#365 dias


Pairing: Massimo Torricelli x Reader


 Warning(s): extreme violence, language, brief smut


 Summary: As you struggle to confess a secret, Massimo receives a lesson that his pride has thus prevented him from understanding: nobody is safe, nobody is untouchable.


A/N: Forgive me! This was a tough one and there’s more drama to follow in the next part.


You awoke to the feeling of Massimo’s butterfly kisses along your bare back and shoulder blades, instinctively smiling even as your eyes remained closed. You arched your back and found delight in the way his manhood lightly brushed against your skin. Every morning for the past three months was like this. Every night you two would make love until you both had your fill or would take late night strolls around the estate, the rose garden being your favorite place to walk hand-in-hand with him. Other nights you would simply laugh and talk about everything. Every morning you awoke to kisses or, more rarely, you woke up before Massimo to return the favor. Other times, you would just stare down at the other, a smile always present on both of your faces. You quickly realized that falling asleep in Massimo’s protective arms was one of the best feelings in the world. The nightmares would occasionally rear their ugly heads from time to time. There had been plenty of nights you woke up to Massimo flailing around, crying out for his father or for Laura or that you scared Massimo half to death with your own sobs/screams. You doubted the nightmares would ever fully go away, but having someone there to wake you from them was a comfort you never took for granted.

Jealousy occasionally reared its’ ugly head when he’d have the nightmares about Laura, but they had subsided little by little as more time went on. You detested that you felt such a petty, cruel emotion when your father had been the one who caused her death, but the nights where Massimo murmured her name as a tear or two escaped his still closed eyes still managed to be your least favorite kind of nights. You wondered if you’d always feel this way; second-best to Laura. Whether you would ever measure up or if Massimo was just settling for you because you were available. You would never admit it aloud, but you were insecure when it came to the question of whether Massimo truly loved you or not. Rather than stew on it and drive yourself mad, you did your best to enjoy the good times with the mob leader. You grew impossibly close over the past year, despite being surrounded by the violence that this life brought upon. You knew now that you really did love him, and you prayed his feelings were genuine as well.

The past three months had been the happiest of your life. Massimo silently felt the same as he stretched his body over yours’, a small, tired smile gracing his lips as he turned your head to kiss you. He hadn’t known he could ever feel this content. Even with Laura, it had never felt this serene and soothing. Their relationship was built on lust and passion; turbulent emotions. With you, despite your initial meeting, the relationship had what his with Laura lacked. You two dedicated the time to get to know each other, familiarizing each other with the other’s demons. You kept him anchored the to Earth so that he would not fly too close to the sun and burn. In turn, he opened your eyes and provided the tools to face your fears, slowly drawing you out of your once shy, naïve state. You could relate to his trauma, to his pain in ways Laura could never even comprehend. Whether he would ever swallow his pride to admit it or not; you two were made for each other.

His honey brown eyes rested on you left hand, and for a split second, he imagined what it would look like with a diamond ring on it. He allowed himself to ponder how a life with you would look like years from now. A lazy morning making love as the sun rose along the hills. The thought of you, smiling and looking back at him as you strolled through the garden as you rested your hands on a full stomach. The sound of a child’s laugh followed by little feet running around the mansion. Family portraits, holidays, dropping the kids off at school, the little whispers before you fell asleep in each other’s arms, walking around the same rose garden even if it was in a wheelchair or with the assistance of a walker/cane. Massimo wanted it all. As he stared into your e/c hues, shining as the morning sun snuck in through the French doors of the balcony, he realized he never wanted anything more than to see those eyes for the rest of his life.

‘’Principessa,’’ his deep voice laced with sleep sent delightful shivers down to your core as you turned to face him.

You just grinned as your index finger traced along his jaw. ‘’Amore,’’ you nodded upwards, nose brushing against his as you held each other, the early Spring weather filling the room with a gentle breeze. Massimo just pressed a kiss to your forehead.

‘’What’s on the agenda for today?’’ you yawned, rubbing the remaining sleep from your eyes as your lover traced invisible patterns along your exposed back.

‘’This afternoon I’m taking you to the pier, we’ll go shopping for a bit, have a nice dinner later this evening. No attacks, no hits, no heists, no interruptions.’’

You looked up at him at that, hand resting on his bare chest as you traced the tattoo on his pectoral. ‘’And for right now?’’ He grinned at that, leaning down to kiss you, hand resting on one side of your hips as the other cradled your head. You returned his kiss, the atmosphere in the room steadily becoming more erotic as your tongues battled for dominance. You won; another rare occurrence. Massimo moved to get on top, only for you to gently hold his shoulder down as he quirked a brow up at you.

‘’I want to be on top this morning,’’ you explained between kisses, nipping at his neck as you swung your leg over his and straddled him.

The sound he made was nothing short of delicious. His cock stood at full attention and the sight alone was enough to make you slick with your own juices as you two continued kissing and fondling each other.

‘’Anything for my queen,’’ he joked, though there were hints of seriousness and truth in it.

‘’Then shut up and let your queen take her throne,’’ you laughed, taking hold of his girth and swiping him through your sensitive folds. You both gasped when his head entered your tight hole. No matter how many times you made love or Massimo brutally, deliciously fucked you on the closest flat surface, you were always tight for him. You cried out his name as you impaled yourself on his manhood; taking your throne.


An hour or two had passed and Massimo had reluctantly left your room to enter his office after your shower together. You couldn’t help but smirk at the way he lazily walked out of your shared room, a sort of sense of accomplishment fluttering within you at the effect you had on him. You yourself walked outside, choosing to eat your breakfast by the pool this morning. The smell of apples and the other various fruits and waffles normally led to your stomach growling, but this morning you couldn’t stand the overwhelming sweet scents. You picked up a glass of ice water and a croissant and sat by the pool’s edge.

‘’Breakfast is the most important meal of the day you know, cara (dear),’’ a voice startled you.

You instantly looked over your shoulder, only to relax at the sight of Mario standing there with a cup of coffee in his big bear hands. Your startled expression instantly melted into a welcoming smile.

‘’Mario. I’m sorry I didn’t hear you walk over,’’ you apologized, moving to get up to properly greet him.

‘’Sit, bella. I just came to get some breakfast before we head out into town,’’ he explained as he took a seat at the circular table.

‘’You’re coming?’’

He nodded over his long sip of black coffee. ‘’Of course, I’m Massimo’s guard dog. I have to keep my eyes and ears open at all times around that boy,’’ he joked, wrinkles crinkling along his forehead. You smiled, nodding your head.

‘’Has he apologized to you yet?’’ you asked, hoping you weren’t overstepping any boundaries. Massimo had mentioned the fight between the two that resulted in the hot-headed Torricelli decking his most loyal confidant square in the jaw, to your displeasure. You respected Mario, greatly. He had been kind to you from the get-go. Along with you, he kept Massimo tethered and level headed; as best as one could, anyway.

‘’He told you about that, eh?’’ he scoffed, a smile threatening to peak through his usually stern face. You nodded slowly.

‘’A while ago. He told me you have never fought like that in all the years he’s known you. He told me…he told me you have been the only father he’s known since Mr. Torricelli’s death.’’

Mario smiled sadly at that, shaking his head as he set his mug down. He looked over at the garden, not really examining the flowers, but simply collecting his thoughts. ‘’I love that boy like he was my own son. His temper gets the best of him at times, you above anyone should know that.’’ You nodded.

‘’You didn’t like her, did you? Laura,’’ you asked as your gaze landed on a copper-colored dragonfly nearby. It gently kissed some yellow roses before taking off in the nearby fields.

Mario let out a sigh and you were afraid you had finally crossed the line. ‘’No. Miss Biel was a beautiful woman, intelligent, strong in certain aspects. But she had no clue about what this life entailed. She never loved Massimo…only what he could provide for her. She was never meant for. . .for this. That said, she didn’t deserve what she went through. The kidnapping, her death. None of it.’’

