting so excited now, I haven’t gone in ages, Yoongi is going to be so jealous” I chirp, hands clapping quickly and Hoseok chuckles while Seokjin tilts his head in curiosity.

“Yoongi? Who’s that?”.

I open my mouth, but again, Hoseok is faster than me, the man’s getting chatty, isn’t he?

“Her older brother. I also have an older sister, Jiwoo, maybe we should… sit down and talk first? We went to eat dinner together yesterday so we know a bit about each other already but… I would love to tell you too, and hear about your family” he offers the dog who seems a little shocked to already be behind in terms of knowledge and memories, tail wilting behind him, ears drooping even more than they naturally are.

I quickly make my way to him to reassure him before he starts feeling bad, I don’t want him to believe that this is going to bother us, I met Hoseok only yesterday, it’s not like we have weeks between our meetings.

I cup his cheeks to make him look at me, his long soft ears covering my hands as he slightly leans into the touch, eyes shutting at the feeling.

“You know how I moved in yesterday, right? Hoseok helped me unpack and we went to a restaurant together so I could thank him, that’s why we had the opportunity to talk and share, but we didn’t go over that much so you’re not that far behind. We can sit down and talk, we want to include you, you’re going to know as much as we can share and feel ready to share in one night, okay?”.

I feel Hoseok step closer behind me before settling a gentle hand over Seokjin’s shoulder, his chest nearly pressed against my back, the proximity has my heart stuttering as much as it makes me beam.

“She’s right, next time, you can come with us, it’s my favorite restaurant and I want to share that with you as well, Ji-yong will be thrilled to meet you, he’s a good friend of mine and a chef there, would you like that?” he asks softly, and we both watch as Seokjin nods slowly, eyes opening, teary and relieved, just how much worry can fit in that beautiful head of his?

“Please” he murmurs with a small nod of the head, something that melts my heart. It’s going to be very important to include everyone for everything, I don’t want our soft pup feeling like he’s left out, not even once.

“Let’s go sit in the living room, we can take it easy, maybe watch a movie later, we do have a mountain of snacks to go through, gifted from my friends themselves” I let out, and when Seokjin huffs a small laugh as he starts feeling better, I grin proudly.

“Until you feel like throwing up? I think we’re going to have to impose a limit on the snacking you do tonight” Hoseok counters and I turn to him with a gasp, betrayal in my eyes, all of it for him.

“Don’t you dare!”. “Oh I will, I’m not having an upset stomach keep us from having tomorrow!”.

I pause, frown, then relent. “Fair enough. I will be careful”.

He smirks and pats my head. “Good girl” he croons and my insides do all sorts of things, lips quivering before I turn my back to him to push Seokjin to the couch, he doesn’t tease me, he is safe.

“The fox sits on the floor”.

And he does, with a pout as I take one corner of the couch, legs tucked in front of me while the shepherd takes the other, his back straight and legs crossed neatly. Hoseok brings the cushion closer to sit in front of us, all small as he curls on top of it even though I bought the big ones.

And so we talk, we share about our friends, our families, the bond we have with our siblings, words that Seokjin absorbs intently, as if he’d been starved of moments like these all his life, and indeed, nothing prepares us for what we hear when Hoseok asks him a question.

“What about you? Do you have siblings? Are you close with your parents?”.

Our dog looks down at that, a little unsure and I start growing tense, sensing that his story might not be filled with joy like ours, it has me on edge, as is Hoseok, his eyes fixated on the hybrid who sighs softly.

“I… don’t really have anyone. I grew up in an orphanage and I never got close to any of the kids. Those I did take a liking to would get adopted right away so…” he stops there before shrugging slightly, fingers drumming silently on his knees as he ponders his words.

“I’ve always been a quiet kid, always keeping to myself and drowning in books, and even there, I wasn’t like any other kids my age who would read romance, fantasy, because I would read How to books. How to draw, how to paint, how to sew, I guess my job was meant to be when I think about it, I’ve always had an interest, although it wasn’t mainly about lingerie back then, I just wanted to create things from my own hands”.

My throat is locked with a lump as I process his words, as I come to realize that Seokjin did not have a happy childhood filled with memories that kids should have.

You can be quiet and have friends, people who enjoy the same things you do, or people who will make you enjoy new experiences without making you feel uncomfortable, it makes me so sad to learn that he never had that someone by his side, because an orphanage is not meant to be forever.

He looks up to stare at us at our silence, sees the distress in our orbs, because we don’t know what to say to that, what is the right thing to say? I’m sorry? We’re not sharing to pity on each other, Seokjin doesn’t need our pity, yet I still can’t help but feel so sad, because does that mean he’s been completely alone until now?

He smiles, eyes seeing through us so easily.

“It’s okay, really. I might not have been adopted, but I had all the time in the world to learn and start what I now live off, a job that I love. It lead me to my huge apartment where I currently live, it lead me to today, where I could finally meet two amazing people who I can call mates, the very sames who are currently by my side and spending time with me.

I’m very happy, there’s no need to be sad for the past, it’s already behind us, I’m sure only good things will happen from now on, and I’m excited to see where our future will lead” he assures us with so much joy in his quiet voice that I can’t help the tears that flow down my cheeks, lips pursing as I try to stop my throat from clogging up so much, chin trembling from a heavy heart.

How can he say something like that so easily? His words both break my heart and fill it with endearment and I promise myself in that very moment, to make sure his future is a happy one, one he will enjoy every seconds of.

“Why are you crying? I promise I’m fine!” Seokjin fidgets slightly when he sees me sniffle and wipe my cheeks before scooting closer to tentatively wrap his arms around me, eager to comfort me when I should be the one doing that instead, even though he isn’t sad at all.

He’s accepted his past so easily and focused only on the bright side of it, on how it lead him to now, something that isn’t doable for everyone. There’s no denying that he must have been sad so often when he would lose the only friends he’d manage to make, when he understood at some point that he would never be adopted.

I lean into his touch, body tightly wrapped into his embrace but it only causes me to let out a sob, because fuck this shit, Hoseok and I both had so much support growing up, how much did he struggle to make it to where he is today?

“I’m so… so very impressed by you, Seokjin, really. You must have worked so hard to get what you have now, you did it all by yourself, you built something amazing and no one can ever take that from you, you’re so strong, my strong pup” I praise him, voice thick with pride for him as I look up to meet his gaze just as his own eyes fill with tears.

“You… really think so?” he gasps out, eyes seeming as if he doesn’t dare believe that I could really mean what I said, it breaks my heart, and when I quickly nod my head, the sight of his wobbly lips as he bursts into tears pulls me in with him as I hug him back tightly.

“I truly mean it, Seokjin. You did so well until now, you didn’t give up and kept going even through the pain, I’m proud of you, so, so proud” I insist as he sobs into my neck, how much he must have longed to hear these words.

Unable to keep away a second longer, Hoseok jumps to his feet to wrap us both in his arms, his own eyes wet with unshed tears, he’s trying to be strong but he can’t deny how affected he is by what he heard.

“Y/N is right, you learned as much as you could and then, you used all that knowledge to thrive and rise instead of falling, you did something so hard with only your dreams and hopes, your strength and beliefs built what you have today, they made you into a fighter, nothing anyone could ever say will take that from you. You’re our impressive mate, I’m so proud” he adds, his own voice wavering slightly and Seokjin’s sobs turn into crying, his heart soaking up every words said.

I don’t know how long we stay there trying to comfort him while calming ourselves, but although very sad, this moment also feels healing, because while he didn’t necessarily seek that confirmation, he still needed it, needed to hear that he did the best he could, that someone can see it, that it wasn’t easy.

“I’m lucky to have such amazing hybrids in my arms” I manage to say with a light tone when I get my tears under control, to which Hoseok huffs good-naturedly. “You’re not hugging me”.

I clear my throat to get rid of the tears stuck in the back and shift a little to include Hoseok into my arms, his warmth added to Seokjin’s feeling so nice at the moment, it’s soothing.

“Now I have everyone” I hum, satisfied when even Seokjin lets slip a small smile through his tears, his breath slowly evening out.

“You guys will maybe judge me for saying that but… chocolate would be fantastic right now” I blurt out after a moment and my words are greeted by light chuckles.

“Chocolate would indeed be a good emotional cheer up to help us recover from this” Hoseok muses as he pulls back slightly to straighten up, his back bent uncomfortably from hugging us.

Seokjin wipes his face with his sweater paws and then gives us a beautiful glowing smile. “I won’t need it, I’ve never felt as good as I do right now, I feel like I could face the world without wavering now”.

I cry out as I hug him again. “My good pup is so strong, isn’t he? But you won’t have to face it alone, you have the two of us by your side now, we’ll share your burden from now on” I muse before stilling at his silence, eyes looking up to see his orbs filling with tears once more.

“No don’t cry! We did enough crying! I think you need chocolate too, let’s go get chocolate!” I fret just as Hoseok leaves us to reach the kitchen with quick feet, and when I hear him look through the bags, I look up just in time to see his widening eyes as he takes in all that my friends brought over.

“We’re definitely not eating all of that tonight”.

My world crumbles and I whine, a fake cry as I nudge Seokjin’s chest with my face, it has him cheering up instantly as he keeps me close, heart and soul content, filled to the brim with love.

“It’s okay, there will be more for tomorrow” he assures me while patting my shoulder softly, and Hoseok scoffs.

“She’s not finishing all of that tomorrow either, they’ve brought enough for a whole month”.

“Party pooper!” I exclaim, unhappy, but the fox remains unfazed as he nods before grabbing ONE bar of chocolate. ONE.

“Gladly, if that keeps you from getting sick. You can whine to your friends all you want, Seokjin and I are splitting off those bags and giving them to you one at a time, there’s no playing with junk food, your teeth will rot”.

I instantly look up at that, puppy eyes falling on him and Seokjin, they can’t possibly go through with this, right? Seokjin?

His eyes avoid mine instantly when I turn my gaze to him, his arms tensed as he keeps patting my shoulders awkwardly.

“… I’m not disobeying a dental assistant on that one” he explains himself and I wail out in fake tears, this is terrible!

“Change your job! Find something else, I can’t with you, this is a nightmare!” I complain childishly, I can’t believe they’re really going to keep me from stuffing myself with junk food!

“Stop whining and eat that”.

Sweet chocolate gets pushed between my lips and I stop acting like a baby immediately, lips pouty as I nibble on the melting treat, eyes sheepish as they meet the fox’s.

He tries to hide an endeared smirk as he ruffles my hair, a piece given to Seokjin too before he takes a smaller one for himself.

“Aigoo, why do I feel like we’ll see that side of you often? Our big baby, I’m starting to understand why they call you that”.

I grumble under my breath at that. He’s got a point.

Seokjin’s soft giggle fills the room and my mood brightens up, head going to rest against his chest with a small sigh.

I guess our crying session also served to break the ice, it feels more natural to be together now. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will be like, at the aquarium.

(AUTHOR)Last chapter for the week! I hope you guys enjoyed Your candy scent so far! It’s going to be a sweet ride!

Join me next week for Wings Unfolded! I’m currently editing the chapters and it’s more than needed so please, give me time!




CHAPTER 5 (4.4k words)

For more information about this story, find it here

It’s seated in my living room, Jimin, Taehyung and I on the couch while Hoseok and Seokjin personally chose the floor cushions to face us that we listen to the corgi’s questions towards the guys, the hybrid having apparently decided that he was to be the guiding head in this situation.

“Man, I still can’t believe it, Y/N’s one lucky girl for getting these two to herself” he muses with a wink my way and I blush before covering my eyes with a hand, I’ve been feeling so shy since earlier and I’m not used to it.

They didn’t lie earlier, did they? I’m really their mate too? Me?

“Honestly… Y/N has amazed me, from the first time I saw her yesterday. I’m not very expressive, yet that hasn’t stopped her from being incredibly nice with me, she wasn’t intimidated and she made me feel like it’s okay to be myself, I don’t need to force myself to change, so if anything, I feel like we’re the lucky ones” Hoseok counters with visible relief in his tone, his words only serving to worsen my state, heart picking up a beat and shy tingles spreading all over my soul.

Did I really make him feel that way? It’s something that makes me proud, because I take joy out of making people feel good about themselves, there’s nothing wrong with them if that’s how they want to be, opinions should matter only if you asked for them.

“He’s right, I’m a little awkward, yet she’s been nothing else but smiles and warmth with me, she’s… amazing” Seokjin adds, a small chuckle leaving him when I groan in embarrassment.

“Guys…” I whine, hear laughter spread around the room as Taehyung’s arms close around me, it forces a sheepish smile onto my face as I look at them all, why does it feel so perfect with them here?

