#6 underground x reader



Tease - Four/Billy x reader (NSFW)

WARNINGS: I wouldn’t say it’s a real smut, but there’s definitely some nsfw stuff going on here

feedbacks would be very much appreciated

“Eight, come on…” Four mumbled under his breath as he took your hand off his thighs, making sure no one had noticed your actions. “This is important.“ 

 One had taken the team out for dinner to talk about your newest mission but you couldn’t care less about what was being said, too busy teasing your partner under the table. You smirked to yourself and mouthed "I don’t care” before letting your fingers find their way back higher on to his thighs, finally reaching his already growing bulge and palming him over his jeans. Four started fidgeting in his seat and readjusting his position to ease the tension but that didn’t help. If anything, it actually did the complete opposite; it only gave you more access. 

 It was always fun teasing Four. It was one of your favorite things to do and it never took much to get him turned on. You could tell he was trying hard to focus on what One was explaining from across the table and you let out a small chuckle as you side eyed him, noticing how hard he was chewing on his bottom lip trying not to moan out loud.

 “Fuck.“ he mumbled under his breath only loud enough for you to hear, and you smirked to yourself. He was slowly losing all focus on everything else, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.


"It’s Y/N for you, baby.” This definitely wasn’t the way he expected to find out your real name, but the mention of it send a rush of adrenaline through his body.

Before you could go any further, Four grabbed your hand, stopping your movements. He leaned near your ear, taking a deep breath against your hot skin. “Go to the bathroom. I’ll be there in a minute.” you smirked and nodded before standing up from your seat, excusing yourself to the team, who all just nodded at you. 


 After waiting enough time not to make it too suspicious, Four finally stood up and walked towards the bathrooms, and as soon as he found you and the two of you were out of sight, you were pinned against the wall, his strong hand cupping your jaw. 

“You’re gonna be the fucking death of me, you know that right?” he moaned into your ear, making you whine. It didn’t take long until his lips were attacking yours in a hot and hungry kiss and his hands were lightly rubbing against your clothed core, causing you to moan quietly. 



"Fuck… please Billy.” you whined and he chuckled darkly. 

“You think you deserve it babygirl? After what you did?” He moaned huskily, tracing kisses down your neck while his right hand unbuttoned your jeans slowly. His thumb soon started rubbing over your clit, teasing it as your legs spread a little more for him. You wanted to say something but nothing came out of your mouth, as it was too busy letting out small moans.

 "You know what? M'gonna make you scream.“ he said huskily. "Everyone’s gonna know how good I make you feel, and then you’ll explain everything to them. Understood?” he whispered, his voice full of lust. You nodded while whining softly, which earned a smirk from him. 

“Good girl.”

And with that, you couldn’t think straight anymore as Billy’s hand and fingers were working fast where you needed him the most, your legs shaking with intense pleasure while he whispered all the things he was going to do to you when you get back to the HQ. 
