#31 weeks pregnant


Little life update

Hey guys!!! T-minus 2 months until Benjamin is born .

I literally can’t believe I’m saying that. Today is exactly two months until his due date. But i am really hoping he comes at 37 weeks! That’s in like 5.5 weeks .

While I am so ready to be a mom. I’m also a little scared out of my mind that it’s real and it’s happening!

Last year this time I was recovering from my RNY bypass dreaming of being small and healthy so I could have a baby someday, and now a year later I’m sitting here contemplating the fact that my Son is rolling around in my belly as I type this.

My pre-pregnancy weight was 160 pounds and I weighed in this morning at 168 . That’s a 8 pounds gain so far and I’m 31 weeks 3 days . My doctor told me she’d be surprised if I gained 5 more before he was born. But Benji is growing good. At the last ultrasound at 29 weeks he was already measuring around 3 lbs 10oz . He’s in the 68% overall meaning he’s larger than “normal” but still in a good range.

I have had a really healthy pregnancy mostly. I’ve had some hypotension (my blood pressure just drops for no reason leaving me feeling crappy sometimes), hypoglycemia (my blood sugar crashes if I don’t eat enough protein or often enough), but other than those two things I’ve been good. I never did have morning sickness or anything like that.

Anywho my goal is to give myself a week or two after Ben is born and then to get right back into my healthy eating. I plan on making a lot of freezer meals before he comes so we can just pull them out and bake! And as soon as I’m cleared for exercise I’m gonna take that jogging stroller we bought out for runs! I’m so excited for this next phase of life, but I’m enjoying the last few weeks of it being just Dustin and me before we add this little one in!

Also here’s a comparison picture from 5 weeks to 31 weeks

Now that you’re 31 weeks pregnant you’re going to start feeling more tired than you have before in y

Now that you’re 31 weeks pregnant you’re going to start feeling more tired than you have before in your pregnancy. Your baby can turn it’s head from side to side, and it’s arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath the skin. http://bit.ly/Rf3U7c

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