“Awww, to see her all shy like this is a miracle, Y/N is usually all brave and strong, it’s not often that we get to see her soft side like this” Jimin coos as he ruffles my hair, arms joining his mate’s around me, it’s all warm and cozy, I love it.

“I can imagine… she’s been confident over everything ever since I met her, her cute blushing cheeks are adorable” Hoseok hums, eyes burning a hole into my head until I brave through the arms to glance at him and his grin…

Yeah, he’s really a fox, isn’t he? The tease.

I clear my throat and try to shrug it off, the burning to my skin not helping me get a hold of myself.

“I could say the same about you two! Who said you were allowed to be such fluffy and cute hybrids, huh? Your tails keep wagging when you’re happy even if your face remains passive and those ears! They look so freaking soft!” I exclaim, which only ends up making me feel even more embarrassed because the two hybrids straighten up with pride at my words, orbs alight with delight.

“You really think so?” Seokjin murmurs all softly, ears so tempting with the way they fall slightly over his face, and now that I’m really taking the time to look at him, fuck, his looks are insane! Perfection, he’s perfection, they both are!

“You can touch them if you want” the Australian shepherd offers when he sees the longing in my eyes and I hesitate long enough for Jimin to push me forward and to the floor where Hoseok’s arms catch my upper body in a hurry, eyes widening in shock when he hears the sound of my knees smacking against the wood.

“Y/N, are you okay?!” he asks at my pained groan as I end up face first in his stomach, the rest of my body sprawled over the floor and onto his lap, I feel like the blanket Hoseok effortlessly threw over the couch yesterday.

I grunt out a yes before looking back at Jimin with a betrayed pout, he didn’t need to push me with that much strength, now I can feel a throbbing pain in my knees, damn it.

The corgi smiles back guiltily, he didn’t mean to use that much strength, maybe he can pretend like he plays no part in this if he looks away? Taehyung sighs and shakes his head, not surprised anymore.

His puppy mate is a clumsy one, doesn’t realize that he’s much stronger than his race leads to believe. He’s not as small as he seems to think.

“Sorry about him, he has too much energy sometimes, he just wants to help, even if he ends up hurting more often than never” Taehyung informs my two mates who nod slightly before helping me to a seated position between the two of them and tucked in the middle with their huge bodies on either side like that…

It’s making me feel minuscule!

Seokjin seems to hesitate a little, but after a few seconds, he makes up his mind as he tilts his head down and in front of me, one long ear dangling in front of my face and I swear, it’s calling out to me, begging for my fingers to run through its fur.

“Is it really okay for me to touch it?” I ask, needing to make sure, I wouldn’t want to make him uncomfortable when I see his fingers nervously twist in his clothes but he hums with a small nod and that’s all I need to raise a hand to it, a gasp leaving me when the softness ends up being even softer than I had thought.

“Oh my gosh, this isn’t possible” I blurt out as I bring my other hand to it, needing more of the sensation, it’s incredible! Now if I could just rub my cheek against it, I would be sent to a world of fluffiness.

“Soft right?” the dog hybrid muses, proud of his ears, with good reason, I would be showing off all the time were I him.

See my ears? They’re so soft, the softest in the whole world. You want to touch? In your dreams! Grow old wondering just how soft they were and die without any answers!

A small clear of the throat to my other side and I turn my head to see Hoseok trying to look unbothered as he too leans his head my way, his tail sliding over the floor in anticipation while Seokjin’s audibly hits the floor in consecutive hits, what am I going to do with them?

“You can… touch mine too if you want. But… be gentle, they’re sensitive” he mumbles and I chirp in excitement, one hand remaining with Seokjin’s ear, his face away from me but I can almost imagine his closed eyes and soft features as he enjoys the touch, his hands now completely relaxed in his lap.

At this point, I’m completely forgetting about Taehyung and Jimin who keep gazing at us with gentle grins, how could I ever focus on anyone else when I have these two with me?

“Here I come” I mumble, to which the fox snorts just as I slowly allow my fingers against the fur of his ear, and goodness, it’s just as soft, although maybe slightly more rigid, the hairs just a bit thicker than the dog’s.

“So this is what a fox’s fur feels like” I muse as I run my fingers against the shell of his ear, a bubble of adoration popping in my stomach when it twitches under my touch, Hoseok’s eyes blinking quickly as a shiver goes through his body, this is so cute!

“What did you think it would be like?” he asks, but I shrug, fingers gentle as I slowly go over the fur, careful to not mess it all up. “I don’t know, the only fur I’m used to is Jimin’s, but the two of you, it’s different, it’s nice”.

Seokjin and Hoseok both hum, content to feel my touch, they didn’t know they would like it that much, to have someone caress their ears, ear scratches felt overrated but now… things have changed.

Unsure of when to stop, of when is too much, I eventually pull back to bring my hands back to my lap and it takes the two men a moment to realize that I’m not touching their ears anymore. I don’t miss the drop to their shoulders when they sit back up in their seat, cheeks slightly red, but thankfully, their eyes are happy as they wait for my verdict.

I give them both a thumb up. “A hundred out of ten, would do again”.

Jimin giggles and we snap our eyes to the duo facing us, just now remembering their presence, and oh my god, they saw all that!

“Aren’t you three lovely. I’m starting to think that we should push that sleepover to another day, it doesn’t feel right to take that moment from you guys, you should spend the evening together and get to know each other properly, you obviously don’t need our help” Taehyung coos and… my eyes widen as I come to remember the deal that was made with them earlier.

“Tae! The food!” I exclaim, they first came here to see my place and eat with me, yet we’ve done none of that! What happened to the food!?

Jimin gasps with horrified eyes before jumping up to his feet and to the kitchen where they set the bags. “It’s all cold! No! Damn it, you guys being mates made me forget about my hunger but I’m freaking starving now! Argh!”.

I let myself fall to my back with a whine. “I’m so hungry too! We can’t possibly eat it cold, is the world coming to an end? Whatever shall we do?” I let out with a dose of drama before rolling to my stomach, hip touching Hoseok’s leg as his unimpressed eyes take me in before he sighs.

“You have an oven, a microwave, just heat it up”.

I roll to my back and sit up and into a slumped position before looking up at him with a pout through my lashes.

“Since you seem to know exactly what to do here… maybe you could take care of it?” I ask, hands slowly meeting at my chest in a plea and he narrows his eyes at me, a finger going to boop my nose before he stands up with a groan.