You agreed wholeheartedly, biting your lip as you looked down into the pool. Her death. What your father did to her. You shook your head.

‘’Stop carrying around that guilt, y/n,’’ Mario ordered, catching you off guard.


‘’My father-‘’

‘’Is a vile man. But his sins are not yours’ to repent. Massimo’s father, he always said the sins of the father should not be passed onto the child. You need to stop carrying Laura’s death, your mother’s death around. It’ll only weigh you down, cara.’’

You let out an unsteady breath. ‘’I don’t know how,’’ you confessed. You heard Mario sigh as he scooted the chair closer to you. You looked up to see him struggle to put his thoughts into words. It reminded you of how Massimo acted when he was deep in thought.

‘’Years ago, I was married. She was my childhood sweetheart and I loved her more than my own existence,’’ he began. Your lip twitched upward at that.

‘’We had a daughter; Alessia. And soon I had two loves in my life. My sun and my star,’’ Mario reminisced, a fond smile on his face and a certain twinkle in his aging eyes.

‘’My wife knew what my job consisted of, protecting Massimo and his father and whatnot. She never once stopped me, even if she knew that every time I walked out of our house I may not come back. One day, I was with Mr. Torricelli as he taught Massimo how to kick a soccer ball. I had received a call, anonymous of course. A rival of the Torricelli family had managed to find out where I lived, and they had called to tell me that I either bring them Massimo for them to hold for ransom, or they would kill my wife and daughter.’’

Your hand clamped over your mouth as your eyes widened in horror. You suddenly became very cold and very nauseous.

‘’I’m ashamed to say this. I have never told anyone. I was in charge of dropping Massimo off at his private school, he couldn’t have been older than eight years old. I considered doing it, I really did. I loved my girls more than anything. But here was this kid, this child with one dimple and a missing front tooth going on and on about soccer and how much he hoped he could be like his father one day,’’ Mario’s eyes brimmed with tears, a shaky hand coming up to touch his mouth so that he could prevent himself from breaking out into sobs.

You swatted at your own tears as you listened intently.

‘’In the end I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t do that to his parents. And I couldn’t do that to Massimo. I handed him his lunch sack, escorted him to class, hugged him, and you know what he said?’’ tears escaped his eyes at this point as he met your tearful gaze.

‘’He told me, ‘Mario, you’re my best friend’ and then his little legs ran off to join his peers.’’

You reached up and held Mario’s hand in yours, gripping it as if you could transfer all of the comfort in you into that hand. He returned the gesture, sniffling as he continued.

‘’I never saw my family after that. Mr. Torricelli had his men look for months. They had found the men who had taken them, but to this day I don’t know what happened or where they could be. And I carry the guilt of what I dragged them into, to this very day. And the thought of even ever considering giving that boy up to those men is a guilt of just as equal weight.’’


‘’That’s the saddest thing I have ever heard,’’ your voice was meek and soft, like a mouse. Mario shook his head.

‘’I shared my story with you as a cautionary tale. No child should have to pay for their father’s sins. Remember that, y/n,’’ he patted your hand as he slowly got up.

‘’Massimo doesn’t know…does he?’’ he asked, looking back at you.

You just stared up at him, shaking your head ‘’no.’’ Mario smiled the tiniest of smiles, nodding his head.

‘’Please don’t say anything yet,’’ you whispered.

‘’My lips are sealed. For you, a million times over,’’ he crossed his heart and turned to leave.

You sat at the edge of the pool, staring at your distorted reflection. You held your hands to your abdomen and allowed yourself to shed a tear for Mario’s wife and daughter.


Massimo knew something was troubling you the moment the two of you sat in the limo. You were radiant, as usual. But a sad look in your eyes was unable to escape his hawkish gaze. He held your hand in his, thumb stroking your palm as Mario drove you to the pier. His gesture caused you to take your eyes off the oceanside scenery out of the window and turn to him, an small smile on your lips as if to reassure him.

