

I just got 3dconnexion’s Spacemouse to use with ZBrush and OMG it is amazing. It lives on the left side of my keyboard, really–I just have it centered here for video-taking purposes. It moves your 3d camera in any direction and lets you spin on any axis with minimal hand motion and NO CLICKS. You use it with your non-mouse hand. It’s so cool!

Unfortunately Substance apps don’t support it but Zbrush does (as of the latest version/Jan 2021). I’ve also tested it successfully in Cinema 4D, Moment of Inspiration, and it zooms successfully in Daz Studio but doesn’t pan etc (yet…there are a lot of driver options).

Supposedly it works in Photoshop but, much as i love PS for 2d work, it has never tempted me to use its 3d mode for more than 30 seconds or so.

Anyway, for ZBrush or C4D, this is definitely a good tool.