“What I wouldn’t do for my mate. Yesterday was the same too, am I going to become a slave? Goodness”.

“The best slave in the entire world! Wait no, that sounded wrong, the most free slave in the entire world! Thank you, little fox!” I chirp with a giggle before turning to my side, hence making me face Seokjin who’s already staring at me, his gaze startles me.

I still, lips parted into a semi-smile, unsure of how I should explain myself. “You see… I’m not… that bad, right? It’s just… I’m lazy?” I attempt, but he doesn’t react and I turn to Taehyung for backup, but the traitorous man simply stands up to join the others in the kitchen and I purse my lips.

Why is he so quiet? Is he mad that I asked that of Hoseok? Technically, the fox is his mate too, right?

“Aren’t you going to ask me to help too?” Seokjin finally breaks the silence and I stare back at him, confused. “Huh?”.

He points at himself, then at the kitchen. “I can help too, aren’t you going to ask?” he repeats, eyes looking almost sad that I’m not, did he want me to plead at him too? What? Or did he want to hear that he too is a… good… not slave?

I turn my gaze to the kitchen where three men are already working together to transfer the food from the plastic containers into my glass ones, Hoseok luckily aware of where they all are since he helped me store them yesterday.

“Well… I think they have enough hands already, Seokjin”.

Nothing prepares me for the disappointed pout that greets my eyes when I turn back to him and shit, how do I comfort him? Do I come up with a task for him to feel useful? But then won’t I feel awful for ordering both of my mates around like that?

“It’s okay, Seokjin, you can keep me company instead, I don’t want to be alone” I assure him, words that have his tail resuming its thumping on the floor, relief flashing across his eyes, he really looks like a cute pup.

Okay, a godly handsome pup. I mean, have you seen these shoulders? He would take everyone’s jobs if he decided to become a model.

I hum as I look around me, eyes trying to find something to keep ourselves busy, and then I remember the catalogue that contains all his hardwork.

“Oh I know! Why don’t we look through your catalogue together? Since you’re here, you could direct me to what would be better for me!” I offer, watch as his face softens into shy contentment before he nods. “Sure, I don’t mind”.

“Great! I’ll be back in a flash, it’s on my bed” I muse before hurrying to my feet and to my room, nearly trip on the way but it’s okay, no one saw-

“I saw that, Y/N”.

Damn it.

“No you didn’t” I retort, hear Hoseok’s huff in response before I disappear into my bedroom, one I haven’t used yet because I seem to have spent last night on the couch with Yoongi, the first one but not the last.

It’s the only room that hasn’t really been decorated yet, and it probably won’t be for a while, it’s not the room I focus the most on, I’ll only sleep here after all. The living room and the kitchen are the most important in my eyes, it’s where we gather, where we spend time together, it has to be comfortable and clean.

I find the catalogue right where I left it and carefully cradle it to my chest before heading back to the living room where Seokjin is patiently waiting for me and when my eyes fall on him, I freeze.


I actually need to take a minute to just gaze at him because the way the afternoon sun glows on his honey skin…

My heart flutters a bit too much for comfort.

He notices me standing still and tilts his head, probably wondering why I’m here looking all dumb gazing at him, completely unaware of how beautiful he is. How can you not know that you look godlike? It’s almost as bad as not being able to shut up about it!

I clear my throat, a sheepish scratch to the back of my neck before I join his side on the floor, catalogue given to him because he knows it best.

“Okay, so you mentioned bras earlier?” he asks, straight to the point and I nod as I scoot closer to have a look as he opens it to a particular section nearer to the middle of the book, then flips through a few pages revealing elegant swimsuits before falling on the bras.

Right away, even though this isn’t the shape that would suit me the best, I can see right away how beautiful it is, a few notes here and there to show its best points and downsides, it’s fascinating to see.

He starts showing me different styles, and with each points I bring forward about what I would like, the closer he gets to what I actually need until we reach a section of what feels like would be the most comfortable for me.

“This one, oh it looks perfect, it’s like you’ve taken out everything I hate about bras and kept only what I love” I muse, by now slightly leaning over his shoulder, chin resting on top of it to have a better look at the catalogue, it’s so easy being with Seokjin, he’s so calm, just like Hoseok.

“I’m glad, this one is a huge favorite for the bigger part of my clientele, so we could go with that one then?” he says as he turns his head slightly to observe me from the corner of his eye and I nod. “Definitely, this one is good”.

He hums, then flips through a few pages again until we reach a section for fabric, laces and the likes.

“Now this is a bit like a… build a bra? Just point at whichever ones you like, I’ll remember them and I’ll make you a folder later with your choices. We can talk size and measurements either tomorrow or when you’re ready, what do you think?”.

I nod my head, more of my weight added to his shoulder and he smiles, the tickle of his ear against my cheek and his happy tail waving against my stomach all things I could get used to.

A presence besides us and we both turn our head to see Hoseok sitting close next to me, a small smile for us before his gaze falls to the catalogue, no confusion on his face, it appears he heard everything since earlier.

“I remember Namjoon once said that you make clothes, but he’d never mentioned what kind exactly, I didn’t know you make lingerie” he hums and Seokjin shrinks just slightly before breathing in to calm himself, my scent so near helping him to focus on the calm bubble we had just a moment ago.

“Yeah… it’s what I do” he murmurs, not as confident as he was when it was just me and Hoseok seems to notice it too because he’s quickly adjusting himself so that Seokjin can have a clear view of the fox’s face.

“Hey, it’s cool, really. I heard you two talk since earlier, you seem to know a lot, it’s sweet, I’m sure you help a lot of people with your knowledge. I was just curious to see what’s in there, but I… I can go if I make you uncomfortable”.

The shepherd quickly shakes his head before stopping when he realizes that his ear has been slapping me in the face but really, I’m not complaining, even when it slaps it’s all soft. “You… you can stay, it’s fine. We were just about to look at the fabric”.

Well… I guess I’ll just have to live with the fact that both of my mates will know what I like, yeah? It’s fine, it’s just bras, it’s not like they’ll both actually see them on me.

As if reading my thoughts, Hoseok glances at me, needing one more confirmation that he can stay and when I nod at him with a grin, he relaxes and brings his gaze back to the catalogue, as do I.