‘’What’s wrong, bella?’’ Massimo whispered.

You glanced at the three unmarked cars following the limo; security. You brought Massimo’s hand to your lips, a billion thoughts running through your head.

‘’I love you.’’

Massimo smiled at that, kissing your soft lips. ‘’I love you too, amore.’’ Your smile brightened at that.


‘’Alright, you two, we’re here,’’ Mario chuckled, opening the side door for you two and helping you up.

‘’Thank you, Mario,’’ you offered a sad smile at the elder man.

‘’For you, a million times over.’’

You and Massimo walked slowly along the pier. You had forgotten how much you loved the sound of the waves crashing along the shore, the taste of the sea salt on your lips.

‘’I love that look,’’ Massimo grinned, nodding his head at you.

‘’What look?’’ you scoffed, a playful grin on your lips.

‘’That look, like you’re in Heaven,’’ he chuckled, pulling you in closer and pressing a kiss to your temple, teasingly tugging at your hair.

‘’How do you know that I’m not?’’ you teased.

You never got tired of Massimo’s laugh. The sky blossomed into orange and pink hues, the waves looking almost like a dark purple along the horizon. Mario along with two security guards trailed a yard or so behind you, faithful as a hound dog. You sighed, pulling Massimo aside and offering a small smile. He noticed your apprehension and immediately tensed, searching your eyes.

‘’What is it, principessa?’’


You sighed, struggling to find a way to tell him. You looked back at Mario, who nodded his head behind his sunglasses to encourage you. You turned back to Massimo, cradling the side of his face with your palm.

‘’I love you. I didn’t think it would be possible after everything that has happened with us. But now I know that those things are part of the reason I love you. You drive me crazy and infuriate me at times, but there’s nobody else who makes me feel the things you do. You saved me in more ways than you could ever possibly understand,’’ you rambled, heart threatening to beat out of your chest.

Massimo’s face held the most genuine smile as his hands cupped your face. His eyes searched you, encouraging you to open up, to spit it out. You took a deep, deep breath and your eyes fluttered shut, brows furrowed as you mustered up the courage to tell him.

‘’Massimo I-‘’



You gasped as you were tackled onto the ground by Massimo, protectively shielding your body as a storm of bullets broke out.

‘’Are you alright?’’ it terrified you how scared Massimo sounded. Massimo worried and fussed, but you had never once seen him so scared. Not even on the night you were almost assaulted by those drunkards, not when the heist escalated into a shootout, nothing compared to how fearful he looked right now. You nodded your head as you shuffled down the boardwalk together, you let out a sharp scream every time a bullet whizzed close to you.

‘’Keep moving! I got you, I got you, baby,’’ Massimo panted, occasionally turning to fire a bullet of his own. You didn’t dare look back, you just kept crawling until you miraculously reached one of the cars as Massimo thrusted his fist through the driver’s side window.

‘’That’s her, get her! y/f/n says she is to be unharmed!’’ one of the shooters shouted.

Massimo snarled, firing a shot that took off one man’s head as you two hurried into the car.

‘’Where’s Mario?!’’ you screamed between your sobs, Massimo quickly buckling his and your seatbelt as he stomped on the gas. You felt like you were having an anxiety attack as you focused on the shards of glass still imbedded in Massimo’s knuckles.

‘’I don’t know! Fuck!’’ his fist hit the steering wheel as he slammed on the gas.

You shrieked as he hit a man, running him over only to back up until he heard the sickening ‘’crunch.’’ You were going to vomit.

‘’Take this, and if you see anyone following us, you shoot,’’ Massimo ordered as he handed you a Beretta pistol.

You nodded, shaking as you looked behind the two of you, heart threatening to jump out of your chest at any moment. Thankfully, no one was there, but neither was Mario or the other security men. Still, you held an iron grip onto the pistol, ready to take the shot. ‘Aim to kill, aim to kill,’ you repeated mentally despite your shaken state.

