#4chan pass


As many of you know, last week we upgraded to the new reCAPTCHA API, bringing CAPTCHA-less posting to the masses >for free. Since the upgrade, approximately 25-30% of daily solve attempts encounter no CAPTCHA at all, with failure rates hovering at an all-time low of 6%.

Alongside the new CAPTCHA, we temporarily disabled the sale of 4chan Passes as we evaluated whether or not to continue supporting them in light of the change. Ultimately, we decided to resume offering 4chan Passes for sale for those who don’t want to deal with CAPTCHA at all, would like to post from behind a blocked IP range, or just plain want to support the site.

We’ve also decided to offer a limited time, pro-rated refund to those who currently hold an active 4chan Pass that was purchased on or before December 8th, 2014. While we don’t normally offer refunds for Pass purchases, we felt it was best to provide an opportunity for users who feel their Pass has been devalued as a result of the CAPTCHA change to request a pro-rated refund.

Since 4chan relies primarily on Pass sales to make ends meet, we’ll continue to sell and support them for the foreseeable future, and may consider adding additional features at a later date and time (ideas welcome).

If you’d like to submit a refund request for your active 4chan Pass that was purchased on or before December 8th, please visit this link and follow the instructions.

Thanks as always to our Pass holders for their support—it is greatly appreciated.