And so, together, what I thought might be a little awkward ends up being really interesting because we all end up sharing our thoughts about our preferences, and some of their opinions even end up changing some dislikes I had into approval, although part of me believes it might just be because I would do anything for them, I can already feel that bubble growing in the corner of my heart.

It really doesn’t take me much to accept someone into my heart, should they deserve it and these two have gained a spot in it as soon as I laid an eye on them.

Now I’m realizing that the mate bond probably had something to do with that, but I like to think that I would’ve felt the same even if they weren’t.

They make me feel good, and them needing me is even better. It makes me feel useful and proud, I can watch over them, help them and they won’t reject me, the same way Yoongi takes care of me.

If it makes me feel good being taken care of, then I wish for my mates to get the chance to feel the same way too. They both look fragile and I want to cherish that.

And should anyone try to use that fragility against them… well I won’t remain still and do nothing, that I can promise.

No one hurts my people, not without having to deal with the consequences afterward, even if it includes seeing the grim reaper in person. Bodies will fall before my people do, that’s a promise I will hold until my end, even if Yoongi wishes I wouldn’t.

There are some things even him can’t stop, and as much as he’s aware, he’s hoping that the promise he made me do in the past will hold on for as long as possible.

“Food is ready! It’s at the perfect temperature now, even warmer than when we drive back home at full speed! Me is happy!” Jimin chirps from the kitchen, his voice pulling me out of my thoughts just as Hoseok and Seokjin end their conversation about animal prints, one I didn’t hear a single word of.

I look up feeling a little weird, thinking about how far I’m ready to go for them awakening a glint of the darkness within me and making me feel slightly dazed, a switch turned on and when Hoseok stares at me, I smile, bring a hand to cup his cheek and he stills, eyes widening in surprise.

Right, I would do anything to protect them.

I hum and close my eyes, face going to nuzzle softly in Seokjin’s neck where I feel goosebumps cover the skin under my lips, his whole body tensing under my touch.

Anything, because they’re mine.

Mine to protect and cherish.

A hand to my shoulder and I open my eyes to see Taehyung gazing down at me, he knows, the squeeze to my skin making me let go of both my mates to stand up to my feet before following him out of the living room and to my bedroom when he has yet to let go of me, Jimin’s eyes following us silently before he beckons the two hybrids over to distract them.

Once the door closes behind us, he turns to me, eyes wary as I meet his gaze with a tilt of the head.

“It claimed them, didn’t it?” he asks and I hum lowly, eyes turning to the window before I make my way to it to gaze at the darkening sky.

“Y/N, it’s important. That side of you, it claimed them? Like it did for us?” he asks again and I sigh before nodding once.

“Then you need to let Yoongi know, you remember the promise you made to him”.

I start tapping the edge of the window with my fingers, the only sound that can be heard in the room, a twitch in my eye at having to go through with it.

“What would it change? It’s not like much will happen just because of this, it just means I want to keep them safe” I let out, voice colder than intended but it doesn’t stop Taehyung from getting closer.

“That’s the point, Y/N, it’s how you intend to protect them that matters. There’s no danger right now, you don’t need to be like that” he tries, but his words tick me off.

“It’s always the same. You see me like this and you all get scared, as if I could do something terrible at any moment. It makes me sad that you guys think so lowly of me, you know?” I hum, a brief look at his face to see that he’s clenching his jaw, eyes narrowed.

Tsk. He’s not going to make it easy, is he?

“You’re not the Y/N we need right now, we need sweet Y/N because tonight is supposed to be nice and fun, your two mates are here and they want to get closer to you and to each other, they don’t need to be kept safe. You don’t need to be out”.

I inhale deeply, knowing he’s right. What danger would there be here? The toaster? Still, I frown, not liking how I’m pushed away so easily.

I want to be needed too. Can I not be loved just like my sweet self? Like my confident self?

I’m just a little bit darker than the others, but I’m not dangerous for them.

A hand to my arm, soft and gentle. “We all know that you watch over us, all the time. We are thankful for that, okay? But Hoseok and Seokjin, they don’t know that side of you yet, this is all new, do you want to scare them by going too fast?”.

I shake my head, eyes looking down in disgust, the idea that they could be scared of me… no, I don’t want that.

“Come here, it’s going to be alright, okay? It’s going to be fine, baby” he murmurs as he takes me into a hug and I nuzzle my face into his neck, needing to feel his warmth for myself for once, it happens so rarely.

“You’ll get your time with them, I promise. They’re your mates, they’ll accept every part of you, you just need to go slow and steady” he continues, his voice soothing me and I nod, soul focused on his warmth, on his heart that beats slowly against my chest.

Slowly, I start feeling more like myself, although it also feels like less than myself, and when I open my eyes again, Taehyung smiles at me, hands cupping my cheeks in relief when he sees that I’m back to normal.

“Sorry about that… I was just thinking about how they were getting important to me and the next thing I knew, the switch happened” I mumble, but he shakes his head with a kiss to my forehead.

“It’s fine, let’s join the others, okay? They’ll be wondering what’s going on”.

I nod and follow him out of the room, a sad smile on my lips.


We got a little deep sneak into Y/N’s character for this chapter!

I want to mention that Y/N’s case is not one of switching from one identity to another, she remains the same person, but she has… switches that can flip on and off. It’s like… each personalities come with their own mindset and experiences but also merge with one another.

Confident is her main one, sweet in second, there’s not much changing from there because she’s often like that, but the darker one is always kept back so when it does come out, it’s going to show a lot more in the way she talks and thinks.

Things will trigger those switches, situations will require one more than the other, but she remains always Min Y/N, just… different sides of herself. Hope that makes sense and if not…

Ask me questions lmao!




CHAPTER 4 (4.4k words)

For more information about this story, find it here

“If you could wait just a moment, I’ll be fast” Seokjin mumbles as he fidgets with his door, a clumsy bow given to me before he slips through the opening in a way that keeps me from seeing the inside of his home and I smile when it closes just as fast behind him.

I hum and lean my back against the outside wall besides the door, eyes turning to the clear sky, the sound of birds chirping from the nearby trees making everything feel so peaceful.

First Hoseok, now Seokjin, these two hybrids are so endearing, there’s no way around it.

I wonder what it is about them, but I find them just so… cute. They’re handsome, very handsome, true, but their behavior makes me melt, the way they look at me, the way their ears and tails twitch, it makes me all soft for them.