‘’We need to go back, we have to,’’ you whimpered, head pounding and ears ringing from the bullets.

Massimo quickly pulled his phone from his pocket, and you could feel the anxiety emitting from his raging body.

‘’Massimo,’’ Mario’s voice caused you both to sigh in relief, you placing a hand over your heart.

‘’Dammit, Mario, where are you?’’

‘’Don’t worry, me and Claudio got one of the vans. We’re doing a perimeter check right now, but we think we took them all out. We got them,’’ Massimo visibly relaxed at that, the panic washing over his face.


‘’Idiot, get back to the house as soon as you can, we’re going to drive around, make sure nobody’s tailing us.’’

‘’Be careful.’’


He hung up at that, sighing as he rubbed his hand over his face before turning to look you over.

‘’Are you ok, principessa?’’


You nodded, still calming yourself down. ‘’I was so scared Massimo,’’ you admitted, pinching the bridge of your nose as your brain struggled to process what exactly just happened. Massimo held your hand in his, taking the gun away from you as he held you tight.

‘’I would never have let anything happen to you, amore,’’ he swore.

‘’I know. I know.’’

Your hand still felt the weight of the gun the entire drive home.


You had never been so happy to be back in the mansion. The weight of the ordeal made itself known the moment you stepped into yours and Massimo’s room. You collapsed at the foot of the bed, head held in your hands as Massimo slowly took off his jacket and button up shirt.

You looked up, analyzing the man who stood in front of you. The realization that you could have lost Massimo made you want to lock yourself up in this room and never leave. The thought of him risking his life every single time he walked out that front door left a bitter taste in your mouth. You wondered if this was how Mario’s wife felt every time he would leave. Would you share her fate? Or your mother’s? Or Laura’s? How much longer could you live in this desert oasis with Massimo before this life wrestled it out from underneath you two.

You shook your head, rubbing your temples at the thought of it.

‘’Y/n, look at me,’’ Massimo’s calm voice broke the silence.

You slowly dropped your hands, meeting his gaze.

‘’I could have lost you,’’ your voice had never sounded so small before.


‘’Oh, amore,’’ his eyes softened as he knelt on the ground before you and took your face into his hands.

‘’You’ll never lose me,’’ he swore, stroking your cheek bones as you collapsed into his arms. No tears were shed, you had run out long ago. The weight of the day took its’ toll on the two of you. Slowly you shed each other’s close, whispering sweet promises and nothings as he thrusted into you and allowing yourself to finally feel everything you couldn’t express earlier during the chaos. He continued to whisper softly to you even as you laid asleep, his release slowly escaping your sex as both of your hands rested along your stomach. Your light snores brought the smallest of smiles to his lips as he kissed your cheek.

‘’I love you.’’


It wasn’t until a few hours past midnight that Massimo had awoken to the sound of his phone ringing. He hurriedly answered it without even checking the number out of fear of waking you, stumbling to his office down the hall to not wake you up.

‘’Hello?’’ his groggy voice answered. He figured it was probably Mario with information on the shooting.


‘’Did you really think I’d only send a handful of my men to retrieve my daughter?’’


Massimo was wide awake the second he heard your father’s voice. His jaw clenched as he shut the door to his office, locking it. You didn’t need to hear this.

‘’You son of a bitch,’’ Massimo snarled, pure rage coursing through his veins.

‘’I had told them to aim for your head, but if men like us want something done right, I suppose we have to do it ourselves, eh?’’ his voice was borderline demonic as he chuckled.

‘’What sort of game are you trying to play with me, old man?’’


‘’Oh, no, Massimo. No games. Games are for children.’’


‘’Yeah, you’d know all about children considering what you’ve done, you sick bastard.’’

‘’We all have to make a living, Mr. Torricelli. Do not judge me for providing for my family while your holier-than-thou father got himself shot by being a passive, pathetic excuse for a mobster.’’

Massimo’s eye twitched at that; his knuckles white from gripping his phone far too hard.

