#5k to 7k



length: oneshot

word count: 5552

rating: M

author’s summary:

It’s an accident that lands Yoongi in prison; the only way to survive is to fight, so he fights.

Jimin’s visits keep him alive.

read it on ao3

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length: oneshot

word count: 5478

rating: PG-17

author’s summary:

“Com’ere you big baby,” Yoongi slurs and flashes him a fond smile from where he’s sitting in the middle of the bed, hands splayed on the mattress to hold his upper body straight.

Jimin is still pouting when he takes small steps across the room, feet padding on the white rug. He steps right in between Yoongi’s spread legs, smiling weakly through his pout. Yoongi lifts his hand from the mattress to press it on the back of Jimin’s thighs and pull him closer. Jimin yelps, placing his hands on Yoongi’s shoulders and squeezing it for balance.“

Or the ‘Jimin wearing a harness and Yoongi riding him’ fic no one asked for but I wrote anyway.

read it on ao3

don’t forget to leave kudos & comments on the work!