While Hoseok is a fox, ears high on top of his head, Seokjin’s are droopy, long appendages that fall off the sides of his face and nearly merging into his hair, they both look so soft to the touch, it’s obvious that they’re taking care of their fur well.

While I wait for Seokjin to come back, I pull out my phone from my bag and unlock the screen to find that I got a message from Jimin, which makes me smile.


Baby! I want to see your new home!

Tae too! We’re already near, we can bring food?

I grin before typing an answer.


You know you got me if you say food


I know, that’s why I brought it up

So you won’t refuse


You sneaky pup!

You know I would have agreed no matter what!

But make sure you get extra ketchup packets

Like twenty of them

I forgot to buy a bottle at the grocery store


You’re impossible

We’ll buy one at the store

There’s no way they’re agreeing to that

Twenty? They barely give us enough for our damned fries when we get food


Can you get bread too?

And milk

Oh and my favorite snack bars too



I want extra cuddles for the trouble

Taehyung too



I’ll even add in a sleepover

If you add chips and chocolate



We’ll get popcorn too

You won’t be able to move around without us anymore

Our arms will be glued to you

See you soon!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Can’t wait!


I chuckle and look through my phone some more until I hear the door open again, after which I look up to see Seokjin sliding through the thin opening with a thick book in his arms, his large shoulders looking all squeezed in his attempt to save my eyes from his mess.

“H-here, sorry it took a bit longer, I… it was hidden under fabric” he mumbles awkwardly as he hands it over and I shake my head with a smile.

“It’s totally fine, don’t worry about it. I’ll definitely have a look through this and… are you here often? I could come knock whenever I’m done?” I ask, to which he nods, eyes avoiding mine, hands nervously grabbing his hoodie.

“Yeah, I don’t go out much… you’ll find me here”.

I hum, pleased to hear that, I love when I can find the people I want to see easily.

“Oh, right, I have two friends coming over tonight for a sleepover, we have Fridays off since we work Saturdays so… if we’re ever too loud, just let me know okay? I promise it won’t bother us, I just don’t really know how easily sounds travel here and you’re…

Well you’re an hybrid so I’m betting on your hearing senses being more developed than mine. I know Jiminie is really sensitive to noises, we usually aren’t that loud but you know… just in case” I end up ranting a little, worried that I could annoy him, he looks so soft, I don’t want him to hate me but he stops me with a gentle smile.

“It’s fine, like I said, I didn’t really notice much yesterday, unless you decide to party and jump everywhere, I’ll be fine” he assures me and I nod lightly, hoping for it to be true.

Maybe I should make some tests one day, just to make sure, both for him and Hoseok. Jimin could tell me when it starts being too loud because I have a feeling none of these two would let me know.

“Alright then, I’ll leave you to it, I’ll be sure to come knocking at a regular hour and not in the middle of the night” I tease him, but he simply shrugs. “I mean, I’m usually awake until one or two in the morning, I wouldn’t mind”.

I hum. “Really? Does that mean it’s okay if I bother you when I can’t sleep? Sometimes insomnia hits pretty hard, it’s boring being alone” I ask and I notice the exact moment when his tail goes from slow waving to extra-excited slapping, his face not spilling any of his emotions if not for his reddening ears.

“I-I mean… sure, you can do that”.

I grin and shift to my other foot before scratching my neck.

“Well, Seokjin, it was a pleasure, I’ll have to go though. I need to take a shower before my best friends get here, I don’t want my corgi telling me how much I stink” I muse, watch as his eyes widen in shock.

“Stink? As if, you smell so good-” he freezes, ears going a shade darker before he hurries back to his door.

“I mean, bye! Have fun!” and he’s gone.

I stare at his door for a beat longer before shrugging and then make my way to the door leading inside the building and up the stairs, a short gaze at Hoseok’s door before I enter my home.

From there, I quickly get rid of my shoes and bag and bring the catalogue to my bed before making my way to the bathroom so I can take a quick shower, because if we’re going to be cuddling all night, I don’t want them to hug my sweaty self.

Taehyung is human, just like Yoongi and I, but Jimin is a corgi hybrid so we all try to be careful for him. No intense perfumes, candles are either scents he enjoys, light ones or no scent at all, everything so that he can be comfortable.

Of course, we do get customers who drown themselves in perfume, so for that purpose, we offer temporary scent blockers. As soon as they leave the shop and take it off, their perfume comes back as if it never went away, it’s a great invention, saves hybrids a lot of trouble.

I dry off as soon as I step out of the shower and then hurry to my room to get dressed into cozy clothes, nothing like what I normally wear in the day, these are lazy sweatshirts and jogger pants, and do not forget the trusty fluffy slippers.

It’s very hard to guess who gave them to me when they’re entirely covered with corgi heads. Not obvious at all.

As soon as I walk into the kitchen to make myself a glass of water, I hear a knock on the door and hum happily at the thought of it being my besties.

They were fast, I thought the grocery store would’ve taken them longer, they can never decide on what to get when it comes to snacks.

Not thinking much of it, I walk to the door and open it before standing aside, knowing that they won’t lose much time in making themselves at home but when I don’t see or hear anyone step in, I frown and take a look at the doorway to see Hoseok quirking an eyebrow at me.


I give him a bashful smile, fingers going to scratch the back of my neck. “Sorry, I thought you were Jimin and Taehyung, they’re supposed to be here soon” I mumble, hear his hum as he takes in my outfit curiously.

“Comfy night?” he asks and I nod, sweater paws hanging by my sides as I let go of the door to face him instead.

“Yeah, they’re sleeping over since we have Fridays off” I explain before looking behind me, then back at him. “Want to come in and wait with me?”.

He seems to hesitate for a moment, but then he nods and makes his way inside, unaware of how happy this is making me. I really wanted him to meet my people, so I guess it’s going to happen after all!

“Why Fridays in particular?” Hoseok asks as I walk back into the kitchen to finish my water, an offer that he refuses as he stands by the counter.

I lean back against the fridge to give him my attention and hum, lips pursing lightly as I think it over.

“Well… we thought about it a lot in the beginning and we found that there was a choice to make, we couldn’t do all of them after all, as helpful as it would be for the business, we need rest too. Friday nights are usually nights for partying and the likes, right? We could gain from being open, but…

That means we’d lose the chance on working on really fun makeup looks on Saturday, which is the day that most clean dates happen. Shows, restaurants, concerts, beach, anything, you name it, it happens mostly during the weekend and especially on that day.