‘’What do you want, y/f/n?’’ he struggled to reign in his anger.

‘’I want compensation for all of my men you’ve slaughtered and damage to lost property. From here on out I will get 50% of your sales, you don’t conduct any business unless I give the ‘ok’. I want a very public apology for that sick video you sent of my daughter and for defiling her with your filthy prick. And I want my daughter back home.’’

Massimo scoffed, leaning against his desk for some stability.

‘’She knows exactly what you are. She hates you. She wants to see you burn.’’

‘’The same way that whore of yours’ burned in the backseat?’’

Massimo’s nostrils flared, heat rising to his face as he slammed his fist against the desk. The sound made your father laugh.

‘’Did I hit a nerve?’’

‘’You will not see a single euro from me. The only apology you’ll ever get is being sorry I didn’t kill you sooner to save y/n grief. And you’re never seeing her again, I’ll make sure of that. You’re very bold or very stupid or both to be making such demands since three of my men took out a handful of your snipers.’’

Your father let out a cruel, chilling laugh that filled Massimo with dread.

‘’Like I said, did you really believe I’d only send a handful if I wanted to bring y/n home? Today was a message, a warning to you: return her to me, or else.’’

‘’Return her? She’s not your property. You have no advantage over me, I’ll cut your throat as you sleep and watch your sheets turn red. I’ll ruin the empire you’ve built, I’m taking it all from you.’’

The sound of a video call brought Massimo out of his rant.

‘’Answer it,’’ your father ordered.

Reluctantly, Massimo pressed ‘accept’ and his jaw fell open the minute he figured out what he was looking at.

He initially thought it was a sick joke, a prop even. But when the pitiful creature started groaning in excruciating pain, he knew it was certainly not a joke.


‘’Your lapdog put up an impressive fight; it took half a dozen of my men to bring him in,’’ your father’s face blocked the bloodied and beat body of Mario.

‘’Let him go you fucking bast-,’’

A faceless man delivered a sickeningly blow to Mario’s jaw, a distinct crack could be heard throughout the office.

Massimo’s vision blurred with tears, his breathing uneven and shallow as your father’s men continued to beat the only father he had known the past seven years.

‘’Let him go! Stop! STOP!’’ Massimo kept repeating as blow after blow continued to rain down on his closest confidant, the sad groans and yelps and screams were too much to handle as Massimo sobbed and roared and prayed it would end as he fell to his knees on the carpeted floor.


Your father held up a hand at that; the beating immediately ceased. Massimo shakily held his phone, your father simply gave him a smug, casual look as the men laid Mario on the concrete ground. Massimo was afraid he was already dead, but the shallow wheezing and groaning told him otherwise.

‘’I think you understand my point,’’ your father sighed, the phone zooming in on Mario’s swollen and battered face. He was nearly unrecognizable.

‘’M-m-massi. . mo,’’ he wheezed out.

‘’Apologize and I’ll show mercy,’’ your father commanded. Massimo ran a hand down his face, tasting the salty tears as he huffed and sniffled.

‘’Please…I’m sorry.’’

A distinct snap from your father’s fingers echoed in the unknown room they currently occupied. One of the larger men who had been beating Mario stepped forward, raised his large leather boot above Mario’s face, and then came stomping down.

Massimo didn’t even care about waking anyone up as he screamed, cursed, sobbed as the boot kept stomping down. It felt like hours had passed until it had finally stopped. Massimo gagged through his cries, continuously throwing his head back against the hard surface of his desk. Mario’s last words was his name, and yet he was completely helpless in preventing his death. Another person he failed to protect; another light snuffed out too early because of him.


‘’You see? That’s my mercy. These things happen all the time in mafia wars, you should’ve known that the day those men shot your father. The day I set that bitch ablaze in the back of your limo. And yet, here I am putting down your faithful guard dog. Don’t make me demonstrate another example, Massimo. Who knows who it’ll be next? And don’t ever think I’m above killing my own family to do what has to be done. Nobody is safe, not even my daughter.’’



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