#777 music blog


777 Music Blog: “Street Fighter V" from Street Fighter V, by Masahiro Aoki

Still on the Street Fighter train, this week I wanted to talk about the main theme from Street Fighter V. Not going to lie, a big reason why I love this song so much is because of the CG trailer that came out before the game launched. And of course it had this in the background. Street Fighter main themes have been pretty varied. I’m still a big fan of Fight For the Future from SF3. Street Fighter IV’s theme is pretty good too (No not Indestructible), just remixed too often.

The theme for Street Fighter V was composed by Masahiro Aoki, a longtime Capcom composer who I mainly recognize from Sengoku Basara. He’s behind some other great themes in the game as well, if it has great guitar work, it’s probably an Aoki joint. Ryu and Ken’s theme in Street Fighter V are amazing, both done by Masahiro Aoki.

777 Music Blog: “Theme of F.A.N.G.” by Keiki Kobayashi, from Street Fighter V

Street Fighter soundtracks are always fun. Listening to new versions of classic themes is always cool, but even more fun is listening to the new character themes. While “RASHIDOOOOO!” is the first theme everyone talks about (Rashid’s theme is pretty good), I think Fang’s theme is probably the best in the game of the new people.

It starts with a pretty silly intro, like it’s shopping music, but when it kicks in it’s pretty slick. If you’re not familiar with the character, F.A.N.G. is the new 4th guy in Shadaloo, replacing Sagat. His main skill is poisoning you. So with that in mind, this theme becomes sleazy as hell, and it’s great. Really goes well with his awkward playstyle.

An interesting fact about the composer, Keiki Kobayashi is new to Street Fighter, but not to fighting games in general. Kobayashi was a big composer for Namco, doing music for Tekken and Soulcalibur (Of note: Ephemeral Dream). Of course more people may know the name from his main series he did music for: Ace Combat.