I couldn’t force all three days on them, Sundays included, they already work so hard during the week, so we all settled on Saturdays even though they’re very exhausting. We get a lot of customers, we start early morning until late in the evening, but when we get off work, we feel really happy with what we’ve achieved, so in the long run, I think it was the best decision to make.

With that said, Fridays and Sundays are off, sometimes Mondays when there’s not enough appointments, then I go alone” I explain, wondering if I’m making sense but when he’s nodding in understanding, I figure I’m not doing too bad.

“I think it was a good decision, I feel like doing only nightclub looks on Friday wouldn’t really go well with the image your shop has, I heard from my coworkers that you got a popular actress today, it’s making them want to try your place too because it’s refined, it has a… luxury feel to it” he informs me and my eyes widen at the revelation, soul bursting with pride at his words.

It makes me feel bashful, that he seems to see my precious shop that way too and so, I can’t help but jump on the opportunity to joke around that offers itself to me, a way to help me avoid replying directly to what he said.

Anyone else, I’d be fine, but Hoseok? Anything he says, my soul absorbs, it makes the impact that much stronger.

“They work above my shop and never even thought of trying our skills until today?” I fake being insulted, a hand over my chest, to which Hoseok snorts, his tail hitting the air in amusement.

“I’ll let them know to be careful when they do go, might end up with a surprise fee of - I can’t believe you ignored me all this time - in the final price“.

I tilt my head at that one, fingers going to my chin to rub in wonder. “… should I?”.

He doesn’t have time to reply when the door knocks again and he motions for me to go get it with a detached look that doesn’t fit the nervous twitch his ears make.

Wanting nothing more than to reassure him that it’s going to be fine, but also aware that words would do nothing except make him more uncomfortable, I head to the door, once more expecting my best friends but I see Seokjin’s face appear on the other side and I feel a smile stretch across my face at the sight.

“H-Hi, I didn’t mean to bother you so soon but… I think I forgot my phone in your car and…” he starts shyly but then his eyes flicker to behind me, confusion flashing across his face as his voice fades out and I turn around to see Hoseok with a similar look on his face.

Right, the two of them hadn’t met before, right? Now’s as good a time as any, why not make use of this moment to introduce them, it would be fun to hang out the three of us together! We can always get his phone later!

“Hoseok, this is Seokjin, the neighbor who lives on the first floor! Seokjin, this is Hoseok, my next door neighbor, this is your first time meeting, isn’t it? What a good timing you guys had for coming here” I chirp, unaware of what’s really going on, their eyes fixated on one another as they try to process the scent that they had never really noticed before, but now realize was always there.

Their POV

“Well I’ll be…” Hoseok murmurs, finally able to understand that scent that he thought just came with the building for all those years.

It was so soft, almost like a whisper, a memory, he didn’t know what to think of it, he just knows that it’s a scent that always comforted him, it was constantly there and he never made a move to search further.

Now he has to admit he feels really dumb for never trying, years lost that he could have spent with a mate, and for what?

“Seokjin, right?” Hoseok asks as he steps closer to the dog hybrid who looks nervous, fidgety, but also eager to get closer, both to Y/N and to the fox hybrid.

The Australian shepherd nods before opening his mouth, then closes it again, heart pounding so hard in his chest that it might as well stop altogether, but he hopes it doesn’t, but that’s not the point, cookies, Hoseok smells like warm cookies.

He could always smell that scent as far as he can remember of being here but… he thought maybe it came with the building, it was never that strong, because whenever he would leave the safety of his apartment, he would always makes sure that no one would be around.

There was no way to know, no way to smell it the way he does now if he had never come across the man before. He shouldn’t have been such a hermit, maybe then he wouldn’t have spent the past years all alone.

“Y-Yeah, and you’re Hoseok?”.

The fox nods and silence comes back in force, awkward and unnerving as they both look down at their feet, not knowing what to say anymore.

“Uh… are you two okay? You look like… I don’t know, is it good? You’re not like… past enemies, are you?” Y/N blurts out, her eyes flickering from one man to the other and they both let out a small smile as they shake their head, relieved for her presence here.

Maybe she can make this less awkward and more natural, she’s good at dealing with them like they’re not projects turned wrong but simply beings who need a little more attention and care than most.

“No, erm… we’re actually just finding out that we’re… well… mates” Hoseok answers simply, the dog’s scent filling his nose, sweet vanilla, he likes it, always has.

Seokjin nods and turns his gaze to the female human, hoping she could guide them from there because he’s really struggling right now with the urge to hide somewhere, his heart is making him feel uncomfortable and his hands are so sweaty he could fill a pool all by himself.

He’s awkward and he hates that he’s like that, she’s the only one he managed to converse with in person in ages so she can help him, right?

Y/N gasps at the twist of events and claps her hands happily with a squeal that surprises the two men, ears twitching on top of their head at the same time and only serving to make her soul melt for them, she can’t believe it!

“Oh my god! Guys, that’s so wonderful! And you met at my place! My home is a matchmaker!” she exclaims before turning serious, hence further confusing the two hybrids who can only stare back in worry, what? What’s wrong?

“There has to be some sort of trophy for that, right? Indirect matchmaker maybe? Because I feel so proud, like you guys have been here for I don’t know how long and then I come around and BAM” Seokjin startles at that “you guys meet? This is so great, oh man, you two should spend the evening together then! Get to know each other, right? Don’t stay here with silly me!” she chirps before proceeding to push both men towards the door, apparently done with helping them.

“Ah- w-wait!” Seokjin gasps out before holding onto the door, not ready to leave yet, he’s not ready to be alone with the fox and if the truth is going to come out now, it has to come out fully, right? Else they might lose the right timing!

Hoseok must believe the same because he too holds onto the doorway like his life depends on it, eyes round as they meet Seokjin’s, how the heck do they go at it? Just blurt it out real quick? Ask her to calm down first? Why is there no stupid manuals that explain what comes with having mates when they grow up?

Seokjin clears his throat, the conclusion easy in their mind.

They have to tell her now before the door closes on them, Y/N too happy to notice that they’re going through an existential crisis, they’re about to get kicked out by their human mate, for goodness’ sake!

“Y-you’re our mate too!” Seokjin shouts before wincing at how loud he was, especially when the sound of bags falling to the ground resonates in the corridor.

