#420 stans


Oh my goodness guys, thank you sooo much for all the requests! I have quite a few in my inbox right now, and please feel free to keep sending them, but because I’m almost a week behind on updating LaNEitM, I’m going to hard-core focus on that for now. The next part should be around 2-3k or so, and hopefully posted in the next 24 hours. As soon as that’s done, I’ll pick back up on prompts! And yes, you filthy sinners, every hilarious and smutty promt will get a glorious drabble. ;)

Update: Awesome guys, thanks for stopping in for the livestream! I cranked out about 2k and will edit and post tomorrow. I’ll fill a few prompts in the next couple days and then I’ll start on part 4. Bonus: my fav part of the livestream:
