#80s makeup accessories




Wow, thank you! Enjoy some stuff - wasn’t planning on a 100 followers gift, but saw the milestone this morning. I may as well call this the Arethabee collection - I just love all of their creations <3

Compressed, tool-tipped, hosted on mediafire

Arethabee’s Michelle Necklace (AF) - Download/alternate

BlahberryPancake’s Plain Glasses (AF/AM) - Download/alternate(original)

BlahberryPancake’s Borderline Glasses (AF/AM) - Download/alternate(original)

Arethabee’s Nate Shirt (AM) - Download/alternate

Arethabee’s Kieran Hoodie (AM) - Download/alternate

Arethabee’s Harvey Jacket (AM) - Download/alternate

Arethabee’s Billie Sweater (AM) - Download/alternate

Arethabee’s Julian Pants (AM) - Download/alternate

Update: 2 new colors (requested) for Casteru’s Cat Eye V1 glasses

just the recolors - Download

complete set - Download/alternate

Any issues please let me know!


Reblogging for the Billie shirt - great late 80s/early 90s addition to your sims’ wardrobes. The Nate shirt is solidly 90s as well. Also, the large plain glasses are very 80s/early 90s.

Another great GOS Wishing Tree find, Sybil made the Maxis aviator glasses available for other age groups. Large glasses like this are very late 80s and the style carried into the early 90s as well. Just look at a school yearbook from that time if you don’t believe me.

Download here at GOS.