Y/N freezes like a popsicle taken right out of the freezer and the boys let out a breath of relief as they allow themselves to let go of their anchors, door and hands no longer threatening to get rid of them, but they do grow aware of a new possible threat that reveals itself to be her best friends, heads slowly turning to find two men gaping at their trio.

“W-w-w-what did you say?” Y/N stutters out as she finally processes what the shepherd said, her eyes wide open, mouth gaping as well, her heartbeat out of control and cheeks a bright red, apples, Hoseok’s mind says, they’re cute like apples.

“Yeah, what did you say? Our baby is what… your mate?”.

Their what now?

Hoseok snaps his head towards the strangers and moves over to stand in front of Y/N who remains completely shocked by the information, Seokjin now by her side and unsure of what to do, what is required when someone is in shock? Does he need to keep an eye on her in case of a heart failure?

“She’s. Our. Mate” the fox repeats slowly, really not liking that HIS mate could be someone else’s baby, oh no.

He glares at the new hybrid who meets his gaze proudly, ears standing tall on his head and Hoseok feels the need to attempt to be taller, back held straight as he looks down on the little corgi, a little snack, nothing less, he can win this.

“So you’re saying that our baby” Hoseok slips out a low growl, but the hybrid pays no mind as he continues with a smirk “OUR. Baby. She has two mates? And not only does she have two, but they’re also freaking handsome? One of them already acting like a warrior as he guards her from the unknown while the other one looks all cute trying to help her without knowing how?”.

The whole group turns to Seokjin at that and the dog blushes a scarlet red before hiding behind his still shocked mate.

“AND not only that, but we get here just in time to be spectator of the whole thing?!” the little dog continues, his voice turning all excited, which confuses Hoseok greatly, eyes turning to gaze at the silent human man who hasn’t said anything until now, his face stoic and observant.

“Fucking GLORIOUS! Get your asses inside, everyone! We need to take care of this now!” the pup exclaims before pushing Hoseok out of the doorway and inside Y/N’s apartment, which ends up making him bump into Y/N who then bumps into Seokjin, which has them all three falling like dominoes, if dominoes could gasp.

The silent man snorts, a hand immediately going to cover his mouth as he looks away but his hybrid friend doesn’t shy away from bursting into laughter as he points at the group like this is the greatest thing he’s ever seen, unbothered by the fact that he caused all this.

Seokjin grunts as he receives everyone’s weight on top of him, arms around Y/N to keep her from being crushed by the fox who struggles sitting up, eyes wide open before he turns around to take in the state of his two mates who he literally crushed to the ground, this is all very chaotic and he doesn’t know how to act anymore, he didn’t hurt them, did he?

“Oh gosh, I’m so dizzy” Y/N mumbles, hands going to rub her temples with a wince and the two hybrids tense, their instincts screaming at them to help her, to beat the dizziness out of her, but how? They can’t literally do that, they don’t do magic!

Calm, she needs some calm and quiet, Hoseok turns to the two friends with a frown and points at the door while Seokjin keeps holding her, unsure of when to let go, what if she hits her head on the wood floor if he does? Oh gosh!

“Out, give us five minutes”.

The hybrid looks like he wants to complain and resist the order, but the human thankfully understands why Hoseok made that demand and pulls the dog with him outside of the apartment before closing the door, henceforth leaving the three mates again once more.

Hoseok sighs and lets himself fall on his back next to his two mates, a hand falling over his face, of all the ways he had imagined to tell her the news last night, this was not it.

Now, he couldn’t possibly blame Seokjin, they were all taken aback and stressed, the longer they would’ve waited to tell her, the harder it would’ve gotten, she would wonder why they didn’t tell her sooner, maybe they didn’t want her, they didn’t know if they wanted a human as a mate, they both didn’t want that to cross her mind, but they both wish it could’ve been…

They don’t know, more romantic, as hard as it would’ve been for them.

It’s too late for that now, but they can at least make sure that she avoids a headache.

Hoseok sits up and stares at Y/N who still holds her head, eyebrows scrunched together. “Where do you keep your painkillers? I’ll go get them for you” he offers and she hums softly before mumbling out a “In the bathroom, mirror”.

Seokjin looks up at the fox with concern as he jumps to his feet and to the right room, not liking that this all caused her such a big headache, he hopes it’s not because she doesn’t want them.

“Are you hurt anywhere else because of the fall?” he asks her softly, to which she shakes her head, eyes opening after a while to find that she’s literally leaning against the dog hybrid, his face so close to hers she can feel his breath against her cheek, it has her heart skipping a beat before she tries to sit up quickly.

Seokjin feels her warmth leave him and he deflates, his worry increasing in his soul, he doesn’t know what she thinks of all this and if he has to wait any longer, he might just run away and back to his cave to hide forever.

“I’m so sorry, I’m fine, just- my head hurts, but it’s not because of the fall. Are you okay? You were right at the bottom, you didn’t break anything, did you? Can you move?” she asks as she kneels besides him instead to help him sit up properly and he relaxes instantly, her touch on his skin doing wonders to his heart.

“I-I’m fine” he whispers, smiles softly when she lets out a sigh of relief.

Hoseok comes back with a bottle and opens it in the kitchen, the sound of water filling a glass reaching their ears before he comes back to kneel besides them, and he can’t help it when he keeps hold of the glass to help her drink up instead, pills pushed between her plump lips, unaware of the shy pink that coats her cheeks once more, but Seokjin notices it and he finds her adorable.

As much as he found her strong and slightly intimidating just a while ago, she was dressed to take control of the world, now that he’s seeing her in a softer outfit, he can’t see her as anything else but a little bunny, he just wants to hold her to him and never let go.

She sips the water to swallow the pills and when Hoseok pulls the glass back, silence surrounds the trio, the three of them in unknown territory, even confidence takes a weaker turn when facing this sort of thing, Y/N can’t help it.

A knock on the door and they remember her friends.

“I’m sure you guys are just sat on the floor trying to guess what to do! You have the perfect example right here, let us in so we can help you, you cute helpless people!”.

Y/N lets out a small chuckle before standing up slowly, hands reaching out to help Hoseok and Seokjin, they both feel their heart flutter as they make a move to grab her soft fingers, their legs doing most of the work to avoid making her force too much.

“I’m coming, Jiminie, you lifesaver” she muses softly, and the two hybrids can’t deny it, it’s a title that seems to fit, just for tonight.

They do need guidance, and apparently, it falls on her friends to help them.

